Letter #18: The Girl Who Was Friends In Secret

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"I got this feeling, inside my bones, It goes electric, wavey when I turn it on, All through my city, all through my home, We're flying up, no ceiling, when we in our zone." Justin Timberlake ~ Can't Stop The Feeling.

Timothée Chalamet as Mason

Mason, even though my dad was quite unkind to you, you still stayed by my side and helped me.

Thank you.

I didn't want Jas and Col to know what my father did, but I guess it's inevitable now.

You once asked me to share an experience with you, Mason, so I will as a twisted version of a thank-you gift, I guess.

Remember the Finals during freshman year? After we took the last Final- the Math Final, we were all excited and I returned home, happy.

Relations with my father were strong stranded... and he did hit me, though nothing more than slaps and verbal blows.

However, I went home that day, high on relief. It was a mix of bad luck and unlucky timing did I bump into my father, him angry and agitated, heavily drunk, while I was pratically beaming.

He dragged me in, slammed the door, and hit me for being a failure over and over again.

Then, suddenly, I didn't see it coming, but he stopped, and I thought his anger was over. Boy was I wrong. Next thing I knew, a vase smashed over my head, my scalp bled and my hands and body was cut from the glass shards that rained down.

It didn't stop there, he seemed possessed as he screamed curses and insults, while hitting and kicking.

Then, the world grew dark and when I woke up, I was bandaged, though not healed, and was resting in my bed.

Why he did that, I never know.

Perhaps if I lived longer, we'd date and whatnot, because if anyone were to mend my broken heart, it'd be you.

You're loving friend,


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