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For the next few days, the halls were filled with nothing but buzz about the incident. Several students had taken it upon themselves to stroll the corridors where the attack occurred. Some made it back with little or no scratches, however, such good fate could not be extended for the majority. The cries of the unlucky echoed in the dingy office of the wretched caretaker Argus Filch. His face had paled considerably, almost yellow in complexion; his gaunt-like face became even more hollow and his glassy eyes became putrid. One might say that he had taken the unfortunate event of Mrs. Norris' petrification a bit too seriously. 

It was too bad the students hadn't taken the situation as gravely as Flich did. No one in all of Hogwarts had the leisure time to mourn for the likes of  Mrs. Norris —  all except for maybe Ginny Weasley. It was this reason why most students had taken the incident as a prank gone too far. Yet, the same couldn't be said for a few, an example of such being Posie. She seemed even more ghastly these past few days. After witnessing such an act, her earlier lunch was thrown up, and it landed her a full day in the hospital wing

It was lot different to experience such things in reality than in her dreams. In the dreams, vast details — such as the smell of blood, the inflammation of one's chest, and the eerie atmosphere — were totally overlooked. One would have thought that she would be used to this by now, but what she was only used to her dreams, and nothing more. Dreams were harmless, figments of one's imagination, but to experience it fully without any morphean filter was something entirely different. She wished now that she had said something sooner. Tell Draco, Pansy, even Snape! But she failed to do so and because of her neglect and stubborn ignorance, she'd let a monster out and despite what the teachers said, it was definitely real and Hogwarts was out for a terrifying awakening.

Some time in that same week, Posie wrote a letter home, the scarlet words on the all searing at the fore front of her mind. She had thought her parents would be worried considering the danger their child could've been in, but their easygoing dictions said otherwise. She recalled the curly writing of her mother, deeming the situation as nothing one should lose even a follicle of hair for. That her studies were more important and her pureblood status secured her as the lucky few as to not to get attacked, finishing the letter by mentioning that it was high time Hogwarts took a tonic. Her words were very confusing. Even now, Posie can remember the letter from heart:

A pureblood like yourself have never been safer as I found yourself to be utterly uncouth of you to loose your cool over some minuscule event of a petrified cat. I swear, I blamed this on your Father negligence. Lucius was right, too caught up in those flying balls!  However, what is more of your concern is your grade. Turning beetles into buttons is nothing to be proud of, this is not the time  for you to galloping around like you're one of the member of the head less horse men. In fact, this is a perfect time for you to settle down and study, to grab that title I know you are more capable of doing. Since that mudblood would be too occupy thinking about whether or not if she'll be next. About high time you  should know that Hogwarts gotten a tonic to scourge itself of it's impurities. That's what I have been telling that Malfoy all summer. A stubborn lot they are, all tattle. Can't believe they have the key to shut their troubles all this time yet they were lagging about. Well, better late than never, that's what I always hear. The next time we converse I hope it's something worth discussing.

Your Sincerely,
Gardina Garland

What did she meant by taking a tonic?
What was Hogwarts supposed to be scoured of?

It left her to ponder what extent of knowledge her parents actually had.The rest of the week for her was haunted with questions. It started when she decided to go to Draco to see how he was coping, only to be graced with a cocky smile. He was adamant at keeping silent, stringing her on as he leave her thirsty for more answers. It irked her even more when Crabbe and Goyle seemed to know the answers to the puzzles she herself couldn't solve.

She planted herself on a cushion beside Draco while he was finishing up his transfiguration homework, the same one she had tried to persuade him days ago to complete.

Heaving a sigh she decided then to let her thoughts be known.

"I just wish I knew what's going on." Posie breathed.

Infuriated and frustrated, she raked her fingers through her hair. At that instant, Draco let out a "humph." The red-head perked up at his given action. Although it was short, it could have been simply passed off as a sigh. However, she knew better, turning her attention to the pale blond.

"What's that supposed to mean?" inquired Posie sharply. Her eyes were narrow as she scrutinized him for any hidden details. Throwing her a small shrug, his eyes were still on his paper, a dissimilarity to his lifeless quill.

"I haven't the faintest idea of what you said." His words were breathy, a nasty smirk made its way up his pointed face. Posie clenched her fists.

"Don't lie to me."

Draco chuckled, finally abandoning his work. He gave one last look at the yellow parchment before locking his hazel eyes to her brown ones. With a blank expression, he answered.

"I have no clue what you're talking about." 

She would had believed him if it wasn't for the growing smirk and the fact that she'd known him far too long to believe such a pathetic excuse. She also knew how mocking he could be at time. There was no doubt in her mind that this instance would be no different. 

"Drop the act, I know when you're lying. You voice get high pitched."

It was as if karma decided to be cruel to him, as his voice chose then to rise in pitch.

"It absolutely does not!" His ears burned a bright red, rivaling Posie's hair as she cocked a brow at him. A 'you don't say look' pressed across her face like a dry flower between the pages of a book.

By then, the nestling Tawny had now leapt over to Millicent, who was busy brushing the tangles out of her hair. It seemed as if the cat had noticed the change in atmosphere between the two long before anyone else did.

"You know something, don't you? I bet you do. You're too calm about all of this chamber stuff to not to. What are you not telling me Draco?!"

By then, everyone nearby was intrigued in what the two would say. Including Dahlia, who for the first time that day deemed the situation worthy enough to draw her face out of her book. Her quill paused as she sucked at her chapped lips.

By now, Draco's revolting smile could now be vividly noted. Seeing Posie's fuming form, he decided to mock her even more, angling his chin high before speaking in drawling voice.

"Your guess is as good as mine." he commented.

Posie knitted her brow. Draco was being very unreasonable at the moment. Any other time, she would have brushed away his antics with a snide remark, but this case was different. He was holding very crucial information that she was badly in need of. This led her to tighten her jaw.


The room was now completely silence. Draco fully know that Posie ever hardly addressed him with his last name. This meant one thing — she was angry. But the real question was why? Why was the red-head was so infuriated. It took him a while before the idea slugged its way into his brain. He was asking the wrong question. 

He should be asking why this was so important to her.

"The real question to be asked is why is this so important to you?"

Posie heart leapt. Why, it was the one of the many missing pieces to the never-ending jigsaw puzzle. She knew if she got this piece, the picture before her would make more sense. After all, it was her responsibility. It wasn't random as to why she started to receive those dreams. No fall could ever caused that. It must have been for a reason, and the key to understanding such a reason was sitting under Draco's stubborn arse.

His smile became even more daring. Posie had gotten suddenly silent, and the blond could tell that he had hit a rather sensitive nerve.

"Okay, if you don't wish to share neither do I. Consider this the end of our conservation."

With those words, Draco tried to turn back to his work, but was halted by Posie tugging at his robes. The common room became even more dramatic in nature with that action.

He leaned towards her involuntarily, causing her to move her head back in reflex. Draco was frantic. He had the upper hand, which he loved, but he still lost his collected demeanor as his mouth went into a frenzy.

"It's a bit surprising that Mr. Garland hasn't told you anything. Father always said that it's good to have an extra pair of ears back home. Keeps you ahead of the rest."

When Posie didn't respond, Draco moved in for the kill.

"But you never did have a good relationship with your parents, did you?"

Posie's ears rang. She was past the point of furious, practically spitting her next words out through clenched teeth.

"Piss off you knobhead!"

With that said, she stormed out of the common room, not sparing a glance towards the many pies of eyes following her every movement.

Edited by a dear friend.

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