Day 1 (23rd May)

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My Personality

So to begin with I would say I'm not exactly an introvert nor am I an extrovert. I'm in a nice cosy middle and I guess I like it that way. I have a selected group of friends and I wouldn't exactly say I'm the most popular. Somehow I find myself being the smaller underdog but in most social situations I find myself being much more outgoing. I usually do exclaim my life out to the world but there's things I only share with a few people. And I'm glad to have these selected people in my life.

I'm a very confusing person, at times I'll seem like an outgoing, cheerful bubbly person and the next I'll seem like a reserved, shy person scared of confrontation.

One of my worst habits would be that
I keep my wishes and wants to myself, hidden and then get hurt when I do.

But to myself and only a few close ones I'm a wild and crazy person. A party person, wants to try all the crazy things in life but also at the same time the mother of the group. I'm that one friend in the group that gets walked all over but then gets equal attention anyway. I'm also that friend that everyone's parents compare them too. It's weird!

I think one of my best qualities would be that I'm kind and understanding and also sorta good at giving advice. And one of my worst would be that I let everyone walk over me. Oh and I also overthink everything!

You see, I'll join in with pranks. I'll help you, give suggestions, pitch along but always have a weird feeling that I have to keep up that "I'm mature" look.

Whatever it is, I like a having a group of close friends mainly because more the merrier and more the fun.  And also because we're all much closer that way and there's no jealousy between friends.

So I guess that's me....

PS : I wanted to tag people, but most of the people I wanted to tag have already been tagged so I didn't.

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