Day 16-Catching A Cold-Norway x Reader

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Denmark-Mathias Køhler
Iceland-Emil Steilsson
Norway-Lukas Bondevik

(Y/n)-Your name

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

"Ah-choo-" I sneeze, wrapping myself tighter in the warm, fluffy blankets

I close my eyes but I can't fall asleep, my head hurts way to much. I lay in bed staring at the ceiling hoping that I can pass out from exhaustion. As I begun to drift away I hear the front door unlock and I try to stand up.

I cough and force myself out of bed. Walking down to the front entrance I see my Norwegian boyfriend Lukas walk through the door. I take a few steps towards him and wrap my arms tightly around him.

"(Y/n)?" He asks confused "What's wrong with you? You look sick!"

His face remains neutral but I can see the concern in his eyes.

"I'm sick, probably because ah-choo- Mathias poured that cold water over me the other day." I explain

He bushes my hair out of my face and picks me up bridal style.

"I'll make sure that danish bastard pays for this." He states and carries me to my room

I'm laid in my bed and Lukas tucks me in tightly making me feel secure and warm.

"I'll make some chicken noodle soup, stay here and try to sleep." Lukas instructs and walks out of my room

Norway's P.O.V.
Making soup can't be that hard, I've made plenary of vegetable soup for Emil so what's the difference with chicken noodle? I can do this, for (Y/n).

I pull out all of the ingredients and begin to boil some water. I cook the chicken and throw it into the pot with some chicken stock, noodles and carrots. Hopefully this will turn out delicious.

I walk to the bedroom to check on (Y/n) who has fallen asleep. I re-adjust all her covers and fluff her pillow before walking back to the kitchen to check on the soup. As it cooks I boil the kettle to make some herbal tea. This is special bell that will cure illness and heal nausea.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I awaken to someone softly shaking me and I open my eyes to see Lukas' beautiful sapphire ones. I smile softly and smell the chicken soup.

"I have your medicine and soup, it needs to be taken with food." He says and lifts me into a sitting position

He pours out some medicine into a cup and tells me to drink it. As I do I make a face because it is disgusting.

"Ugh why does it taste so bad?" I ask

"So children wont drink it when they don't need it, so they don't think it's fruit juice." Lukas explains

"Oh, that explains a lot." I giggle and then cough

My hands are to shaky to hold the spoon so Lukas feeds me the soup himself.

"It's really good." I say sniffling

He lets out a soft smile and presses soft kiss to my forehead. I finish the soup and Lukas takes the dishes out to the kitchen. He comes back into the room and flicks off the light switch. He lays down next to me and pulls the blankets over us.

"How come you never smile?" I ask, booping his nose

He looks a little shocked and then wraps my hand in his warm one.

"I'll smile for you min kjære, jeg elsker deg." He says and wraps me into his warm arms

(Norwegian:Min kjære Jeg elsker deg-My love, I love you)

I rest my head into is chest and allow sleep to overcome me. I love Lukas and he loves me, even when I have a cold and I'm a little weird from medicine.

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