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Yesterday I picked up the work truck from the shop.  They installed some levers on it that disconnect the battery when it's not running, which I guess is supposed to help the battery life.  We'll see how that works out.

When I was driving home in my car from dropping the truck off I drove through the tunnel by the airport.  It's always a little weird driving through there because the speed limit is posted at 35mph, but everyone goes through it at more like 70mph.  

I don't know what exactly to think about that.  It's not that I'm a total stickler for obeying the rules at all times.  I do understand going 5 or 10 mph over the speed limit on the freeway for sure and I'm also generally a proponent of keeping up with traffic, but going like twice the posted speed limit seems a little crazy.  I've always thought that would be an excellent spot for cops to set up a speed trap and I can only imagine what the fine would be for going double the speed limit, even if everyone else is doing it.

My compromise is I generally try to slow down a bit in that tunnel.  I still often exceed the speed limit, but I go slower than most of the cars.  So yesterday I got myself down to 45mph, still a full 10mph over the posted speed limit mind you.  There are also plenty of lanes in there so people can pass me all they want.  

Well, some guy got behind me and started flashing his headlights at me.  I do not respond well to things like that.  You're going to flash your headlights when I'm already exceeding the speed limit by 10mph?  Screw you, man.

So I slowed down to 35mph, the posted speed limit.  If you're going to try to rush me, I'm going to take my time even more.  I decided to take his flashing headlights as a friendly reminder that I was going too fast and took the appropriate action to rectify the situation.  

This obviously didn't sit well with him and eventually he got into the other lane and sped past me, sticking his arm out the window to give me the finger.  Oh, you're going to flip me off for going the exact speed limit?  Okay, that's cool.  Glad I slowed you down for a few seconds.  

It honestly is really fun to inconvenience jerks.  I recommend doing so whenever you have an opportunity. 

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