Day 26- The Beach (All)

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Character Name: Tinsel

I hadn't traveled outside of Chicago before. It wasn't something my father was ever interest in, and he was very stern that I wasn't allowed to travel and risk getting kidnapped.

Like that would've ever happened.

I didn't start getting kidnapped till I met the boys, though I wasn't angry for them bringing that onto me. If anything, it gave me a great outlet for my trauma.

But without being able to travel, I got really attached to Chicago. I thought it was the greatest city in the world.

That being said, there was one big thing that Chicago lacked: a beach. We hade a lake, yes, but it was definitly something straight out of The Simpsons.

So when James brought up a trip to the beach, I thought he was hallucinating.

"James, there's no beach in Chicago. Just the icky lake that I've told you over and over again isn't safe to swim in."

"No, I mean an actual beach." James shoook his head with a smirk.

"Man, we haven't been to the bach in forever! Can we go to a new one? Please?" Matthew begged, using his puppy dog eyes.

"Guys?" I looked between the brothers.

"But I've got stuff to do for the gym." Sam whines as Damien shook his head.

"No, you wanna go just as bad. You don't have to be responsible this once, just take the vacation." Damien said.


The yelling was getting out of hand. "What are you talking about? THERE IS NO BEACH IN CHICAGO?"

"He's suggesting we travel out of state, doofus." Sam put his hand on my head.

"Out of state? Where?"

"How about Hawaii?" Erik suggested. "It has been on our list for a while, and it'd make for easy travel."

"Perfect. I'll book our flight for first thing tomorrow morning, to accound for the timezones." James got up from the table, walking out towards the foyer on his phone.

"Oo, Damien, help me find my swimtrunks?" Matthew pulled his younger brother with him, following James.

"I'll get some snacks for the plane started." Erik smiled, heading into the kitchen.

I watched each brother leave me and Sam in the dining room- was this a brothers only trip?

As if reading my mind, Sam, ruffled my hair. "Come on, I'll help you pack if you want. Hope you don't end up being afraid of planes."

The boys helped me put together some stuff for the beach, despite being as ill-prepared as I was. Erik even made me a respectful coverage bathing suit since there was no way in hell I was wearing a skimpy bikini. Nuh uh.

And the plane ride, for being my first one, wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Granted, I did get sick on the plane and sleeping wasn't as easy for me as it was the boys, but after the nine hour flight we made it to Hawaii.

"Woah, it's even better than the pictures!" Matthew scrambled around the beach looking for the perfect spot for our stuff.

"Calm down Matthew, we have this whole section to ourselves. We don't have to worry about weirdos or kids." Erik advised, picking him up under the armpits and dragging him back to the group.

James and Sam sat down the blanket, pitching the umbrella with satisfied smiles.

I stood in front of all the boys, staring over the horizon with a smile. "This is what a beach is like?"

"Well, a private section of one yes, but mainly yes this is a beach." Damien smiled, setting a hand on my shoulder.

I turned to the boys with a smile. "So, what first?"

Sam gave me a sinister grin as he took Matthew from Erik, holding him over his head and tossing the boy into the water.


"Flying pipsqueek dead ahead!"

"Is he okay?"

Sam laughed. "He's the best swimmer out of all of us, he'll be fine."

James and Erik appeared behind their younger brother, grabbing him in a similar mannor to how he grabbed Matthew.

"Cute display, Sam." James smirked at him, Erik returning that smirk.

"How about a reprise?" Erik purred.

Sam struggled to break free as his older brothers basically yeeted him into the water next to Matthew, with twice as large a splash.

Damien, still next to me, struggled to stand as he laughed. The older two waded into the ocean after the middle two, leaving Damien on the sand. Did he not like the ocean?

I smiled as I watched the brothers inteact, getting closer to the shore so Damien could join their antics. How did I get so lucky to be with five guys as amazing as them, with enough love to share with a sixth?

"Hey, doofus!"

Sam waved over to me from the water, the others holding beckoning hands out to me.

"Come on, we need you for a fair game of chicken! And I promise you won't fall."

I smiled, slowly stepping into the water. Could I swim? Absolutely not. But at that moment it didn't matter. I was going to spend a day in the sun with the boys I loved, and make great memories.

I wouldn't have had it any other way.

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