Chapter 8 Icy Island Captures

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Ash, Lillie, and their friends are helping Team Revival with the attack on Cerulean City. Poisonous plants currently surround Ash and are sitting on the floor. He mutters, "This is not good... What am I going to do..."

"Ash! Are you in there?" Ash hears Luke's voice from outside of the plants, and Ash yells, "I'm in here! Just rest in here because these plants keep growing the moment I slice them off."

"What about burning with fire?" Luke asks.

"Tried with Heat Wave, but same result. I'm just tired and the barrier is keeping those plants from attacking me." Ash says. "I need you guys to find the outside factor."

Luke nods as the others are trying to find the cause, and they encounter several grunts surrounding a machine that keeps creating plant life. They are furious after seeing more innocent people being crushed to death after the plants destroyed the buildings.

"This is unforgivable..." Radium growls. "Cerulean City is worse than I thought."

"There are multiple machines that make the plant grows, we have to find the one machine that causes Ash to be surrounded." Lillie says.

"And you shouldn't move too much, miss." Rocko says. "You have a baby inside you and we do not wish something to happen to it."

Lillie nods as she turns to the giant plant trap that surrounds Ash. She looks at the roots and follows them until reaching the machine. "There it is! Delphox! Mystical Fire!"

The Fire Fox Pokemon spins her stick and creates a giant fire, destroying the machine and causing it to explode in the process. Seamus growls, "Why you..."

And the moment the machine is destroyed, Ash also bursts out of the plant trap and jumps into the air.

"Thanks, Lillie. Now it's time for you to face the judgment!" Ash says as meteors appear from the air and crash onto the machines. And the meteors also emit poisonous gas that causes the grunts surrounding the machines to die instantly.

Seamus puts on the mask and yells, "Damn it... We'll be back! Retreat!" Then the helicopter comes and all of the grunts and even Admin Seamus head into the helicopter and leaves.

Luke approaches and Ash and asks, "Should we chase after them?"

"No. What we should do now is clean the poisonous gas in Cerulean City." Ash says while snapping his fingers, and the Rain appears from the sky. While the air is cleansing, the grunts all head indoors with their masks on so that they won't inhale the poisonous gas.

"Just how deadly is this poisonous gas emitted by the Poison Type Judgment?" Chloe asks.

"I don't know. It doesn't have to be this poisonous. It might be the result of a chemical reaction between the machines and the materials from the meteorite." Lillie says.

"As expected from a scholar like you, Lillie." Brock says. "And the rain is trying to clean the air so that we can breathe in again."

Then after the rain is done, Ash says, "Cerulean City is now on our side."

This causes everyone to cheer in delight, and Luke says, "As expected from our leader. With Cerulean City on our side, we can try to expand south to Saffron, or east for Lavender Town."

"Saffron City and Celadon City are the most dangerous cities considering that Team Rocket and Team Wither have their bases located there. Saffron is also the location of the government, so we should be more prepared first." Ash says.

"Then what are we going to do now that we're free?" Lillie asks.

I say, "I think we should try to capture more Pokemon for our armies. Lillie, remember that I told you that we need to capture over 500 Pokemon, right?"

"I remember." Lillie says. "So are we going now?"

"We should. I think we should go with Ice Types first since they are all located in Seafoam Islands and that is our territory." Ash says.

After bidding farewell to Team Revival, Brock, Chloe, and Yellow; Ash and Lillie are now heading to Seafoam Islands. Their first capture is a Smoochum in the area, and Lillie says, "Smoochum's lips are the most sensitive parts on its body. It always uses its lips first to examine things. It always rocks its head slowly backward and forwards as if it is trying to kiss someone. Although it is actually rare to find them in here."

"I know, we usually find Jynx in this area. And this one has the Arceus Mark, that's why I know it is mine." Ash says. "It has the Forewarn ability, which is quite good. When it enters a battle, the Pokémon can tell one of the moves an opposing Pokémon has."

"Yeah, once it reaches Level 30, it can evolve into Jynx. So how are we going to train this Pokemon?" Lillie asks.

"Jynx has a signature move: Lovely Kiss. With a scary face, the user tries to kiss the target. If it succeeds, the target falls asleep." Ash says. "We can use it to our advantage."

Then after training in the Seafoam Islands, Smoochum evolves into Jynx. Lillie says, "Jynx seductively wiggles its hips as it walks. It can cause people to dance in unison with it. So that is true after all."

Ash says, "Yeah. And I think we've already given it some moves to use."

Ash and Lillie's Jynx: Ability: Forewarn. Moves: Lovely Kiss, Avalanche, Blizzard, Wake-Up Slap, Heart Stamp, Psychic

"Heart Stamp also seems like a move that is really rare to see." Lillie says. "But it is a Physical attack, and Jynx is a Special Attacker."

"Almost all Psychic Type Pokemon are Special Attackers, so it is fine." Ash says as he also trains up his Lapras.

"So can you tell me the story of your Lapras?" Lillie asks. "I mean, she looks quite strong."

"When I met this Lapras, she got separated from her family in the Tangelo Island of the Orange Islands. We found her being abused by three trainers. After getting to the Pokemon Center, we learned that she's afraid of humans. But after a Team Rocket incident, Lapras starts to open up to me and I also promise to reunite it with its family." Ash says.

Pikachu continues, "After the Orange League is over, we found the Lapras herd. They at first want nothing to do with Lapras because they have a hatred towards humans. The reason being some pirate who is at the seas hunting for Lapras' shells. After defeating that pirate, we release Lapras back to her family and we met on random occasions."

"Wow..." Lillie says. "About the pirate thing, it's true that Lapras is a Pokémon that has been overhunted almost to extinction. It can ferry people across the water. Do you know that Lapras can also Gigantamax?"

"Of course, I know. Lapras here already has a Gigantamax mark. Over 5,000 people can ride on its shell at once. And it's a very comfortable ride, without the slightest shaking or swaying. Lapras surrounds itself with a huge ring of gathered ice particles. It uses the ring to smash any icebergs that might impede its graceful swimming. The G-max move for Lapras is G-Max Resonance. It turns all Ice Type moves into this one. This move sets up an Aurora Veil after attacking, and if I use Sheer Cold into this move, it gets about 130 power."

Ash and Lillie's Lapras: Ability: Water Absorb. Moves: Perish Song, Hydro Pump, Brine, Ice Beam, Sheer Cold, Confuse Ray

"That might be true. But it also has the ability Water Absorb. If Lapras is hit by a Water-type move, it has its HP restored instead of taking damage." Lillie says, "But are you sure that you're letting it use Perish Song? I mean, it might cause Lapras to faint as well."

"It is a risky move I admit, but Perish Song should be the last resort if we want to battle." Ash says. "Now I think we should find one more Pokemon."

Lillie is confused, then they head downstairs until they reach the fourth basement. They are surprised to see an Articuno appearing in front of them.

"No way... an Articuno?" Lillie gasps in awe.

"Hello, Articuno. It's nice to see you again." Ash says with a smile. The Articuno also greets Ash and says, "Hello to you as well, Ash."

"Ash... you know this Articuno?" Lillie asks.

"I've met him about three times in my journey. The first time is in Shamoutti Islands, it was fighting Moltres and Zapdos for territory and almost causing world destruction if it wasn't for Lugia and I." Ash says, "But the reason why the three birds are fighting is because of a former Team Rocket member named Lawrence the third. He wants to collect the birds for his collection."

"That's not nice..." Lillie says.

"Yeah, he's in prison after that. The second time I met Articuno is on a snowy mountain in Johto. Team Rocket tries to capture him and injure him, but we heal him and send them blasting off. And the final time is here, when Goh, Gary, Horace, and I battle him in a raid battle."

"Eh... Articuno is a Pokemon that is said to appear to doomed people who are lost in icy mountains, but to think you have befriended such a Pokemon..."

"Hey, I don't doom innocent people who are lost in icy mountains. Those people are obviously poachers who want to capture me." Articuno retorts. "But then again, I'm not the only Articuno, and I also heard that some of my kind have been caught by Team Rainbow Rocket. I was really angry when I heard that, that's why I decide to join your team to save them or give them lessons if they are willing to join such evil."

"That's awesome." Ash says as Articuno gives him a customized Pokeball. Then Ash recalls the Pokemon into the ball while Lillie says, "Wow... we have an Articuno..."

"This one has Snow Cloak as the ability, it is actually a Hidden Ability. It boosts the Pokémon's evasiveness in snow." Ash says. "But you know, I once beat an Articuno with a Charizard for the Frontier Brain symbol."

"Really? That's so cool. But Charizard..." Lillie is excited at first, but then they realize Charizard is not with them right now.

"Yeah. I really hope we can find him somewhere." Ash says.

Ash and Lillie's Articuno: Ability: Snow Cloak. Moves: Mind Reader, Blizzard, Sheer Cold, Hurricane, Roost, Reflect

Once they head back to Team Revival's Base, Chloe asks, "So how does the Pokemon capturing go?"

"It's cool, we also got an Articuno." Ash says while showing them the Pokemon.

"That's awesome, to think you have an Articuno." Luke says. "Team Wither is going to regret messing with you with Articuno. So I have to guess you're back here to rest?"

"Yes, Lillie is still pregnant and I don't want anything to do to the baby in her body." Ash says.

"I'm fine by myself, but I really need some rest after all that excitement of seeing the Ice Type Legendary Pokemon." Lillie says.

"Of course, we always welcome you two to stay with us." Luke says with a smile as they all head back to the rooms to rest.

Here is a new chapter, and as you can see, Cerulean City is now on Team Celestial Alpha's side and Ash also captures two new Ice Type Pokemon in Seafoam Islands. The abilities and the moves will be the same in the Sevestar Prince Normal version, but there are going to be more explanations of why Ash and Lillie want to pick that moveset. I hope you like this chapter and the next chapter will be the Bug and Psychic Type Pokemon.

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