Elsie's Realisation and Anna Fixing Some Mistakes

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Anna glares at her older sister as she puts Charming in place.

"I really don't approve, Jen-... Fairy Godmother. Just leave Fiona in peace with her husband. They're already married! This will make both Fiona and Charming guilty of bigamy!" Anna scolds Fairy Godmother 

Fairy Godmother glares, "This is for the good of the Kingdom!"

Anna retorts, "The Kingdom? Don't you mean yourself?"

Fairy Godmother and Elsie stare at Anna in shock. Anna's always been sort of against the plan, but she's never said something like that.

"What did you say?" Fairy Godmother hisses.

Anna shrinks from Fairy Godmother's glare. Fiona's scream is heard, and Shrek's voice calls out Fiona's name. Anna uses this opportunity to use her wand to teleport to the factory in her room.

"Why does she do this? It's wrong, and she knows it!"

Anna picks up one of her books that caused her to question her big sisters motives, which she's glad she did. If she hadn't, she'd probably be doing something awful like Jenny is.


Elsie wants to follow Anna, but Fairy Godmother grabs her arm.

"Stand over there, Elsie. Now." Fairy Godmother orders.

Elsie stands next to the bookshelf and waits for Shrek while Fairy Godmother puts a cloak on and stands by the window. Shrek bursts through the door and Elsie's eyes widen at his human form.

He has an adorable nose, thick locks, everything about him is attractive.

"Hello handsome!" Fairy Godmother smirks as she throws off the cloak.

He stares at Fairy Godmother, shocked. Suddenly, Fiona's voice is heard.

"Fiona! Fiona!" Shrek calls as he goes to the door.

Fairy Godmother shuts the door with her wand, and one of the living furniture stands in front of the door.

"You wanna dance, Pretty Boy?" the furniture asks.

Shrek runs to the open balcony, only for Fairy Godmother to close that too.

"Where are you going so soon? Don't you want to see your wife?" Fairy Godmother asks.

Elsie looks down at her shoes, realising Anna's right. Shrek watches helplessly as Charming tricks Fiona into thinking he's Shrek. He screams her name, only for his voice to be muffled.

Fairy Godmother mocks him, "Fiona! Fiona! Oh ho ho ho, Shoot! I don't think they can hear us, Pigeon. Don't you think you've already messed her life up enough?"

Elsie holds in a gasp at what Fairy Godmother is implying. Elsie fiddles with her wand, scared.

Shrek sighs, sadly, "I just wanted her to be happy."

Fairy Godmother fakes kindness, "And now she can be. Oh, sweetheart. She's finally found the prince of her dreams."

Shrek frowns, "But look at me. Look what I've done for her."

"It's time you stopped living in a fairytale Shrek. She's a princess, and you're an ogre. That's something no amount of potion is ever going to change." Fairy Godmother frowns.

Elsie stops fiddling with her wand, realising that her sister's last sentence is the only right thing she's ever said. No amount of potion is going to change either of them. But it did show how much he's willing to risk for her.

"But... I love her." Shrek frowns.

Elsie sees a hint of a tear forming in Shrek's eyes.

Fairy Godmother sighs, "If you really love her... you'll let her go."

Elsie's grip on her wand tightens. That's not how love works. Shrek storms out of the Palace.

"Now that he's gone, it's going to be so much easier to get Fiona and Charming together." Fairy Godmother laughs.

Elsie growls, "That's not how it works."

"What was that?"

Elsie frowns, "You don't let your wife go with another man if you love her. Convincing someone to do that is not love for anyone."

Fairy Godmother asks, "What are you talking about?"

"And disregarding his love is not strength. Harold will want to talk to us. I'll get Anna. We both know you're the last one she'll want to see." Elsie growls, her grip on her wand almost snapping it.


"Before, he had taken great pride in how considerate he was but now it hardly occurred to him that he had become so thoughtless about the others. What's more, there was now all the more reason to keep himself hidden." Anna reads from her book.

Tears run down her cheek. Suddenly, there's a knock on the door. Anna sniffs and puts down the book. Elsie walks in.

"Harold wants to see us at the Poison Apple."

Anna grumbles a few incoherent words.

"There's no need for that." Elsie frowns.

Anna asks, "Don't you see what Jenny's doing?"

Elsie smirks, "Actually, I do, and I want to hear your plan to stop this Bigamy."

Anna freezes, turns to Elsie, and lets her jaw drop.

"You serious?" Anna asks with hope.

Elsie nods, "Yep. But I'm gonna play the quiet sister act for a while longer, until the ball tonight. We're both singing with Jenny."

Anna nods, smirking.


The fairies and Charming walk into the backroom. Anna notices Shrek sitting at the bar. Anna smirks as she closes the door behind her waiting for Harold. Eventually, he walks in.

"Fairy Godmothers. Charming."

Fairy Godmother groans, "You better have a good reason for calling us down here Harold."

Harold explains, "Well, I'm afraid Fiona isn't really... warming up to Prince Charming."

Charming frowns, "Uh, FYI, Not my fault!"

Anna coughs, "Yes it is."

Fairy Godmother glares at Anna and consoles Charming.

"Of course it's not, dear." Fairy Godmother frowns.

"I mean, how charming can I be if I'm pretending that I'm that dreadful ogre?" Charming asks.

Anna scoffs, "I could do it."

Harold exclaims, "No, no, it's no one's fault. Perhaps it's best to call the whole the thing off."

Everyone exclaims, "WHAT!?"

Fairy Godmother and Charming in shock and anger and Elsie and Anna in hope.

"I mean, you can't force someone to fall in love!"

Anna exclaims, "That's what I said!"

Fairy Godmother laughs, "I beg to differ. I do it all the time!" She pulls out a vial with a heart on it. "Have Fiona drink this, and she'll fall in love with the first man she kisses, which will be Charming."

Harold hesitates, then frowns, "No."

That one word gives Anna and Elsie hope while it gives the other sister anger.

"What did you say?"

Harold exclaims, "I can't! I won't do it!"

Fairy Godmother smirks, "Oh yes you will. If you remember, I helped you with your happily ever after, and I can take it away just as easily. Is that what you want? Is it?"

Harold sighs, "No."

Anna growls, "Jennifer! This wasn't part of the plan!"

Fairy Godmother asks, "What did you call me?"

Anna glares, "I'm putting my foot down, Jennifer! We're supposed to be Fairy Godmothers!"

Fairy Godmother glares, "You're not to say anything more until tonight, Anna. Unless you want what happened at your last birthday to happen."

Anna shrinks in fear, sinking into the seat. That was the worst day of her life.

Fairy Godmother perks up, "Now, we have to go. I need to do Charming's hair before the ball. He's hopeless! You know, he's all high in the front, you can never get to the back. You always need someone to do the back of your hair."

Charming smiles, "Oh, thank you mother."

"MOTHER?!" A familiar voice exclaims.

Everyone turns to see Shrek in human form, Donkey in Horse form, and Puss in Boots.

"Uh, Mary, a talking horse!" Shrek tries to cover up.

"The ogre!!" Fairy Godmother exclaims.


Anna growls as she quickly flies away from the castle to the dungeon Shrek and his friends have been put in. She can hear Donkey's screams from 2 miles away.

"You're supposed to say, I have the right to remain silent! No one said I have the right to remain silent!"

"Donkey, you HAVE the right to remain silent! What you lack is the capacity."

The fairy floats down to see some Fairy Tale creatures trying to break them out.

"Alright, move aside, ladies." She smirks.

She she pushes the three pigs out of her way and flies down next to Pinocchio.

"Hold my wand, kiddo." She smirks as she pulls a key out of thin air.

Shrek asks, "Aren't you a Fairy Godmother?"

Anna shrugs, "Jenny is a jerk. I've always loved seeing you and Fiona together. You're a perfect couple."

Shrek yells at Puss for eating a blind mouse.

"Quit messing around, we gotta stop that kiss!"

Donkey frowns, "I thought you was gonna let her go."

Shrek glares, "I was, but I'm not about to let them do this to Fiona!"

"Boom! That's what I like to hear! Look who's finally coming around!" Donkey laughs.

Puss exclaims, "But it's impossible! We'll never get in, the castle's guarded by a moat and everything."

Anna frowns and paces, thinking of a way to get Shrek into the castle.

Gingy exclaims, "Well folks, it looks like we're up chocolate creek without a popsicle stick!"

Shrek gives Gingy a strange look, causing Anna to stop pacing. She looks and sees a way to get them in.

"What?" Gingy asks.

Shrek asks, "Do you still know the muffin man?"

Anna smirks, "That guy that lives down on Drury Lane! I knew you looked familiar! You're one of his creations!"

Gingy answers, "Yeah, like the Fairy Godmother said. Why?"

Shrek smirks, "We're gonna need flour. Lots and lots of flour."

Anna frowns, "I don't have the magical ability to do it. What I do have is this."

She pulls out a little bag full of a glowing blue dust.

"What's this?" Shrek asks.

Anna smirks, "Fairy dust. Specifically for magic, not flying. Tell him it's a gift from Pink haired Godmother. He'll know who, and do exactly as you ask. I can't help you anymore. For this plan to work, I have to keep my sister and nephew distracted."

Donkey asks, "How'd that happen anyway?"

Anna rolls her eyes, "Don't ask."

Anna quickly takes a pinch of the dust, grabs her wand, and sprinkles it over herself, teleporting to her room.

Hi my Shrek fans. What do you think of it so far? Please leave a comment!

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