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«edited by a dear friend»

That night, however, Posie had a much easier time sleeping. It took a while before Professor Snape came to remind each of them to do their homework. He, too, seemed to be in a bad mood as he handed Crabbe a detention for looking more stupid than usual. Nevertheless, she couldn't help but wonder what had caused her unusual nightmare-free night. She had also realized how late Dahlia had went to bed as she stayed up with mountains of books, which was nothing new. However, she couldn't help but feel quite uneasy. 

Moreover, she couldn't fight the tightened knot inside her stomach, feeling as if this were the calm before the storm. She wiped away the icky grass clinging onto her shoes. Draco was in front of her with a dazzling smile and a pep in his gait as he huddled around Marcus Flint, who flashed his discolored, rake-like teeth.

Definitely not up to any good,’ noted Posie as she stretched her arms over her head, only letting them hang at her side after hearing a satisfying crack.

Her Care of Magical Creatures class was simply tiring. She shot a look over her shoulders to see Hermione’s bushy hair over the mossy pathway. 

A terrifying war was waging between her and Hermione as they fought to see who would answer the most questions. However, it didn't slip her notice  that Dahlia was uninterested in their antics, which was rather uncharacteristic of her former friend. She also recounted the space between Dahlia and Hermione. She had overheard from Pansy that the two had a rather heated argument. In fact, that would explain Hermione’s cracky voice and dry tear marks etched into her rosy cheeks.

The night when Pansy had shared this news, Posie had expected to feel a mixture of emotions, but nothing like that took place. Instead, only one burned bright into her soul, a hot sensation like electricity jolting through her heart as the taste of joy bubbled onto her tongue. She should've felt sick with herself, but she refused to. She just couldn’t.

'Maybe she'll talk to me again!’ She thought gleefully, but was disappointed when nothing like that happened.

In fact, Dahlia distanced herself even more from her (if that was humanly possible), and the space between Dahlia's bed and hers felt like a universe away.

Pansy rested her chin on Posie shoulders, "What do you think Draco's talking about?"

Posie shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly, disturbing Pansy’s position on her shoulders.
"Dunno, why don't you ask him?" 

A groan could be heard from Pansy as she shook Posie, pouting her lips in a manner that gave her the appearance of a pug.

"Come on Posie, don't be a dung head. Draco always tell you everything." Her voice stung Posie’s ears more than usual, and she sent the other girl a tired look.

"Draco tells everybody everything," she muttered under her breath, which, unfortunately hadn't went unnoticed. Pansy’s grip on her arm tightened as she buried her nails into her robes.

"What did you say? Come on P, don't be a troll."

Rolling her eyes, she gave a bored answer to Pansy’s silly antics.

"Honestly, why don't you ask him for yourself. He's coming over right now."

Pansy jumped at Posie’s statement, hurriedly wiping off any visible mud from her body.

"Hullo!" Draco greeted.

Posie gave a slight nod while Pansy froze in panic. It was only after a few seconds that the previously frozen girl began to giggle loudly.

"Hello Draco!" she squawked. 

"Guess who will be joining the quidditch team?" he asked, superiority evident in his tone.

Pansy shrieked loudly before tugging Draco into a stifling hug. It was as if he had done something utterly remarkable, which - to Posie - he didn’t. However, Draco didn't seem to mind. Pansy was like a reflection of his mother as she showered him with praises, causing him to puff his chest out even more.

"You two promise that you'll watch my practice match next week?"

Pansy didn’t hesitate to nod her head feverishly. Draco then turned to Posie, eying her hopefully before she sighed in defeat. She didn't really enjoy quidditch, neither her nor Pansy. It was what the two girls bonded over at first. The sports, to them, were a bit too confusing and honestly, overrated. She just couldn't be Pansy and pretend to have a growing interest in the game. Listening to Draco’s every word about Quidditch, she just couldn't.

Yet, they were friends, and Posie thought that if someone had to be the mature one in the group, it was going to be her. 



Before Posie knew it, it was Potions class, and she found herself trudging down the round, crooked staircase before stopping at the closed wooded door. Dozens of Slytherins lulled by the door, including Blaise, who seemed bored at Draco’s chatter.

"I don't understand how you stand him sometimes.” Blaise groaned, “I must admit that your patience amazes me."

Posie sent him a smile. Blaise Zabini was handsome, and one of the few boys she liked. His bronze skin seemed to shimmer amongst his robes, face graced with perfect bone structure and captivating eyes that sat lazily in his skull. The only person who posed some sort of challenge to his good looks was Cedric Diggory, a Hupplepuff fourth year whose good looks made up for his dense personality.

"It's a gift." She replied, throwing her red locks over her shoulders.

Blaise chuckled, which caused her face to get hot as she dug her toe into the stone floor. Before he could grace her with a better view of his stunning eyes, Professor Snape suddenly came through the door, his cloak dancing behind him.

"Everyone inside." He ordered in his usual oily voice and just like that Posie conversation between Blaise ended. Occupied with the bag Posie didn't realized Draco's lumbering stares before being tugged by Pansy.

Posie hadn't thought a bag strap would be so difficult to fixed as everyone was partnered up already. Slowly she trotted through the maze of desk before she spotted an abandon seat. She was supposed to be delighted but the people around the desk deter such. There sat Seamus, Dean and Neville, the absolute worst in the subjects. Releasing a sigh Posie gingerly sat at the edge of the stool shooting an icy glare at the Gryffindor's boys. She didn't hate them but she did not savored the fact that they will definitely slow her down.

Not long after Professor Snape came swishing through his office door to only scrawl quickly away on the board. No one said a word as the deafening silence rang in each student's ears. They now knew better not to since Professor Snape wrath was not something to play with as Posie hurriedly write off the instructions for the Sleeping Draught . In the corner of her eyes Posie caught a glimpse of Neville turning blue from trying to keep up, this caused him to miss a couple of lines and blotches littered his page. The two other Gryffindor's boys wasn't better but at least they weren't a color changing cotton candy.

Soon enough  the lab was steaming with heat from bubbling cauldrons. Dahlia had dropped a jar of flubberworm mucus as she muttered countless apologies to the swelling Snape. Posie didn't miss how she send a rather steely look towards Hermione whom tried to help, the act put a prep in Posie steps as she didn't see herself muttering a quick spell to correct Neville's note book and to turned down the heat under Seamus cauldron which was oozing foam.

In time Snape had ordered everyone to stop. Slowly he began to inspect each and everyone results. Harry whose potion grew two eyes and Ron spurred puss had let Gryffindor lose Twenty points each. This continued until he reached at Posie's cauldron. He gave a low hum before appointing a total of fifteen marks to hers. Posie blushed before sparing a smile towards Draco. Who hastily returned it. His Sleeping Draught wasn't the best but at least it didn't smell and sprouted eyes. This earned him five points which created a smug smile on his pointed face.

Posie smile was soon erased after Snape turned to the boys. In the end the three Gryffindors have decided their rivalry was much better to upheld than sharing the same cauldron, this didn't hinder Posie one bit as she was honestly relief at their suggestion.

Yet,despite the fact that the boys didn't appreciate her presence and they made that fact obvious. The space between her and the boys were huge, even if she outstretched her arm she still wouldn't be able to graze Dean. Nonetheless, Posie couldn't fight or more appropriate, didn't notice the spells she uttered under her breath during the length of the class to avoid Finnegan cauldron from exploding. Snape face was void of emotion before he answered with a condescending tone, " Well done, it's seems you three have finally grasped the basic steps of reading...your instructions. It almost surprising." He added the last part after giving a lulling look to Neville whom magically shrink under his stare.

"Five points each...would be taken from Gryffindor." Murmurs started to simmer in the class as the Gryffindors exchange soured looks before began turning silent once more.

Snape continued," for being solely incapable of brewing a simple potion." Seamus whose face was previously lit up melted in a terrifying scowl. 

Many Gryffindor stood confused at Snape statement, yet, they didn't stayed too long on the topic. This was Professor Snape they were talking about a man whom will take points away for just breathing. Posie face was still heated even though he was long gone by now as she couldn't hope that the boys didn't acknowledged what had happened. She had hoped they didn't read between the rather narrow line of  Snape's drawling words. However, her wishful thinking didn't come through, since at the end of the lesson she was confronted with a pink face Neville who gave her a stammering thanks before slipping away with his friends. His action causes Posie heart to warm.It left Posie thinking why she did helped them. She knew for a fact that it wasn't because she want a similar bond as them. No. It wasn't because of how Dean listened to Neville's problem or Seamus sharing his rather dull jokes. How they exchanged such caring look between each other and the foolish childish banter. Absolutely not, she had Pansy. It wasn't because she long for such relationship between her and her old friend. No, She had Draco.

So why did she really helped them?


Posie was in a excellent mood that day as she sat reading a letter from her father. He had send some new books over in the post as she smile at his poor attempt of hiding some Holyhead Harpies and Falmouth Falcon pamphlets.

The other day Posie had founded herself writing about Draco finally joining the team. This earned her a foot long essay has she remembered few words like: 'Draco should definitely should come over for the Christmas holiday so that we can ran over some techniques'. Posie could literally taste her father interest that she wish she didn't share such news to him. So when Marcus come around handing out a clipboard to whomever wished to joined she was first in line.Quidditch, the word seemed to zoomed through Posie mind. She wasn't into the sports as she counted herself of more of a spectator if she must admit. But the thought of her father glowing face of her joining the team seemed to clouded Posie's better judgment. He always wanted her to had inherent his obsession of the sports as she mindlessly rubbed her bum, as she vividly remembered a flaming red hair six year old falling off a toy broom. The taste of the fresh dew grass stained her tongue. Nevertheless, this didn't hinder Posie as she scrawled feverishly away on the paper. Pansy scrunched her face along with Milicent whom was now stroking a sleeping Tawny.

"Quidditch! I thought you hated that thing?" exclaimed Millicent with a ghastly look painted on her face. 

"You now Draco, what next a dead ghost!?" Pansy perked at Millicent statement as she strained her neck to get better view at Posie her eyes suddenly sharp.

"Not trying to prove anything aren't you Poise?"

Not interested in Pansy silly games at the moment she avoided the question altogether and instead turned herself to Millicent whom seemed rather taken in the conversation.

"Doing things the old ways are a bit dull don't you think? I mean I've been doing the same routine and I don't seeing any changes better I try my luck at other things. Perhaps a door would open for me, no?"

Millicent raised a brow before exchanging skeptical looks with Pansy.

The next day Posie was seriously doubting herself as she huddled in her bed. She felt awfully bleak. Her stomach felt as if it was inside out as her face was unbelievably pale. The dreams have began once more, however, the hissing seemed to grew in volume as if the speaker was right beside her as she rub her cheek. Posie still feel the warm fanning of breath tickling her skin. The pictures were more vivid and sharp as she remembered scarlet letters written on the stone walls, the dripping of water was hidden somewhere deep within the folds of shadows.

Rolling onto her side stealing a look of herself in Pansy mirror seated om her bed stand, a red head ghost stared right back at her. Posie couldn't helped but be reminded of Ginny, who was down with a rather nasty flu. Rolling back onto her back staring at the intricate designs in her bed ceiling she was somewhat reminded of Draco smile when she told him probably she would joined the team and watch him train.

It was a rather simple conversation between friends yet Draco smile leave her to wonder what she had done to receive something so beautiful? It created this unexplainable feeling inside her. Soon enough Posie climbed out of her bed with a confident aroma. A promise is a promise she thought.

However, Posie day turned to the worst. After breakfast she learned how Draco bought his way onto the team. This explained the snickers and suddenly close bond between him and Marcus. The thought caused Posie to swell in anger. She hated a lot and hypocrites were one of them. Blindly she founded herself scolding Draco on how he wasn't better from Potter and his friends or the rest of Gryffindors at that matter. How he was always cursing about Gryffindors getting privileges while he was clearly no better either, since he was busy cooking up a nasty plan with his father. "If you wanted to prove you are better than him, putting in hard work is the way. Not go calling to daddy, sinking yourself to his level!" Posie founded herself saying. She was swell red as her nostril flares and eyes painted in disgust that she didn't see how she was draining his confidence. Draco then stormed off in a rage, however, it was later did Posie regretted being so harsh on Draco. He was just being Draco, thought Posie.

In the end she didn't went to his first practice match as she decided to went into her dorm instead.

October come around quick. She and Draco later mended their relationship and Posie soon began to create new one too. As Seamus had give her a small smile along with Dean while Neville send a rather shaky hello in Potions class. When taking out a cauldron someone tapped her on her shoulders when her face was buried into the dusty cabinets. Turning around she came face to face with Dean who quickly looked over his shoulders to his friends whom urged him on. Clearing his throat with a small cough he said hurriedly.

"Y-you don't have to look for another cauldron, err...um we have decided to share with you." Posie fought the urged to smile as she forced a rather bland mien.

Over at the desk Seamus decided to pitch in, " however, we will do everything you just double check our work." his hands was animated as his Irish accent shine through his words. Posie nodded before turning back as she hide a growing smile in her palms. Completely forgotten Dahlia who now sits at the back of every classes.


Halloween feast finally come. The Great hall was decked out with live bats and enormous pumpkins. Which sings whenever one rubs them,however, they are some which screams. Something she did know after had founded out in the most awful way possible. Eagerly rubbed away hoping it would fill her ears with melodic symphony instead receive blisters. There was only one holiday decoration that beats Halloween and it was Christmas with dancing pixies and fairies sprinkling golden dust into the air. Posie suddenly remembered last year and hope nothing eventful took place since she really wanted to enjoy the feast. Draco continued to laughed at the dancing skeleton group while Pansy clapped on. Millicent, however was busy with her pumpkin pie as Posie shoot an amused looked over to the Gryffindor table. Seamus mouth was filled with chocolate ice-cream,however, he so badly wanted to join into the laughter he ended choking himself in the process. Neville was bend over the boy as he was in a frenzy as his meaty hands moved frantically. Dean laughed at their antics not before giving a slight shrug to Posie who rolled her eyes. Probably she was too harsh, maybe not all Gryffindors are that bad. But she had to admit, Slytherin is much better.

Trailing out into the hallway Posie couldn't helped but noticed no one was dispersing as usual. It was though there was a chain linking all of them as they bustle up stairs. Excitement fill the air,Posie among them, until she heard a sickening scream. It was like déjà vu, the eerie hallways started to dawned on her and the familiarity was uncanny. The scarlet letters and like clockwork the haunting dripping of water. Her stomach lurched upwards and then back down again, a sour taste marinated on her tongue and the screams rented out the shell of her ears. It took some time before she noticed that it was hers from the burning sensation in her throat. As she read her lips tremble:


It have began.

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