Day 18

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"Air, step away from the machine!" I yelled as the portal from the machine sucking everything into it. My hands clasping tightly for a life around the frame entrace of the portal. Adrenaline rushed through the veins, heart already pacing a crazy beat as half of my body already in the portal and everything is a flying mess.

Air inching further, her right hand clenching tightly to a rope that she tied around the gas pipe. Her left hand held out, reaching forwards. "Not until I have you".


"Saved your punny flirt after I save you."

I grabbed her arm as she try to pull me out. The machine sucking us in like a black hole and before we know it, the gas pipe dented, breaking and heading towards us

Everything happen too fast, Air pushing me away, taking the hit and sucked into the portal before the pipe breaking the frame machine and the portal closes. Leaving the lab in a mess


Sweats drenched his body, clothes sticking disgustingly on the skin so was those strands of his hair. It's hard to breathe and literally he can hear the heart banging against his ribcage is not helping the matter.

'Cahaya, she's dead.'

'just get over it, Air's gone.'



"Go away...ALL THOSE VOICES GO TO HELL!!! Please...just go.." Cahaya whimpered, pulling his legs to his chest, resting his forehead on his knees. tears trailing down his face. His heart felt as heavy, as if he's bearing the burden of the world with him.

"I-I...I...have to see her.." his lips quivered, feets shuffling down and towards the labroom. It's impossible to see her now, he knows it. It's not even 3-

"The portal's open?" he said to himself. Quickly checking on the computer and the systems, what's going on. A malfunction, just like before.

"18 hours...and no more."

Cahaya stare at the portal.

This maybe the last for him to see her. His last chance. Before tomorrow ends.


There's no much time left for me. Soon the portal is going to close off and maybe I.....

this maybe the last chance I'll be able to meet you.

since you're not going to give me a chance to have a date with you, duh, so here I am. having to explain myself like the pathetic I am. Gee.

I fall in love with a girl.

Her name. Is Air.

she's you. the way you talk cooly like you don't give a damn, the way you blushed, the way you roll your eyes, the way you fiddle when you're nervous, the way you steal glances while i'm not looking, everything. everything.

but in my world... she's dead.

me and her, we are scientists. we are trying to prove that multiple, parallel, alternates universe do exist. and it worked. that's what brings me here, everyday to meet you.

There's a malfunction happened one day. I was trying to stop it, I want to break the portal machine as we don't want to messed up the fabric of reality we are in. and I... almost get sucked in. if it's not because of me...she...

she got sucked into the portal. and the machine died. I stayed up every single nights, working to work on the machine. the chances to save her was slim, I know. and it might damaged the fabric of reality i'm in if I dare to bring somewhere that is not from the universe into another universe.

it doesn't matter if its a parallel world as long as I can meet her.

you can't imagine how happy I am the time I see you. I wish I could just hug you right there, hold you in my arm so close... and kiss you. but that's impossible, knowing you, I'll be dead as a shameful, creep of a being that ever exist and died in some unknown universe I'm in.

though I know it aches to accept the reality, that you're not the same Air I used to know, its okay.

because even if you're not her, you are still her. Air is still Air and nothing can change that.

and that won't change the fact i'm going to love you.


"He's been at it all day?" Angin spoke,"Usually by now, isn't he going to flirt with you?"

A straw flicked to his forehead.

"Whaaaat, the whole cafe knows! And poor guy been turned down by you everytime. Why not give a chance?"

"Am I that obviously desperate-?" Cahaya thought, upon hearing Angin's rant.

Just as suddenly like a wind wooshesh, the bubbly boy appeared.

"Hi, mr....sun..shine..?" he looks away from the cup, "ANYWAY, she agreed on it. She'll be goin' on a date with you."

"Bitch I didn't-" Air approach second too late.

"-So what you say-"

...what the fuck


"H-huh?" Air and Angin said in unison.

Cahaya took the tissue in front of him, jotting down his number on them. He don't know if you can call someone from another universe, but it won't hurt to try.

"Tomorrow, theme park, nine?"

Her lips pursed, hues of strawberries dusting on her cheeks. It's cute. I wish I can took a picture of that.

"Aight then. See ya."

Cahaya fell down to his knees.

Hands pumping in the air, not minding bypassers giving him a weird look.


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