Chapter 7 Revival and Wither

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When they arrive at the first base, Ash and Lillie manage to get to Team Revival's base in Mt. Moon. Lillie says, "So this is Team Revival's base?"

"Yes." Ash says. "Team Wither is attacking at Route 4, and now Team Revival is using the Fossil Pokemon to fight back."

Once they get into the office room, Luke greets Ash and says, "Ash, what brings you here to our base?"

"I'm trying to bring my wife and Pikachu to the bases so that they can learn about the current state of the world." Ash says, "Lillie, Pikachu. This is Luke, he's Steven Stone's son and also our own Sevestar Region's Rock Leader."

"It's nice to meet you." Lillie says.

Luke says, "It's nice to meet you as well. And I see Pikachu has finally been revived. That's good to know."

"So where's Radium and Rocko?" Ash asks.

"They're in the front lines of Route 4. The thing is, we're surprised that we're able to continue this far considering that Team Wither uses Grass Type Pokemon and Fossil Pokemon like Rock Types have a huge disadvantage." Luke says. "Of course, there are some Fossil Pokemon that resists the Grass Type, like Cradily, Armaldo, Aerodactyl, Archeops, Aurorus, and you know."

"Yeah, no need to list everything." Ash says. "That also reminds me. I've also asked Chloe and Brock to help you out, so how do you think?"

"Brock is a good battler and a good doctor." Luke says, "As expected from a Former Gym Leader of Pewter City. As for Chloe, her Eevee did help a lot in dire situations. Mostly because its Copycat move catches a lot of grunts off guard."

"Ash! You're here as well!" They also turn to see a blonde haired girl rushing towards Ash. She is wearing a straw hat and having a female Pikachu on her shoulder.

"Yellow! Chuchu! It's great to see you as well." Ash says.

"You didn't tell me that you're coming today." Yellow says.

"Yeah, and I'm sorry about that." Ash says, "Lillie, Pikachu, this is Yellow. She's a psychic who is capable of reading the emotions of Pokémon and healing their wounds."

"It's nice to meet you." Lillie says.

"Likewise. I've heard a lot about you, Lillie Aether. And this must be your Sylveon and Vulpix, right?" Yellow says. "They really look happy with you."

"Thanks." Lillie smiles.

"Yellow will also help out the battle, but her team is a little..." Ash says with a wry smile.

Yellow shows her team and there is Raticate, Doduo, Caterpie, Omanyte, and Graveler. Lillie asks, "That's your team? Why aren't any of them in their final forms?"

"Because I canceled their evolutions. When Ratty evolved, I was a little scared. Fortunately, my Pokemon agrees with my thoughts of not having them evolve." Yellow says.

"I see." Lillie nods. Pikachu and greets Chuchu and they have a chat for a while.

Ash says, "That also reminds me, Luke. We're not here for just a chat. Bring us to the battlefield."

Luke nods and says, "Follow me."

As they approach the battlefield, Ash and Lillie notice the dead bodies on the ground, Ash grits his teeth, "How many have died today?"

"Two of them have died." Luke says, "But compared to us, Team Wither lost more people."

Ash frowns and says, "It's inevitable. I wish they can reborn into a better life."

Then they find Brock, Chloe, Rocko, and Radium battling the grunts. Both the Sandstorm and the Grassy Terrain are on. Rocko says, "Chloe, watch out! The vines are heading towards you!"

"Got it! Eevee! Copycat into Magcargo's Lava Plume!" Chloe yells. Eevee uses the Lava Plume and destroys the vines. Brock says, "Crobat! Use Poison Fang!"

Crobat goes for the attack and causes multiple Grass Type Pokemon to get poisoned. Radium says, "Nice work, Brock."

"Guys! Look who's here to help!" Then they hear Luke's voice and they are delighted to see Ash. Radium says, "Ash Ketchum! What a surprise."

"Yeah, long time no see." Rocko says.

"Good to see you again, Radium, Rocko." Ash says. "Chloe, Brock. How are you feeling now that you're working with Team Celestial Alpha?"

"It's a little weird, but I guess it's also fine." Chloe says.

"Same here, although it's a shame that we couldn't save more of our people..." Brock frowns.

Ash nods, but then Lillie yells, "Snowy! Icy Wind!"

They turn to see Snowy using the move to destroy the upcoming seeds. "Attacking with Seed Bomb while we're off guard? That's not cool!" Rocko yells back.

Ash says, "I'm here to help out as well, so don't worry." Ash says while taking out a purple-colored Pokeball. "Mewtwo, calling out for Mewtwo please."

Mewtwo then teleports in here while saying, "Ash, here is what you need."

He places three Pokeballs on Ash's hand before disappearing. Then Lillie asks, "What's going on here?"

Ash says, "Don't worry. Mewtwo is helping me gather my old Pokemon who are still living. It's time for us to fight back. Butterfree! Lapras!"

After sending the two Butterfree and the Lapras, the three of them are happy to see Ash again. They are also shocked to see Pikachu living, and Pikachu nervously greets them before he's tackled to a hug.

"Yeah, Pikachu has returned. Butterfree, Lapras, we're facing the Grass Type Team known as Team Wither. I need your help."

The three Pokemon nod as Ash yells, "Good, Butterfree! Use Bug Buzz and Air Slash! Lapras! Use Blizzard!"

The three Pokemon manage to wipe out the front line of the enemy forces, causing them to panic. Ash steps forward and says, "I know you're there, Seamus. Why don't you show yourself."

"Just because you are the leader of the whole Team doesn't mean you can be this cocky." The admin named Seamus says. "Zarude! Jungle Healing!"

Just then, the fallen Grass Type Pokemon are now backing up and their Poison or Frozen are healed. Ash grits his teeth and Lillie asks, "He has a Legendary Pokemon?"

"There are multiple Legendary Pokemon in this world, and Team Rainbow Rocket basically has every single one of the Legendary Pokemon except for Arceus. Since only six Arceus currently are with us."

"If there are multiple Arceus like me, there are also multiple Zarude out there and they probably have more than one. But so do we." Ash says. "But I was frustrated that he uses the Jungle Healing to heal his allies like that."

"As long as we're here, you're not getting into Cerulean City!" Seamus says, "What are you doing, grunts? Your Pokemon are healed! Attack again!"

Ash says, "Lapras! Use Hail!"

After setting up the hail, Lillie nods and yells, "Snowy! Aurora Veil!"

Vulpix also goes for the Aurora Veil, and gives them the stat boost. Then Pikachu also notices a Tropius approaching and fires the Thunderbolt, striking the Pokemon.

"Pikachu, Grass Type Pokemon have resistance to Electric moves. I need you to use Iron Tail on the Shiinotic over there! Also, watch out for the ability Effect Spore!"

Pikachu nods as he goes to fight. Then they see more grunts taking out their weapons and preparing to attack. Ash dodges the bullets and also charges at the Zarude, using a Seismic Toss, he wipes out 100 damage from the Pokemon.

"It won't be enough, but as an Arceus, I've already mastered every type of move." Ash closes his eyes and summons a giant Heat Wave, wiping out more of the Pokemon blocking the way.

"Now guys! Charge!" Luke also yells as the Wither Grunts are pushed backward. Seamus yells, "What are you doing? Don't run away!"

"It's over. We'll be taking over Route 4 now!" Ash says as Seamus can only grit his teeth while running back to Cerulean City.

"Route 4 is now ours, the war zone will be going into Cerulean City." Radium says.

"Cerulean City is not going to be easy to go. If we can take over the Cerulean Cave first, then we might have a chance." Luke says. "And what about the Cerulean City Gym Leader?"

"After Misty betrayed us for Team Aqua, the new leaders, the remaining three Cerulean sisters, are ready to take back their home and also their gym." Ash says. "For now, we have to make sure all of Route 4 is cleaned of Team Wither."

After leaving the grunts to work, Ash, Lillie, Chloe, Brock, and Yellow are back at the base resting. Yellow says, "I'm glad everything did well. Your Butterfree and Lapras are strong."

Brock says, "To think they escaped from being killed by the governments or Team Rainbow Rocket. That's a good thing to know."

"And I know that the other 15 of my Kanto Pokemon are waiting for me somewhere in the region. I can't wait to find them back and have them help with the war." Ash says.

Lillie is feeling a little sweating and dizzy, she says, "Ash... I don't think I'm feeling well..."

Ash asks, "I'm sorry since this is your first time joining the war. Is it too much for you?"

"No... I don't think that's the reason..." Lillie says while she seems like she's about to vomit. Brock notices it and says, "Let me handle this."

Then he takes out some medical gadgets and look at Lillie, Chloe asks, "Are you thinking what I'm thinking right now?"

"What do you mean?" Yellow asks, and then Ash widens his eyes and uses his aura. He gasps and says, "Lillie... don't tell me... are you pregnant?"

"P-Pregnant?" Lillie gasps. Brock says, "Ash is right... you are pregnant. Congratulations. Both of you are having a child."

The two of them can't believe what they're hearing. Chloe says, "Wow... to think the two of you have already done it..."

"It is just the beginning of the pregnancy. And since I'm a doctor, I'm going to make a list that you should follow." Brock says to Ash and Lillie.

"Okay..." Ash nods while preparing a list. Yellow asks, "But how is that possible? I mean... you are an Arceus, and Lillie is an aura user. If you make her pregnant... what will it become?"

Ash says, "My mother is an aura user while my father is an Arceus. So what will happen is that the baby will be just like me. An Arceus."

"That's good to know. I really don't hope that it looks weird." Lillie smiles.

After Brock finishes the list, he says, "Okay, Ash. The list is here. Remember to follow the list or else the baby might be in danger. And I suggest you also tell Ms. Lusamine and Mr. Mohn about the pregnancy as well."

"Of course, we will." Ash says. "So Lillie, we're not going back to Sevestar until 4 months, are you sure you can handle this?"

"I'm fine. I also want to see everything through my own eyes." Lillie replies. "I'm not going to let the pregnancy affect me."

The others nod as Ash and the others decide to stop resting and continue to battle.

Here is a new chapter, and this part of the chapter is where Ash brings Lillie and Pikachu to the war zones to see the situation. And as you can see, Ash is starting to get his Pokemon back and they also manage to take over Route 4 and preparing to get into Cerulean City. I hope you like this chapter and the next chapter will be another part of the war zone where the other Kanto Teams are fighting.

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