Laugh it off or Ignore it

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When you see something or hear something you don't like- what do you do?
you probably laugh it off, shrug it off- or you just ignore it?
Am i right though?  

 The one story, peach colored house was pretty well lit, you could see everything, but it wasn't blinding to look at any of the lights in the kitchen, but i could perfectly see Sophia through the living room window. I don't have to ask permission to come in either, i have the key. I'm confused as to why she never notices me coming in either. I guess it's because i never take anything, unless it's her pictures. Sophia is absolutely gorgeous, her pale complexion is clear, her black shoulder length hair is perfectly straight, because she straightens it at 6:30 for school. Her height is the perfect, short, 5'4 and a half. She takes that half very seriously, oh, how fierce she gets about her height. I'm 20 and she's exactly a year older then me, me and her are the perfect couple. I love the smell of her making coffee in the morning and how her hair is pulled up in a bun. How Sophie looked through any window- car window, kitchen window, any window, all windows. She calls me sick, i don;t understand why. I surprised her with dinner. She didn't even know that i payed for her. She found me in her room going through her makeup and i got thrown out. She called the cops on me and i am set in trial. 
This is all Sophie's fault. the betrayal. i'll come back. 

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