Chapter 13: Hello (Y/N)!

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1. Got a new phone! I used to have a flip-up phone now I have a touch screen Nokia Lumia!

2. By the time this chapter is out, With loving insanity will be as well! (The story I want to make!) Update: IT IS OUT!!!! 💛💙💜💚❤️💗

3. ASDFGHJKL Um, I had about three dreams about Wattpad having a hangout and I met all of you. <3 I LOVE YOU GUYS! (Typing on Sally now so no more emoji's sorry!)

4. My birthday passed and it was as horrible as ever. I did decide to do something but it fell apart because half the party were being annoying little asses. So here's what happened in short. I made a plan for all of us to do fun Youtube challenges and winner gets to have first pick of the movie. but my ex neighbor, my cousin, and my 'bestie' that I secretly hate, decided to not talk to my school friends because "They like anime and seem weird" Yeah, now I know, just not to have birthdays anymore.


Ms. Cupcake OUT!

You looked out the window of your limo that Allen had rented, and jumped in surprise when Allen placed his arm around your shoulder. You looked up and him and smiled. Matt noticed this and slung his arm around your waist, then pulled you closer to him.

The limo stopped by another house and two people entered the limo. A boy and a girl. The boy was carrying a bottle of tequila and was wearing a horribly put together tuxedo as he just came back from having intercourse. The girl's blonde hair was messed up and she was looking in the mirror and applying around 50 shades of lip gloss.

"This is Asswhore and her girlfriend Josh." Matt said and pointed at the girl then at the boy. The two smiled and took a seat at the limo. The boy stared at you in a tiger-looking-at-prey sort of way and you smiled in an unsure way.

"Who's this angel?" Josh asked and Allen and Matt glared intensely.

"Someone that will get you killed by us if you keep looking." They both said and smirked slightly. They picked up around 2 other couples and after they kept asking about you, and got the same answer from Allen and Matt over and over, you decided to introduce yourself.

"Okay you two, stop it." #>^<# You said and gave them both a peck on the cheek. "I'm (Y/N), good to meet you guys." Everyone in the limo turned their eyes to you.

One of the passengers chuckled. She had long brown hair, blue eyes and a very snooty look on her face. Her dress looked designer and it shimmered every time she moved. "So she speaks, I thought you were mute, or retarded, perhaps both." She said and got a sh*t-eating look on her face. Matt and Allen both got out of their trances from your kiss and growled.

"You know us well enough," Allen started his sentence.

"To know that we won't hesitate to kill a girl." Matt finished. The girl looked offended.

She stood up in the limo and all eyes were on her. "So, you like this-this- THING, enough to protect it? What about our relationships? What about US?" You snapped on the inside at everything she was doing.


"Oh, GODS. Look here, if you could get through your thick skull for one second, enough for your mind to spread the word from your head to toe, that they don't want you anymore you could be swimming free. But sadly you're such a disgusting arrogant person that you can't. Just get through you head that in this fairy tail you're the ugly witch. Now if your fruits basket is full, you can go leave you wanker. Go skydive in snow without a parachute in your Prada shoes or something." You said and rubbed your temple as if you had a head ache.

"Oh I forgot. DRIVER! STOP THE CAR!" You yelled and the car stopped quickly causing the girl standing up to hit the window and start bleeding.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did you get hurt? Now it's more than one way." You said and yawned. "Your stupidity is boring me." The girl stood up and her forehead was bleeding.

You opened your eyes widely and was about to apologize, since that was so out of character, but she spoke. "Y-YOU! I HOPE YOU DIE!" She yells.

You smirk and say, "A mute special Ed person could come up with a better response than that."

________________At Prom!_______________

You smiled and sat at a table looking around at everyone until a group of teens approached you. Allen went to get you both some drinks and Matt went to the bathroom.


"Is it true you told Courtney off?" One of the boys asked. He had curly red hair, freckles, bright green eyes, and large glasses. He was cute in a Uke way.

You chuckled because you've been here for only a minute but everyone already knows. "Yeah, she seemed like a bad person. So, I had too."

"Well you guessed right! She's like one of those stereotypical girls who own the school. Like in the books." One of his accomplices says. She has brown hair put in a bun and is wearing large glasses with a TARDIS dress.

You smiled and the first kid spoke again. "So, who are you here with?" He asks and you scan the room for your two suitors.

"Um... I can't see them, but Allen and Matt." You say and the duo immediately shrink down and get scared.

"T-the brothers?" They ask in unison. You nod and they both widen their eyes.

"We're sorry to bother you! We'll go now!" They say and bolt off before you can say anything.

"Oh, well then. What did they do to make them so scared?" You say then think. "Other than the fact they always look like they just came back from killing someone."

"Hello there miss? If I heard correctly, you said you came here with Allen and Matt?" A male voice says from behind you. You turn your head from your seat and see a intimidating male.

When you turned to look at the person who had said that your first reaction was 'OHMYGOD' In front of you was a 15 year old, Ciel Phantomhive. Not exactly, he was more modern and was wearing a suit.

Right beside him was none other than Sebastian Michaelis wearing his normal uniform. "Y-yeah. Would you happen to be Ciel?" You asked and he gave a surprised look out of his one eye. The other had a modern-day patch on it.

"Yes, how do yo-" He was interrupted by a loud scream that sounded around the room followed by the sound of loud thrashed caused by an item. Sebastian hit Ceil under one of the tables and told him not to go out. (Knowing him though, he'll probably leave.)

"Now you know not to touch (Y/N)." A voice said that you could barely hear above the screams.



Ms. Cupcake OUT!

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