Day 5: Can't escape from a nightmare?

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*Note: To the one who thought of this topic, it is full of bullshit and grammar mistake.

This party sucks! I've gone to the toilet for like, 10 secs, and when I come back, all the booze is gone. What? Wait, why do I have to go and buy some more? You guys are those who drank them all. Urggg! Fine, give me the money, I'll fetch some more.

I am so gonna keep this bottle of tequila for myself! The dudes can keep these cheap beer bottles. Oh man, better be back fast, I can feel the dizziness. Don't you dare pass out right in the middle of the street, myself!

Damn, what a cool ass Bugatti! Whose is that? Guess it doesn't belong to student on the campus. Oh I forgot, that brat from Kappa house. He's one rich ass.

Hey, what are they doing near the car. Fighting? So immature. Wait, is that...?

Oh my god oh my god oh my god! That man just stabbed the other. Oh shit! Where's my phone I gotta call 911. Shit where is that thing? Damn it, I left it at the party!

Oh no, he saw me...

Come on my fucking body! Run faster. Oh thank god, security! Security! Please help, I... I saw a man, h... he had a knife. And he, err,
he stabbed someone. Please, you gotta call the police. And...

Do you hear that? The engine sound... It's him! Run, now!

Fuck you, you Bugatti motherfucker! Keep running sir! What do you mean split up? Oh okay, I'll get help. Please be careful.

If I run pass those Greek houses I may hide myself better. Okay, deep breath, deep breath... I'll get help then it will be fine...

Was that... scream? Shit, the security guard! And engine? Oh no, did he just ran over him? Gosh, no! I'd better be fast. Fuck the booze! Where's the office hall? I need a phone!

Damn these heels! Urg my feet hurt! Oh my no one is here. It's so dark in this hall. Where in the world is the department office? God I'm so fucking scared.

Yess! It isn't locked. Damn I'm shaking like crazy. Okay, 9,1,1...

Hello? Please send help. Some guy just stabbed another man on my campus. His appearance? I... I... I could only see his car, a black Bugatti , I guess. I'm sorry it just so dark and... please hurry. And uh, he also ran over a campus guard. This man is insane. I saw everything, he must be after me. Please...


Oh god no...

So much blood...

He is raising the knife again...

And I woke up :))) my mind has been quite hyperactive lately, these dreams are getting more and more realistic. Oh well, more writing idea :3


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