| 12: who was the sperm donor? |

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      I was in the room resting, more like staring at the ceiling with puffy, sore eyes when a knock came. I dared not make a sound. Can't they leave me alone? Can't they see I need to wallow in my pitifulness?

       The knock continued more urgently.

     "Who is it?" I call out.

      "Erick. Sorry about what I said earlier."

     I sigh, "Come in."

     He walks into the room and stays a few feet from me, "I'm to inform you that you'll be having dinner with the Hendrix's in forty minutes."

     "I don't feel so well. Can't I eat here?" I plead with my eyes. 

     "I wish it was that simple. Plus with the doctors' order saying you're fine...."

     "Fine. I'll get ready." I get up from my bed wincing as I forget not to step with my right leg.
Eric's posture changes as he comes to my aid. 

     "Let me help you, it's the least I can do. I'll explain everything I can about why you're here." he looks up at me and I look hesitant.

     I'm a bit reluctant for him to help me since he's a guy. But I couldn't remove my tights and I just wanted the pain to be quick, to be over with. So I nod as he helps me strip.

     I find it off, odd that he's helping so I add, "No one else works here?" 

     "Nope. Just me. Oh and the occasionally lady who cleans. But she took leave now that she's a surrogate mother. She always left everything in top shape but I guess she didn't like cleaning after all."

     "Oh. How old was she?"


      Wow. So young. Why did Axel hire such a young women? Did he like her... and then kicked her out once he didn't? Did she just get the job to get close to him? To the family? Why'd she drastically change her job? Unless she didn't have a say! My heart hampers with my burning questions but settle on one.

     "Who was the donor?"

     "You mean the sperm donor?"

     I nod, begging him to continue. A part of me hoping upon hope it isn't Axel, Ace, or Carson. 

     "That's secret."

     My eyes widen. Who? Ah! Just tell me goddamnit!

      "Okay. It's—"

       A noise begins to beep and I swear I feel theirs cameras or listening ears in my room. What a coincidence that right where my answer was going to be reveled the phone rings. 

     Eric answers it, says yes a couple times then hangs up. 

     I sigh, frustrated, the things I do for answers, stripping in front of a guy.

    "So. . ." I start, "Why am I here? Why the dinner out of the blue?"

     He knows, I mean the whole thing that got me into this mess. 

     He offers a smile and continues undressing me, taking extra care with my injured leg. Throughout, his eyes remain fixed on me, never lingering anywhere, but my face.

     "What's with the secrecy?" I give a short laugh. 

     "You must know by now he likes you. You're very important to him. He wants to get to know you better." 

     "Why? Why now? Is it because I'm going to be way past the age? 

     He gives me a quizzical look so I add, "You know once when most girls reach their first menstrual cycle and become women they start you know...." I give him a look, "You know, they start filling the population."


     "What? Really? So I was right?"

     Erick pulls a dress over me then the boots before stoping to add, "No, I meant, yes I understand what you mean and no. That's not the reason per se.

     "So I'm right."

      "Yes and no."

       He gets up and hands me a denim jacket and I pull it over me.

     "Beautiful," he whispers. And beckons me over.

     I'm lead to another room with a vanity where I sit as Eric combs my hair. 

      He opens all the drawers and pulls out lipsticks, eyeliner, eyeshadow, glittery and sparkly makeup palettes. Everything. 

     "How do you know so much?" I ask, observing him through the mirror.

     "Well, I have worked for the Hendrix for more years than I can count. And I arrange Mrs. Hendrix's hair and makeup all the time. I grew accustomed to it." he shrugs as he picks up some foundations and brushes.

     Instinctively, I grab his hand and he looks up. "I would love a natural look."

     "Ok, what do you recommend then?" he asks setting the brushes down.

      I guide my hands and push through the makeup as I search for the items.

     "Ah, here!" I proudly exclaim.

     "You just want mascara and lipstick?" He asks, confused.


     "You know, you're missing out on my amazing artistic skills." he says shaking his head and proceeds to grab his chest traumatically. "Ah the pain!" 

     My laugh echoes throughout the room and I hold my stomach to calm myself down. But I can't. It overflows and for the first time I feel a bit at ease. 

     "Next time." I promise.

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