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You know nothing about a person when you know everything about them.


Neel's pov

She stares at me blinking, making my heart almost river as I am nothing just a flow of wind to her.

"What do you want Neel?" She closed her eyes, as she doesn't want to see me again. Her ocular eyes were shut for a second but my whole world got shut at that moment. It has been a loophole for me a constant loophole.

She diverted her gaze at something else leaving me left alone again.

"Why don't you forget everything?" I heard myself talking. Yes, I may want her to forget that pain that I gave to her. I want to cease it away from her thoughts so she could never believe herself deserted!

"That's what I am doing, I am forgetting you, now will you excuse me?" Her deep engraving ocean eyes spark once again, for a duration I saw the existence of twilight in them, as she is optimistic and tragic at the same time. There is more to her body language, why does she be like a burning star?  When she can be a diamond in the world!

Julia's pov

" I said stand up and fight with me!" The brown hair guy always use to stare at me, mock me in all the circumstances, and make me scared, I am just a little girl who has been ordered to fight with a big guy.

"Come to me Julia, show me your little face, otherwise you know what I can do," I stuck to my knees, keeping my head low, hiding inside the desk because I know what will he do to me. He will insult me ahead of the whole school in the playground. His greeting teeth will laugh at me to my vulnerable state until I am left with nothing!

Days passed and I went on living like this, my teacher never cared about my existence, she always told me to fight for myself otherwise the demons will hunt me again.  I know I didn't know what was a demon at that time, why they come into mind at night, why I can't break the circle, but I was left alone on my own always.

Until one day my grandpa looked into my eyes, he saw something that the outside world was missing,
"Tell me, Julia, what will you choose? A burning star, or a diamond?" My lost eyes found him staring at me, his broken smile was showing every emotion of human life and I was just a little lily of his garden.

"A burning star," I don't know why I said, I will choose a burning star over a diamond.

"You know Julia?  You are selfless, just like a burning star, you don't do anything for yourself, you make people shine through your presence while being abandoned in the night. You always see good in them when you are burning from inside and that's a tragedy of this world, the tragedy that they don't choose a burning star, they will always choose a diamond because they forget; they forget a diamond will burn them with its shine, but a burning star? It will burn itself to make others shine.

...So Julia, remember there is nothing wrong with you, the world is wrong and you are just a Lily of my garden who can bloom even in the darkest night."

And the next day, I didn't hide, I let that brown hair guy laugh at me until he forgets how to laugh again.

I was out on the floor, and Neel was behind me, I just hope Arnav and Jessica arrive early so this tension between us gets erupt.

He came closer and grabbed my hand, " what are you doing?" My breath was hitched.

"Heading into the storm," I tried to move away but he didn't let me go, as he has caged me in his own life.

I didn't utter even a word to him. As for me, words doesn't mean anything. They always guided people into false assumptions and I am one of them. I let him stare into my eyes. Let him know that there is nothing inside me except the hatred for him! That he has done damage and he cannot fix it! And it doesn't matter whatever he says, because I can't trust him! He has lost the most valuable thing, a treasure in his life.

"Well, if you are not mumbling anything, then let me guide you," and he ran, he ran with my hand in his hand, he ran as this is the last period of us.

I didn't realise that the starry night was waiting for me. We entered into a room where everything was dark and my heart was thumping against my chest. The scenery started moving along with me as I was getting into the mind of Vincent van Gogh. The above ceiling was blue, the floor was in e deep shade of blue, and all the walls were painted in the neverending cultivation of blue.

I was getting lost in the scenario, the starry night was the living illusion for me, and I was drawn; I was drawn to its depth until I heard my name from his voice.

This time it felt strange, my name was rolling in his tongue when he was busy exploring the world to me.

But how did he know?
How did he know about my whereabouts?

"Look at this night, it is another disaster of the world, still whenever people see it they get drawn to it... Do you know why Julia? Because it is made up of the artist's heart, it is a raw poem on the cultivated blue which no one can ever understand, only a heart that has merged all the circles is capable to look beyond this starry night."

That duration I forgot everything, his gesture of holding my hand, the world behind me and the temperature of the room,
Suddenly, in a flashy way, I saw the night getting draped in all shades of blue too.

Which made my heart afraid, as a storm is going to come soon to jeopardise everything, as I will never breathe again.
But, his hold got tighten in me, "I am here with you to never leave you again," and just like  that an image appeared in my mind, a flashy one where a boy with hazel green eyes was hiding somewhere in the crowd, he had dirt on his face and blood was sprinkled on his chest, his eyes were swollen as they have not slept in last days, his breath was hard l, and his mind was breaking all the sides walls until he decided to hide between them, that was the day I remembered his presence for the first time, he was talking with a teacher that his mother can't come to school, neither his father can,

In his broken voice, he uttered the last sentence and started crying,

His mother died last night, and his father doesn't care about his existence.


The more you know Neel and Julia the more they will embark their presence to your heart❤❤❤

Keep reading❤❤❤

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