Chapter 27: Reason #4

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Reason #4: You'd wait forever just for me

My body slumped down, my breathing ragged as I collected myself. I looked at the lifeless body of the man who taught me never to trust my heart. Kaoru's familiar emerald eyes staring into nothingness gave me shivers. 

To know that I had finally finished the job, I couldn't help the smile that formed my lips. There was no one here but me. I was the one who killed him and he very well deserved that death. My monsters finally put to rest.

"It's over. Finally." 

A tired sigh escaped my lips as I picked myself up. I kept my gaze on Kaoru as I made my way to the only furniture in the room: his couch. A lazy smirk wormed its way on my face, my head tilted upwards once I was settled.

Funny, just moments ago Kaoru was slapping the hell out of me. Now, I'm sitting here with no regard to his lifeless body just a few feet away from me. 

"Damn Kaoru. My cheeks hurt like shit." 

A hand raised itself to rub my sore cheek, feeling heavy and stiff. I didn't know that after fighting for your life your body would weigh so heavy. Next time, I should take self-defense classes. You never know who else is out there that would want to kill me next. I made a lot of enemies because of my indifference so it's no surprise to have another Kaoru lunging at me.

Raising my head, I stretched my back, a few bones popping. The action making me sleepier than I already was. God, I'm so relieved right now. I can go home, rest then hug my babies. After smooching up a storm with Shun and Shin, making sweet, gentle love to Rei. 

"Yeah. Love-making with Rei. It would stress my body more but I need him to erase everything." I sighed sleepily.

"Erase everything. He'd refuse at first but he'll eventually cave in 'cause of me. Yeah."

Mustering all the energy I had left, I searched the cabin. A phone, computer, my clothes. It didn't matter what I found first. Well, it kind if did. The sweat, fluids and blood all over my body is something I don't want anyone to see. Even I had a hard time looking at my body without grimacing.

The other door in the living room was the toilet, I found out after opening it. A grimace was plastered on my face when I found the reason why the stench was enough to kill someone. In the bathtub, laying in his own pool of blood, was the original bodyguard Haru assigned to guard me.

His face was slashed beyond recognition, skin paler than mine while blank grey eyes stared at the ceiling. I wanted to vomit at the smell but I had nothing I could puke out so I just stepped out. I didn't get to see what Kaoru had done to his body but it was already too much. Being a coroner was never in my bucket list, anyway.

Closing the door, I felt a tingle rise up my spine. It felt like a familiar stare and the only person that could give me those tingles was already dead. 

I spun around so fast I got dizzy from the act. My eyes looked around, hair rising on my skin when they stopped at Kaoru's eyes. 

"Damn him. Even in death, you scare the shit out of me." 

His head had slumped so his eyes line of vision was me. Freaky bastard. Quickly I moved away, returning to the room where I was held captive. The door rustling as I pushed it hard, my eyes glancing at the room.

The bed was still ruffled, the sheet I tore was still on the floor. The window showing an orange sky, a quick sign that sunrise was nearing. 

"It's morning. No clothes, no phone, no clean toilet, no nothing." Glancing at the white sheet, I let a tired sigh out.

If I had no clothes to go by, I'd have to make do with the sheet. 


"I swear, I'll never take my clothes for granted ever again."

Shreds of fabric soiled by blood scattered the floor while the remaining sheet was wrapped around my waist. I couldn't even check my reflection because there was no useable mirror in here.

"This will have to do. Just as long as my groin and ass are covered, I couldn't care less what I wear." My black hair stiff and it was irritating to touch. 

Taking one last glance around the empty room, I took my leave. The dim hallway seemingly less haunting. I entered the living room where Kaoru laid, his blood everywhere.

"He must have a phone. Car keys. Or something." Slowly and carefully, I made my way to him.

My heart wildly thumping as I watched Kaoru like a hawk. You never know, he might just get up and drag  me off somewhere. Erasing the fear he gave me would take forever and it's something I'd have to live with.

"Stay dead. Stay dead. Stay dead." Ruffling through his pockets soiled by blood, the hairs on my skin stood up. 

Touching him really did a number on me, I could feel everything rushing back again. I checked his front right pocket and found a piece of paper that looked like a receipt from a convenience store. Looking at it, he bought cup noodles by a bunch.

"Did he plan on feeding me cup noodles forever?" My nose scrunched up in disgust.

"I don't even like instant food." 

Gingerly, I patted his front left pocket, feeling a smooth surface. Swiftly, I pulled out a black cellphone that looked familiar.

"My phone." 

I checked the content immediately and found out that Rei had contacted me 45 times. A swell in my heart formed, tears pooling in my eyes. I quickly dialled his number, praying that he'd answer his phone.

"Hello, Jin. Jin, where are you? Oh God, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. Shit. Are you okay?" Rei's baritone voice came rushing through me. The fact that it had only rung once before he answered it showed how worried he was. That and the fact he had a rifle of questions aimed at me.

"I'm fine. I'm okay, Rei. I'm okay." Unconciously, I felt tears slide down my cheeks as I backed away from Kaoru and sat at the couch once again.

"Baby, where are you? Where are you right now?"

"I don't know where I am. I just want to go home, Rei. Please find me right now."

"Don't worry. We've locked on your phone now." I heard fabric rustling in the background as well as Haru yelling. I could tell he was irritated and that never happened.

"Good thing we have GPS in this world, right?"

I laughed softly as I focused on Rei's voice, clutching the phone as tight as I could. Once in a while, a whimper would escape my lips.

"Baby, I swear to God this won't happen again. And I'll make sure to kill Kaoru when I get my hands on him."

"You don't need to waste your time on him."

"What? Why?" I could practically feel his frustration through the phone. "He deserves to die by my hands after what he did."

"I know. But he's dead already."

Rei stopped his meaningless rants and I heard him sigh. I knew he got the message on who killed him. Elaboration was not needed when he'd see what happened inside the cabin.


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