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His ignorance surely did rubbed Posie the wrong way as she marched herself through the halls giving out sharp looks to anyone whom had have the misfortune of crossing her path. 

"That git! He's a brilliant example of being a complete prat!" Posie mumbled to herself. Giving one last healthy kick to the empty air she leaned her back on the cool column. She was still within the confide of the dungeon as Posie pivot to a nearby window which gave the most beautiful view to the shimmering black lake. It looked beautiful, she couldn't helped but think to this time last year she and Dahlia was soaking their feet in it, laughing and having not the slightest care in the world. Sighing deeply earlier event replay in the pages of her mind. She had lose her cool in-front of Draco noted Posie, she mentally scolded herself as she conjured a ghost of her mother voice, dripping with disappointment. She could almost pictured a disgust look plastered onto her face.

"How disappointing. A disgrace to the blood running through your veins." 

An unexplainable shiver run throughout her body. It seems she had the cheapest of luck. Parents whom, to Posie, don't care about her and a dying relationship with her best friend. The words of her mother letter resurfaced at the front of her mind her mother was extremely cold and unreasonably calm.

"...About high time you should know that Hogwarts gotten a tonic to scourge itself of it's impurities. That's what I have been telling that Malfoy all summer..."

The words seemed to constantly turn in head, she didn't even care, not even a simple question on how's she's doing. But, all she could think of was the dinner with the Malfoys. How did they came in this? Sliding down the column Posie rest her head on her knees, then out of no where, starting as an itch in her ears then into a trumpet of sounds a particular line echoed into her ears: "...That's what I have been telling that Malfoy all summer..." .

This line caused a frenzy to erupt in Posie's mind exploding like a bolt of lighten it stroke her mind. It came as a thick fog of summer. It wasn't random, the visits from the Malfoys, it was something else, something important. Then earlier argument came wiggling into her mind. It seems it wasn't only her that have loosen their cool. She closed her eyes trying her best to remember earlier argument. Passing Draco mocking look and drawl like speech. The arrogant Draco too seemed to slip it was slight but it was enough for Posie. His words about his father, extra ears then the mention of her parents, it wasn't a coincident. An echoed of Draco's bounced : "It's a bit surprising that Mr. Garland hasn't told you anything...".

It meant the one thing Posie didn't wanted to admit, her parents knew something. It all started to add up as to why they were so calm.Nonetheless, Posie couldn't wrapped her head around how her parents could possibly be involved with a monster inside Hogwarts. It couldn't make any sense, can it ? Yet Draco words his cool demeanor said otherwise. 

She wanted answers but she had already see that she would not getting it from Draco or her parents any time soon. So with that Posie set out to find them herself and to do that she need to go where it all started.

It didn't occur to her how haunted it felt without its scarecrow mascot, Flich as his crooked chair sat empty. The red words were faint yet Posie couldn't helped looking away as soon her eyes landed on it. Maybe she was in over her head, thought Posie and as quickly as her feet can carry her she turned the corner but stopped when she heard three familiar voice. Melting in the shadows while hanging onto her breath she leaned closer. Soon, the hallowed voice thickens and the images of the golden trio took form. 

What are they doing here? Have they not learned their lesson after the recent event? Nonetheless Posie kept quite, Draco wasn't going to give her any information so might as well she get from these three, gliding across the floor on her toes she quickly pressed her ears onto the door, her back turn. Faint whispers barely audible seeped through the doors to Posie but before she could decipher what they were saying a sharp voice brought her to a halt.

"Ginny! What are you doing here, snooping around?" said Percy, Posie couldn't helped but cringed at his mistake. How could he possible mixed her up with Ginny? His next reaction, however, was priceless as he realized his mistake a crippling blushed plagued his freckled face. His tongue started to tripped over his  words which serves as an excellent entertainment to Posie. It was quite some while before he returned his composure.

"Why are doing here Ms. Garland?"

Posie rolled her eyes, " What does it matter if I decided to take an evening stroll. The real question is why you are here Weasley, aren't you way out your constituency?" His name came rolling off her tongue as if it left an awful taste on her tongue.

Rolling his chest high, Percy answered in a demanding tone, " As you can see Ms. Garland, I am a Prefect and I was appointed to watch over these halls for Mr. Filch. So I have every right to be here, you not so much."

Posie couldn't helped but to rolled her eyes at the ruby hair male. She didn't miss the way his crooked fingers pointed at the dazzling badge seated on his chest. She didn't like Percy, at first it was because he was in Gryffindor and the brother of Ron. But now, as he flashed his badge in her face as if it was something to be proud of founded herself sick, as her stomach churned in disgust. How she wish she could make them feel how they Slytherin felt half the time as they watched them prance around with so much privilege. Then it struck her, a dark shadow cropped her face as she shot a dark look over her shoulders.

"I'm so sorry, it's..it's just that I saw your brother and his friends heading this way." said Posie, she mentally scolded herself as she had forced every fiber in her body to not to throw up at her pathetic excuse of acting.

Percy perked at the mention of his brother, " You mean Ron?"

Posie nodded her head, " That's right, it quite sad, I mean haven't he not caused so much trouble, it must be hard, having him around. Tarnishing the reputation you worked so hard for." Sneaking a look at Percy Posie couldn't help slipping a smile on her lips. She had him as she watched his feature contour in many different emotions.

"Where they are?" 

Posie mechanically pointed her fingers at the out of order girl's bathroom.

"So despicable." mumbled Posie just audible enough for him to hear.

Before she could look up Percy had stormed passed her with so much fury, if Posie wasn't standing firm her butt would definitely be acquainted with the cold floor. Soon Percy loud shouts rented out the hall. Smiling approvingly at herself she walked away, this time with a spring in her steps.

"I just hope I didn't over did it, who am I kidding I just wished I could see Ron's face."

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