A memory (25th May)

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A memory super close to my heart would have to be the first time I went out with my friends alone.

We decided to do go to a shopping mall for the first time and honestly it took a lot of convincing.

Most of the plan was last minute and one of my friends had dropped out last minute. When I tried to message my other friend to cancel the plan she didn't respond.

The next day she called me and told me she was on the way to my house, and I had to get ready real quick. I thought she saw my message but clearly she didn't.

We did end up going to the mall and eventually having a lot of fun that day. Buying whatever we want and obviously eating whatever we want. And both of us being kinda shopaholics we spent loads of time trying of clothes.

We've been going out on many occasions after that, like birthdays and holidays but that would have to be the best one.

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