| 11: well, pretty girl he's not here, is he? |

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       The chicken sandwich, fruit salad, and chocolate strawberries were delicious. After eating I took my opportunity to ask, "How long have I been here?" 

     "Three days. My son asked me you wake up yesterday, but you were so sleepy and drowsy that I couldn't will myself to disrupt." Edna responded with a smile.

     It was the drug he gave me! Why did he drug me? I was fine. I am fine. Do they know? They must know! 

     "That long!" I blurt out, my heart thumping. Thumping from my thoughts and my sudden burst. But reel in my emotions and keep my eyes on the glass of water. 

      "Well, you'll stay longer until your well. You fell on quite a lot of stairs my dear." She reaches out and lightly strokes my hand and I flinch out of instinct. She doesn't seem to notice or mind,  "My son told me what happened. That was terrible, I'm glad you're okay and with us. Safe."

       "Yeah, l'm glad too Mrs.Hendrix," I force out. 

     "You don't have to be so formal. You can address my son and I by our first name. I don't mind at all and he definitely doesn't mind either." She grabs my hands and squeezes. 

     "Okay," I look away and catch Erick's gaze. The reflection in his slanted eyes feels like it's trying to tell me something. Something important.

        "Now, I have to go and call a doctor. I'm sorry about the stairs." He stands and smoothes her blouse before turning to Eric, "I trust you'll watch and keep her company."

        He nods and Edna walks off, her heels clicking on the ceramic floor.

       Once Edna is out of earshot Eric bursts in laughter.

        "You fell off the stairs?" He doubles over his laugh echoing in the kitchen. "I told Mrs.Hendrix one of these days someone was going to fall off of. It was bound to happen. I just knew it."

      I laugh from his contagious laughter. "Those were a lot of stairs."

       "You really made an impression on Mrs.Hendrix then. She normally doesn't let people be so informal."

        "I think it has to do with the fact that I fell and she felt sorry for being the culprit." I joke.

       He gives me a smile, "Are you ready?"

      "For what?" I ask, confused.

      "The tour, silly," he gives me a wink.

     "You know, I have a friend that you remind me a lot of. You would love him. Everyone does." I confess, reminiscing of Ace.

       "Well then I would love to meet this friend of yours." He gets up and stretches his hand out towards me. "Shall we?"

        "We shall!" I grab his hand as he helps me down, wrapping a hand around my waist.

      I don't know why I feel genuinely safe with him . . . maybe it has to do with the fact that he reminds me of Ace. Or because he's easy to talk with. Either way, I'm glad we get along. It'll be easier to bring out my questions.


     Erick showed me a tour around the house. I wouldn't really call it a tour since I was given limited access in the place. I was allowed in my room, living room, kitchen, dining room, and the library/painting room. The places I was allowed in was grand. Everything neat and polished with lots of white furniture and glass windows. The whole mansion was  surrounded with either glass walls or red bricks.

      After the tour he took me to the library/painting room and I rested on one of the couches.

     Erick sat beside me and it looked like he was examining me. Maybe he was trying to figure me out? What is there to figure out? 

      "Are you alright?" He asked and I nodded. "you know, you're quite lucky you didn't break your neck."

       I let out a breath, "How do I say this?" I fidget with my shirt and I feel his gaze on me, "I noticed everything in my room or the room I woke up in had stuff that well... is in my exact size." 

       As soon as those words left my mouth, the atmosphere in the room changed. 


     Eric turned to look at me. His expression unreadable this time. 

      I gulped, afraid. I could feel a chilly breeze even if there was no breeze to begin with.

      But I pushed through and continued.

     "Who drugged me and why?" I demand.

     "The measurements are saved in the log. How else? And Axel has access to them. To everyone's log."  

      "Okay but I'm not staying forever so what's with all the clothes and fancy accessories? Their's stuff in their that I won't be able to find in the Store. Stuff that—"

      "I cannot help you with that. You want answers, speak with Axel. I don't want any trouble. You won't cause any?"

      I blinked, his whole demeanor changed. Maybe I trusted too blindly. And rushed with my answers. My stomachs begins to boil, the food unwelcome now.

      "I won't cause any." I mutter. "Nothing feels hospitality. I feel violated in every way. And I have no say to what people do with me."

      To that Erick opens and closes his mouth. His jaw sets. And before I could push him away to head to my room an old guy appears and my muscles tense, my heart thumps, and all I can ear is the sickening voice of the guys from the alley, 'Well, pretty girl he's not here, is he?' And my eyes skirt around needing to see Axel and hating myself for it. 

    "You okay?" The man asks seeing my hands shake.

    "Yeah." My voice squeaks. A tightness settles in my throat and I swallow repeatedly to rid myself of it.

     I think no one buys it but they don't comment. The doctor says I have some minor bruises and a broken leg. My favorite right leg. He notes that I might not be in much pain now but tomorrow will be intolerable. He applied a cast and said I should be fine in a few weeks, possible a month or two. But that I should rest during that time and not exert myself. 

       I asked about running and he said that was out of the question. After that I headed to my room and bawled my eyes out. Running is everything to me. How will I cope without the madness reaching for me? 


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