Training Wheels

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the music video and the song itself is VERY symbolic to this story. please take this seriously.
"Oh," Grey stopped fiddling with the oreo package in his lap, "I love how I just worked out and ran 3 miles," he giggles to himself then continues," and now I'm eating cookies but I like the metaphor-" Grey stopped laughing and looked at me and pretended to hold my hand, we were separated by a clear glass wall...He continued his small speech,
"I just feel awful that I can't help you, like physically help." I leisurely got my way to the glass and gently and shakily pressed the palms of my hands against the barrier between us. I let out a weak sigh,
"  It's alright Grey, my physical health doesn't matter. If my head thinks ok and i know who you are-" i stopped myself from talking any further with that concept, " as long as i love you and you are my brother i'll be okay, okay? " i kissed the glass as if were his forehead, " be safe Grey. "
a black hand briskly swallowed Grey's mouth into darkness soon followed by the rest of his body. His paralyzing blue eyes slowly loosing life as they are no longer visible also, being taken over by the darkness. His now dead eyes never left my gaze and mine never left his. i turned my back letting myself lean and slide downwards against the glass barrier; i slid my knees up and against my chest and stationed my forehead to my knees, curling myself up waiting for my beloved brother's return.  
I had waited there, practically drowning in my tears hoping Grey would come back alive. Hours, about 5 or 6, have past and i jerk my head back looking over my shoulder after hearing a loud lach from the door in the back of Grey's area. I hurried to a stand pushing my hands to the glass staring into the darkness only thinking of the worse. Grey was thrown down to the black tiled floor curled only half way, the tiles scratching his hip and shoulder. His body was newly clothed with the same shade of black, covering his already scarred, now bleeding and bruised body. Grey stopped a moment to feel the fiery pain pierce his chest, quickly spreading like a match lit, burning every ounce of wood and stone in the home he wished to live in. He tensed and struggled from the pain, letting out sickened coughs and hacks followed by more blood in front of him. Many minutes have past and Grey stood with strain. You could see the fatigue in his eyes as he stood as tense as he was before.  He slid his black sweater off, wiping up the blood trilling from his open skin. I pound my fists on the glass.
" Grey!!" i shrieked in fear, " come here, come here!! You'll be alright, come here!!! what did they do to you??"  Grey only gave a tired glance in my direction over his slumped shoulder.
" I'm alright. My physical health doesn't matter- doesn't it not? " he snickered to himself but i kept the worried look in my eyes, 
" haha, very funny," i said sarcastically, moving my tone back to what it was, " are you ok?" he giggled once more to himself and nodded to me.
" Oh, yeah I'm all good, boo. Don't worry about me." I sat with my legs crossed, watching him dress his wounds with the same sweater he had used to clean off the blood. Grey's eyes were fading in and out trying to keep their light. He struggled, giving hard blinks and looking around making sure he stayed awake. He glided his delicate hand through his silver hair that matched perfectly with his amber caramel skin. After Grey had finished covering his small figure with strips of his sweater he sat in front of me gently pressing his nose to the glass, along with his knees, hands in his lap. I copied his poshter to the T. Grey started to laugh at me for whatever reason that made him laugh. I suppose he's making sure that i don't get stressed? You know, to keep the mood light and happy while we're separated.  We both played Patty-Cake for about an hour or two, because that's the only thing we can really play. We usually don't even play games, we just talk and do whatever we can do. Like, laying down and talking, sitting and talking, eating and talking, we just talk a lot.  Though I'm never entirely in the conversation, I'm listening but i have A.D.D so it doesn't help me get far in a talk anyway, even though i could, and do, talk for hours and hours until Grey gives a nice hint to hush. He isnt ever really rude about it, surprisingly.

Here, let me give an example: I'd be talking and rambling and a bunch of other stuff about a certain topic, seems normal right? no. not really, because i rant for hours... about the same thing.  Grey will walk up to the glass after about 4 or 5 hours, i think, and will tell me to,
" Calm down, Boo, Let's go eat some dinner/lunch/breakfast/snack. You don't want to get stressed and blow something up there" and he'll tap at his temple, or something along those lines. Because, when i rant and eat it's all muffled so Grey doesn't have to listen to it. He actually thinks it's funny when i rant about stupid stuff, so he'll let me rant all day.
Grey licks the glass, like the goof-ball he is, 
" Hey, Boo! Do you have any cookies with you?" I just roll my eyes at him because he knows i can't give the cookies to him even if i had any.
"No, Babyboo." I fall, leaning to the glass again, back to Grey. He puts his smile to a halt and leans his back to mine-or where mine would be, but again, the glass is in the way. I lean my head back to the glass as my stomach growls.
" How is your food supply over there?" Grey looks over to the right checking the little pantry,
" We're all good up my hood." he giggles at his remark and pulls up his makeshift hood over his head. He starts to growl and crawls around on his hands and knees hoping for me to smile or even see some amount of joy in my eyes.  Grey was acting like a bear- or wolf?- for about 3 and a half minutes, he found no spark and just leaned were he was before.
"You'll be alright Kid."  Grey put his hand on the glass and I only looked away and leaned my head on the glass were his hand was. 

" Sacrifice your happiness for the happiness of the one you love "
I told myself in my thoughts as i went limp and glanced at the, as usual, happy Grey, turning away seconds after. I don't think he noticed my suffering but it is all worth it. it's all worth it to see him smile. 

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