Letter #27: The Girl Who Ruined Her Life

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Odeya Rush plays Nora

Nora Franklin. 

Once you were the beautiful ice skater that would fly over ice and manipulate the slippery and cold surface to your liking. 

What are you doing now?

Are you drinking away your pain? I know I was once. 

Everything seems so cold and bland, the world around me. Of course, I highly doubt you care. Not with what I've done. 

Remember the cold December day when you were lacing your skates and ready to perform something that could launch you out of this godforsaken town?

Yeah, so do I. 

Your gentle brown hair was vigorously flung away by the harsh winter wind. That was when I saw you kiss Bryce Tyler. 

Can you remember it? I can remember it so clearly now...

The cold winter wind whips my hair, sending it flying as I turn from the kissing couple, so happy, so lost in their dreams. 

Ignoring the bitter taste of jealousy, I began walking toward the sidelines, where benches loomed over the big ice rink. 

"Hey, wait up, ma'am," A voice behind me yelled. 

I whirled, only to see Bryce Tyler jogging toward me, holding my hat. "You dropped this," he whispered breathlessly when he caught up. 

I ducked my head and blushed, "Thanks, I tend to lose a lot of my stuff."

Bryce nodded toward the rink, "You watching the show? My girl's starring in it." 

I nodded and we walked in pace, snow crunching under my feet, "Thank goodness it's indoors, I'm already sick of winter and we still have what, three months left to suffer?"

Bryce barked out a laugh, opening the door for me, "I agree, but for some reason, my girlfriend loves the winter. Most likely because of her obsession with the ice."

"What's her name?" I query. pointing toward two empty seats near the middle of the rink.

Bryce nodded, and we headed toward the seats. An ecstatic grin filled his face, "Well her name is Nora." 

As the seats rapidly began to fill, I listened to Bryce whispering all about his girl. His cheerful grin was bright enough to make me smile. 

The music began slow as the ice skaters glided out from the gates, taking their time, and as the swirls and dives in the music began to quicken, so did the speed of the dancers. After the first half ended, the lights revealed nothing. Nothing but a spot on the ice. Bryce practically leaned forward with enthusiasm, "This is Nora's part!" 

Nora skated as if she was part of the ice. There was no flaws to the way she stopped perfectly in the center of the light. 

Then, the light flickered and Nora skated alone. Her jumps were executed perfectly and her spins were flawless. 

Jealousy hit me harder than a storm. 

An absolutely wicked idea fluttered into my mind and took control. 

I leaned close to Bryce and whispered, "How did Nora learn how to ice skate?"

Bryce grinned, his eyes trained on Nora, "Well, she started when she was five...." I stopped listening, focusing on the light patterns. 

Then suddenly, the music shifted and the lights slowly brightened and Nora was preparing to do an advanced ice skating move. Her light blue eyes flickered to the crowds in time to see me ask Bryce again, "What is her favorite ice skating move?"

Bryce turned to face me and smiled wide as Nora finally tracked down her boyfriend. I leaned close, to hear Bryce. 

And suddenly, Nora flew across the ice, and jumped, spinning midair and- CRACK. I gasped, as with everyone else in the crowd. "Oh my..." 

She had missed and landed on her leg. "NORA!" Bryce boomed as I sat there, shocked. I never meant for this to happen. 

I'm sorry Nora. You, and what I've done to you... is a reason I must go. 

With my deepest apologizes, 

Natalie Palmer

a/n: Now here is a long awaited update. oops. I've been procrastinating again. sorry for the sloppy update :(

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