Day 13: Mask

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It gives me a chance to be someone else. Just for a night, but it is too enough for me.
It is black, with glitter swirling at the end of both eye sockets. A white feather glued on the left side, an elegant touch, I'd say.
Today is Halloween. And I need to score a guy.
My dream guy.

There he is. I can tell by the silhouette on the blood red wall. He looks absolutely gorgeous in that blazer. And extra black-white mask I see. He is as stunning as me. We can be a great duo tonight.

A few wine glasses passed. Now I'm leading him to some bedroom upstair. We're both tipsy, but that's what makes thing even better. Heart beat rises, pupils expand, breath deepens...

He must be thinking that we're gonna have sex. Instead, I have another better idea.

How about a massacre?

Like I told ya, the mask gave me a chance to be someone else. And tonight, I want to be a serial killer.

Start with this bad boy, then continue downstair.


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