Day 25- Happily Ever After (Sam)

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Character Name: Makayla

"It's going to fit. I literally have no other flesh to suck in, you're just bad with zippers." I said as my maid of honor struggled with my dress. It was a two parter, with a long skirt for the wedding that covered the jumpsuit and train underneath for the dancefloor.

"Sorry." she sighed, finally getting the zipper up.

"Thanks. Now go finish getting ready, okay? I'll be out when it's time." I smiled, waving her out as I let my mask drop in the privacy I now had.

That was the thing with weddings, you didn't get a lot of privacy if you had a complicated outfit. But I valued privacy now, more so then the first time Sam and I tried to get married. Then again, that day led to me being kidnapped and nearly turned into the sixth wife of my father-in-law. But I had also made some great friends from that trip, forming a bond with Diana and her boyfriend and guard Saero, and Fey, my trainer.

I had hoped they would make it to the wedding, but as the time ticked closer and closer till the starting time, I felt that hope diminish. Walking over to the side table, I picked up the golden flower Diana gave me right before I left the demon realm, sticking it into my veil with a safety pin. Even though it had been months since I had left, the flower shined brighter than ever on my special day.

I took a seat on the bench in front of the mirror, looking into it as I tried to calm my nerves. Sam and I were finally, FINALLy going to get married. We'd be one big happy family with his brothers and my parents... if Sam and my father didn't kill each other first. There was definitely no love between them.

I looked down at my empty hand, the engagement ring on a chain around my neck as the green markings that blossomed on my skin when it appeared lingered, though faint in absence of the metal.

"Please... please come." I closed my eyes in hope as I felt a calming presence sit over me.

"Don't worry dear, we're right here."

With a thud I was tackled to the ground in a hug, bright light coming from the mirror as two figures stepped out to join the third currently on top of me.

"Yes! We made it!!!" Fey cried as I felt their arms tighten around me as I sat up.

"Fey? How'd you-"

"Once you're the demon queen, mirror travel doesn't seem so difficult." Diana smiled, pulling Fey off of me and helping me up.

"Oh my god you made it!" I pulled her into a hug as Fey hugged me from behind, Saero settling a hand on my shoulder.

"And just in time too, it seems." Diana smiled at me. "You look wonderful dear."

"Thanks. I hope Sam likes it."

"Is this what human weddings are like? Big outfits and fancy clothes and junk?" Fey looked down at the suit they traded their wings for. "I will say, I look good though."

"Yes Fey, human weddings are very precious moments." Diana formed a small crown of golden flowers to match the one in my veil. "For you, dear."

"Thank you Diana." I smiled as the church bells next door chimed for the hour. "Well, time to get the show on the road."

"Indeed." Diana opened the door for me as I stepped out and lined up behind my bridesmaids who walked with the groomsmen, aka mainly Sam's brothers. Diana and Saero took their spots at the end of the line as Fey looked at me.

"What do I do?"

I smiled. "Well, my dad is currently protesting the wedding because he's gross, so would you like to walk me down the aisle and hand me to Sam?"

"Yeah! That sounds awesome!" Fey took my hand as we watched for the cue, heading down the aisle as I got my first look at Sam.

Gorgeous as always, he ditched the traditional suit for a vest in his traditional shade of green, a white undershirt cuffed up at his biceps. Forgoing the tie, he settled with a black belt and pants with the shirt tucked into them with dress shoes. The fade of his matching green mark to mine circled up his left arm, on full display for the audience. Getting to the front, Fey took my hands and placed them in Sam's with an innocent but fierce smile.

"Hurt her, Greenie, and I'm coming for your kneecaps."

Sam gave her a stunned nod as he helped me up to face him, confusingly settling into amazement as he finally caught sight of my whole attire.

"Stunning as always, doofus."

K stepped forward, looking at the bible once before immediately tossing it over her shoulder.

"Welp we don't need that here. But hello friends, family, and queens today as we celebrate the union of these two goofballs in eternal happiness."

"They say love is a story all its own, but I think theirs is more of a fixer-upper house. Both of them at the beginning were so determined that the other was always up to no good, but with a little bit of tlc, work, and love their walls came down and they became the amazing people we see today."

"And now that the house is a dream home, they can explore their next project hand-in-hand together."

K gave me and Sam a smile as she motioned to me. "And now, the vows. Go ahead."

"Sam, where do I even begin? Were you what I expected? No, but you're what I needed. Someone to stand with me when the battle stretches into overtime, someone to pick me up when the swords are at my throat. Someone to stand in front of me when my shield is gone, and someone who will always love me for who I am, not what I come from."

"You're my other half, the king to my queen, the one I trust to bail me out of jail should I ever need it someday." I held back a laugh as Sam's grin grew. "And I know that, together, we can do anything we dream of and more. I feel so damn lucky to call you mine, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

K wiped a tear from her eye as she turned to Sam next. "It's your turn."

Sam smiled. holding my hands close in his. "Do you know what you do to me? You turn me upside down from heaven to hell and back, like it's a fantasy we'll never leave. I didn't think I deserved someone as good as you when I realized how much I love you, but you showed me that I deserved more than the world. You gave me the confidence I was missing for so many years, keeping my walls up."

He blinked a tear away with a soft chuckle. "And as your husband, I'm going to do everything in my power to make you feel loved, worshiped and cherished for the rest of our lives as you rightfully deserve. No matter how much your dad hates me."

I rolled my eyes. "He'll either come around or James'll make him suffer."

A laugh rippled through the audience as James nodded as Sam's best man.

K held back a giggle as she cleared her throat, Fey bringing forward the rings. "Now, the rings."

I took the first one, carefully slipping it into the place where Sam's engagement ring used to sit. "With this ring, I promise to be your sword and shield, and to free you from the chains that anyone tries to throw at you, in sickness and in health."

Sam smiled, taking the other ring and sliding onto my finger where my engagement ring used to sit. "With this ring, I promise to be your podium and your sun, lifting you away from the chains that anyone tries to tie you down with, in sickness and in health."

K grinned as she began to speak again. "By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you married. Let the moon shake tonight!"

Sam took my hand, spinning me a bit before bringing me into a dipped kiss. The crowd stood up in their seats in applause as Sam cupped my face with his free hand, our marks becoming vibrant once more at the touch of our wedding rings.

"I love you so much, doofus." Sam scooped me up bridal style as we hurried down the aisle for our break before the reception.

"I love you too."

As we headed up to our quiet space, I could hear church bells and doves fill the air as Sam and I hid away. We'd face the future together, but for now... some private time was well deserved.

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