Chapter 12: Murder Prom Fashion Galore!

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Galore! GALOREEE! XD LOVE THAT WORD. ANYWHO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WANT TO THANK YOU ALL SO, SO, SO, SO, SOOOO VERY MUCHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! What for you ask? I HAVE 17,000+ READERS. THAT'S WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! *Picks you up and swings you around* I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUU! I have been walking around my house whispering "17,000" ALL THE TIME! I LOVE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOUR HAIRS! Goodness, I'm not that creepy, sorry. Anywho, thank you all SO SO SO much! <3


A happy Ms. Cupcake OUT!

Looking around you're at Flavio's dress shop, on the way there, Matt had gotten a phone call and he had to leave, something about killing someone, but you know, Murders.*Waves hand in nonchalant manner*

You jumped at the sound of the breaking glass and grabbed onto Allen. He held you protectively and scouted the area for the cause. Flavio had hand knifes in-between his fingers, ready to hit anything that moves.

A snapping sound was heard and someone stood in the middle of the shattered glass. "Hola (Hello) Flavio!" The figure said and stepped into the light.

The man had a stoic expression, with brown hair tied in a purple ribbon, and a scarred face. The main scar was on his right cheek, and it formed an X. He was incredibly handsome in a stoic kind of way. (Like how Levi gets fan-girls..)

Now, let's play a game...


Canadian pancakes! The best type of pancakes. They're rich, creamy, and have wonderful aromas that will make your mouth water! Only found in Canada!


Your eyes widened and you yelped. HE WAS SO HOT. The sunset was behind him only emanating his beautiful frame, light reflecting off the glass shards making it look like he's gleaming. He looked so great, in his pose; he had one hand pushing back his hair and another on his hip. But you weren't the only one who could feel the coolness radiating off of him, Flavio immediately perked up.

"I had heard that you had a new plaything, so I came to see." he said and Flavio jumped to hug him. He swiftly dodged it and Flavio fell on the floor.

Allen practically had a sweat-drop as he was amazed at Flavio's stupidity. You peered out from Allen's arm to look at Alejandro (2p!Spain's name at least in the fanfic I read..).

He looked over at you and Allen then gave his normal stoic face, as they give him in the fanfiction. You look at him and your gazes lock.

"Hermosa Chica... (Beautiful girl) You must be the one everyone was talking about!" He says and walks over to Allen. Allen tenses up and places his arm around you in a protective manner, while Alejandro circles both of you.

"Get the hell away!" Allen growled and pressed you to him harder. You remembered your little project the first time you had said Pineapples next to Oliver.

"Pineapples!" You whispered and tried grabbing your notebook out of your back pocket.

"Pineapples?" Alejandro and Flavio questioned. (Fun fact! In almost every language besides English, pineapples are called something similar to Annanus!)

"Pineapples." you repeated and wrote in your notebook under Flavio/Italy, Alejandro/Spain. "Oh wait... Hey, your name IS Alejandro right?" You asked.

"Sí (Yes). How do you know?" He asks and approaches you.

"Um, I have my methods..." You said. (Let's be real reader-chan, Fanfiction.) "Aside from that though, we should probably clean up the glass before someone gets hurt." You said and began picking up glass shards.

"Ah! Be careful bella ragazza (Beautiful girl)~!"He shouted and you blushed. B-Bella? You thought.

Flavio took the glass out of your hands and yelled. "I lavoratori ripulire questo casino !" (Workers clean this mess up!) people rushed in and began sweeping the glass up and talking to one another about where to put the new glass. It seemed as if this was a normal thing. Perhaps every time Alejandro visited he did it in a way like that.

Allen picked you up so he was holding you bridal style, and he examined your hands for cuts. He didn't find any on one then he checked the other. Down the middle of your hand was a burn mark, but no cuts.

"How the f*ck did you get burned?" Allen asked and lightly traced his hand over his palm.

"I-I honestly have no idea..." You said and touched it lightly. Allen raised an eyebrow and you smiled then kissed his forehead. He was such a cutie-pie! Allen's face exploded in red and he looked to the side to hide it as Alejandro took notice of this, he looked surprised.

"Allen? ALLEN of all people, is blushing! This is hysteric, I should take a picture." Alejandro said, smirking slightly in a cocky way.

"Shut the hell up you Italian loving bast**d!" Allen said, growling. "Just get me the d*mned dress, and we'll be on our way." Allen said and Flavio grunted. Alejandro smirked, entertained that his words effected Allen.

"I wanted to see (Y/N) ah, in a dress! But I guess it is time she should be asleep. Here you go ah!" He said and gave Allen a bag containing your dress, as well as shoes and a tiara. "Bella, if you need someone to do your hair just come back and I'll do it." He offered and you smiled. (Unless for some reason you can't do that/ don't have hair, he doesn't say anything.)

You and Allen walk home, completely unaware that Alejandro is following and you stop by his restaurant for dinner. After, the two of you go home and you take a shower, brush your teeth, and go to bed.

The next day was rather normal, you worked at the bakery, took a walk after, petted Ollie-cat, and taste-tested some of Oliver's cupcakes.

You sat outside of Oliver's bakery and sighed. It was a normal day with nothing interesting. It almost felt like your normal home. You weren't home-sick, just bored. It was like that everyday at your home. Your life before the 2p's was so normal, so uninteresting. Before the 2p!'s... It all seems just like a distant dream now. As if it never happened, just an illusion.

"Why the hell are you looking so concerned? What did you walk in on Françoise having sex or something?" A Canadian accent said from behind you.

You laughed and looked back at Matt. "Sadly, no." You answered and Matt took off his shades.

"Why the f*uck would ANYONE say sadly to that?" Matt said and sat down next to you. You laughed again and looked into Matt's purple eyes. They were so pretty... You leaned into and stared at his eyes.

"Your eyes are so... Mesmerizing..." You said and Matt looked surprised. "Kinda remind me of purple forget-me-not flowers..." You said realizing what you had just said. "S-Sorry!" You said and looked away.

Matt's face burned and his heart raced, he HOPED you couldn't hear it. You were so close. The only people that had ever looked at him like that were just whores at his school, but none of them ever got THAT close to him. Matt coughed.

"We're about to go to prom, we need to get ready, let's go." He said and got up going inside. He desperately needed to calm down or he was going to do (Y/N) senseless outside.

*After you get ready*

You were wearing a long (Favourite colour) dress with (2nd fav colour) seams and lacing. It was (Dress style you like) and beautiful. You had on a bit of make up that Oliver had gotten for you, but you weren't too fond of it so you didn't put to much on. You decided to put your hair up, with the cute tiara Flavio had gotten you. (Once again, if you don't have hair/ can't do anything with it, you just kept it the same.)

"Woo! Let's go!" You say as you walk down the stairs. You're met with Oliver, Matt, Allen, and François. François was giving Allen a box that just so happened to be filled with... 'Protection'...

"For f*cks sake old man, I don't need it!" Allen said then looked up at you, examining your body.

"...Never mind give me the whole box." Allen said grabbing the box.

"Swear jar! Don't speak about the poppet like that!" Oliver said and looked up at you.

"Oh my cuppycakes..." He said in awe as he held out the jar.

"Hot d*mn give me some too old man." Matt said and tried reaching for some.

"Sacre bleu!" (Heh dove keeper) François said and dropped the box.

"What?" You asked and looked behind you, wondering what they were looking at.

"Um... François? Is that a box of condoms?" You ask.

HIYA EVERYONEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! <3333 So, SUMMER TIME! LOVE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Oki, so um... YEAH! I have a few things to say before this chapter! <3 TODAY IS MY ACCOUNT'S BIRTHDAY! YAY! It's 1 year old! This is my present to everyone following me! <3 OH AND I'M AT IT'S BIRTHPLACE! <3

Next, my birthday is ALMOST HERE!!!!<3 May 29 HERE I COME! But, I don't really care about my birthday, my mom forgot about it too XD.

THE BOOKS!!! OKAY! SO FIRST OFF, THANK YOU TO ANYONE WHO SUBMITTED A CHARACTER! <3 THEY WILL BE USED, ALTHOUGH IT IS NOW CLOSED! <3 So the book still needs a title, any suggestions? It will most likely be out in June though. <3

Um, I'm going to be traveling to the virgin islands with my Grandma, so if any of you live there! TELL ME<3 xD



Ms. Cupcake OUT! <3

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