Things that make me happy (24th May)

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Ok so I'm that type of person that finds happiness in the smallest and weirdest things.

Talking or chatting for hours - especially late night chats - with someone I love about random nonsense makes me happy.

Sharing my dreams and wishes and talking about the "my way" future makes me happy.

Trying out new dishes with my mum (both cooking and eating) makes me happy.

Sitting infront of the TV with my family judging the show we're watching makes me happy and watching shows with them.

Waking up to check my phone and reading and writing fics here makes me extremely happy. Talking to everyone here makes me happy

Having extremely weird timings so watching cricket matches on my phone on the way to school makes me happy.

When I get to truly be myself infront of people makes me happy.

Going through old pictures and remembering old long forgotten memories makes me happy.

Taking about random things and making fun of my cousins makes me really happy.

Cheering for India in the UK stadiums where 90% of the stadium is covered in blue makes me happy.

Watching movies and TV shows that I'll end up obsessing over for a short period of time makes me happy.

Spontaneously going to the park or planning a whole day trip and ending up having the time of our lives makes me happy.

But most of all getting to see my family in India after one or two years makes me happy. Nothing can beat the feeling of stepping into the Indian air and feeling closer to the ones you love the most....

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