Chapter 91: Day 302

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DAY 301

"Grrrrr!" I growled, angrily.

"Why do we have to do this now again?" I asked.

"Uh...Halloween reasons?" Tsuna laughed nervously.

"Did you go to my dreams? You sound like you know what happened." I glared.

"Uh...what was it anyway?" He asked.

The part where Bluebell and Fuuta told me that Tsuna is sleeping with no clothes on re-played in my head. "Nothing..." I held my head.

"So...what is this?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Reborn said that we're going to face our fears." Tsuna replied, scared.

We stopped at a huge double-door colored velvet. "This is the place?" Tsuna nodded in response to my question.

When we opened the doors, it's dark inside. The only source of light are green colored flames from candles! What is this, necromancy?!

We stepped in and closed the door. It really looks like necromancy, look. Books all over place, skulls are placed on the floor, some dust or whatever, and there's like a pentogram placed on the floor. Are we going to summon something?

"Ah, juudaime! Come, sit!" Gokudera said as he patted the floor beside him. Did I forget to mention that all of us are here too?

Tsuna sat beside him, while I sat beside Tsuna. Hm...all of us are surrounding the pentogram.

"Ciaossu!" Reborn hopped on Tsuna's head.

"Hieeee!" Tsuna screamed.

"Dame-Tsuna, it's me." Reborn sighed after. "When will you ever grow up?"

"Anyway, now that we are all complete, shall we start our Test of Courage II?" Reborn asked.

"This again?!" Tsuna yelled.

"But this time, it's divided into two parts. First is what we are doing now. Second is...I'll tell it later." Reborn smirked.

I bet that the second part is what showed in my inception, the very first part. The trio grouping.

"What is the first test anyway?" Dino asked.

Reborn threw a stick at him, it even hitted his head. "I was going to that part."

"Ow..." Dino rubbed his head.

"For the first test, we'll be doing different kinds of challenges. The one who will remain is the victor. He or she will not participate the second part of this Test of Courage II." Reborn explained.

" what are these kinds of challenges we are going to do?" Enma asked.

"Hmp. It's pretty much random. And the very first challenge is crucial." Reborn grinned.

"You might all drop out and you all will go to the second part immediately, which is more worse than hell." Reborn pointed out.

I gulped. Just what is he planning?

"Eat Bianchi's cooking!" Reborn shouted.

"Eeeeeh?!" We all yelled.

"Wait, even Bianchi herself will eat her own cooking?" Yamamoto sweatdropped.

"Yes, of course." Is Reborn's reply.

"Now...dine in..." Bianchi placed lot's of food on the floor, inside the pentogram.

There's a lot of purple smoke coming out. Not only that, more things are moving in her food!

This isn't just normal poison cooking! This is- "Poison cooking deluxe! Enjoy!" Bianchi said it herself.

"Reborn! You're going to eat this you know?!" I yelled.

"Huh? Why? I'm the host, not the guest." Reborn replied.

"Darling, come. Say 'ah'." Bianchi held up a spoon full of poison cooking. I know what will Reborn do!

Reborn suddenly is snoring and a bubble is coming out from his nose! I knew it, I knew it!!! "Coward!" I shouted.

"If none of you are going to do this, your punishment for the second part is doubled." His bubble popped and he spoke. Then the bubble is there again, meaning his asleep.

"Grrrrr!" I almost punched him but Tsuna held me back.

"So...who'll go first?" Gokudera asked us all.

No one answered, of course. We just sweatdropped. No one wants to die yet.

I turned back, showing my back to them. I secretly spoke to Maggiore. "Maggiore, I'm pretty sure that you can do something about this..."

"I can..." he whispered.

"Go get some food, the rest is up to me." He pointed out. I nodded, but I didn't make it obvious to the others. I'm such a genius cheater!

I turned back to them. I stood up and got some food like what Maggiore said. "Eh?! Jewel, are you sure?" Tsuna asked.

"I'm sure." I told him.

The one who's only eating now is currently Bianchi, of course. I got a spoon and dipped it into my bowl of soup. I also noticed that my hand is shaking.

Am I really going to do this? that I realized it, this is probably the first time I'll eat her poison cooking.

Ugh...Maggiore, I hope you know what you are doing. I closed my eyes, pinched my nose to cover my nostrils, and then swallowed the soup.

"Jewel!" They all chorused.

When I swallowed it, it tastes...normal? "Fufufufu, I made your stomache more steady for poison cooking, and I might have as well changed your taste." Maggiore said in my mind.

I got one spoon of soup again and stared at it. Then, swallowed it. "You liked it?!" They all chorused.

It tastes good now. More better than Maman's cooking actually.

Before I even knew it, I started eating like there's no tomorrow! "Eh? Is Bianchi's cooking different now?" Yamamoto asked.

"Or..." Tsuna said.

"It has a delayed effect?" Gokudera's eyebrows twitched.

"Just like last time?!" Yamamoto sweated bullets.

Oh, that time when Reborn and the rest did a eat-and-run. Then Bianchi showed up with delicious and good-looking food. Little did they know, it has a delayed effect...

"Impossible! My poison cooking would have made you unconcious by now!" Bianchi sweated.

I just smirked at her and continued to eat. I felt Reborn letting his guard down, so...

"Ha!" I smushed a purple poisoned pie at Reborn's face.

"Hieeee! Jewel!" Tsuna looked scared.

"In your face, Reborn!" I grinned.

"That's a fake." The real one suddenly appeared.

"Grrr! When did you-"

"From the very beginning." Reborn cutted me off.

"Now." He faced the rest of us. "Are you going to eat? Or will you not?" He smirked.

Tsuna went and got food for himself. Seeing this, Gokudera also went in. After him, Yamamoto got his. They took one spoon of their food and immediately swallowed.

"It tastes..." Tsuna held his mouth. I grabbed one bottled water around here and gave it to him. Tsuna drank it, washing away the taste.

Somehow, Gokudera and Yamamoto managed it. "Eh? How did you not faint?" I asked.

"Maybe I'm used to it?" He replied, unsure.

"Hai, hai! It's our turn now, right Kyoko-chan?" Haru smiled. Kyoko just smiled sweetly and nodded.

Haru and Kyoko got their's, which is cakes. While we, who already ate, had doomed faces on.

"A-ah! I'll just eat yours!" Gokudera grabbed the cake and spoon before Haru could even take a bite. sweet!

Ryohei grabbed a pasta and Kyoko's cake. He ate it all in one gulp. "I ate it to the extreme!!!" He yelled, and almost barfed at us.

"Eating other's food is allowed. Haru, Kyoko, and Ryohei, pass!" Reborn pointed out.

"Ha-ha, if Tsuna-kun can do it, I can." Byakuran proudly said.

Getting his food and entering the spoon into his mouth, he immediately fell to the floor. "That's what you get, cany monster." I sweatdropped.

From getting used to sweets, the poison cooking must've tasted so bad for him. Poor Byakuran.

"You, scum." Xanxus pointed his gun at Levi. "Eat my food." He ordered.

"Hai, bossu!" Levi saluted. Taking one bite, he fainted.

Enma silently took one bite and fainted. "Enma!!!" His guardians yelled and went to aid him.

Bluebell got hers, Fuuta also followed. The two of them has this lightning and thunder in their background. Bluebell was about to smush her food on Fuuta's face but she tripped, letting the food smush her face instead. Out!

Fuuta laughed, but Bluebell pulled his leg before continuously falling and fainting. This made Fuuta fall and accidently gulping his own food, fainting. Out!

Mammon survived by bribing Shamal women and money. Shamal, out! I don't know what Bel do to survive this. He just ate it and kept on grinning.

Squalo...he made Lussuria eat it. Lussuria, out! Fran just ate it, still having his pokerface on.

Kikyo made it, also Daisy. Basil won the risk and survived. Mukuro and Chrome probably used illusions...I don't know. Hibari made Ken eat his. Ken out! Chikusa...survived!

Lambo, out. I-pin, quited. Adelhield forced Julie to eat hers. Julie out! Shitopi made it somehow as well.The rest...out!!!

"22 people made it in this round!" Reborn rang a bell. The ones who are out are in one corner, while remained surrounding the pentogram.

"Challenge number 2! Is this!" Reborn placed a stack of cards in the middle of the pentogram.

"Huh? What's that for?" Yamamoto asked.

Reborn sat beside the stack of cards. "This cards have stars. It ranges from zero to ten. You will pick one random card. The greater the stars, the scarier the story you will tell." He grinned.

"Ghost stories..." I shrugged.

"Since Bianchi ate hers first, she'll start." Bianchi picked one and showed that it's a one-star. All of us sighed.

"There is this story of a chef. One time, he cooked a delicacy made of scorprions. It poisoned the people. They died. The end."




"Okay, Jewel. You're next." Reborn faced me. Bianchi's story isn't even scary! It's even short!

I picked one random card. I showed it to everyone, and it's a ten-star card. Nooooo! Why?! I'll be scared by my own story!

Did I forget to mention that the ones who fainted are now conscious? So of course they'll be listening.

"And by the way, if your story isn't worth the level, you're out." Reborn stated.

I sighed. I'll make my own scary story! One that does not already exist!

"Okay..." I started. (If you don't like horror, suspense, or gore, please skip this part)

There's this girl who is a student of 2-B in a school. There is a myth that every year, that section will have only one student by the end of the year.

The girl has long black hair and red ruby eyes. She has pale skin also.

She's always being bullied. She's also the favorite target of the class president. The class president rules the class right? Add her popularity, power, wealth, and status in life, everyone will follow her and will obey her.

One time, while the girl is going to a sit in the cafeteria to eat her lunch, the president intentionally raised her foot, tripping the poor girl.

Why do I deserve this life? Why do I need to live with this? Why do they hate me? Those are her thoughts.

Being embarassed and food splattered on her, she ran away, crying. Going to her dorm, she sees all the hate and words written in the walls.



Go to hell!

Ugly girl!





You deserve these!

And plenty more. She's not ugly, fat, weird, or even a special child. She's the opposite, beautifil, kind, caring, fit, normal, and intelligent.

She locks herself in her room, all alone. She has no roomate, no partner, no one to comfort her. Her parents? They're drug addicts. Siblings? They don't care about her. Friends? They're fakes.

Taking in all the hate, abuses, bullying, injustices, darkness, and everything bad that has happened to her. Slowly, she starts to go crazy.

Going to her mirror, she looks at her reflection. Touching and feeling the mirror, she cries and weeps.

Slowly, her cries turns to a laugh. Sobs and weeps turned to a maniac laugh.

She laughs at herself, laughs at her misfortune, and laughs at everything like she's insane. Her eyes went wide, she has this creepy smile on her face.

"Ha...ha...hahahaha! You all think I'm weird?! You all think I'm insane and crazy?! You think I'm WEAK?!" She snapped.

"Let me show you how weak I am. Let me go insane. Just you wait and see!" The mirror cracked for some unkown reason.

She got one broken piece and sliced her own hand, her own arm, her own wrist. Blood came rushing out like water, she just laughed insanely.

"More! More! More!" She yelled.

The room fell into deep silence for a long time. "Just you wait and see..." she muttered.

The next day, they continued their bullying on the girl. After lunch, the teacher had a meeting in their office, making the class free.

It was a riot. Screaming, yelling, booing, and laughing, it's so chaotic.

The last straw for the girl is when they tore up her books, told her harsh things and more. But the one that snapped her is when they showed and posted naked pictures of her, that even she doesn't know how that happened.

She stood up from her sit and went over to the door. "Ahahaha! Can't handle it anymore? Weak!" The president laughed.

The girl just locked the door, which made the class confused and puzzled. "Weak? It's you who is weak! It's me who is strong!" The girl yelled.

They all laughed at her so-called nonsense. Angry, she brought out a knife from her pocket.

The class fell into deep silence. Others felt fear, while others stayed arrogant.

"Ha? What are you going to do with that? Kill yourself?" The president laughed, so as the others.

"Wrong." The girl stabbed the one closest to her. "It's the opposite." And she got back her knife, the female victim falling to the ground.

They all screamed in horror. The room is sound-proof, they made it that way. So that the teachers or neighboring classrooms won't hear the girl's screams.

The girl stepped on the victim's head. She squished it, harder, harder, harder, and harder! Until it exploded and blood splattered, and the insides came out.

Others vomitted, others cried, others fainted, others are in fear, and others are shocked. Now, we know that the victim is really dead.

Not enough or satisfied, the girl got one of the victim's eyeballs. She stabbed it with the knife, it felt wattery and wet.

"M-monster!" One yelled.

"Me? Monster? No, you all are!" Is the girl's reply.

That section may be full of beauties and hunks, but their attitudes are far more ugly. They bully others even if their victim is near death's door. Oh, how plenty of victims have suffered from them. Babies, kids, teenagers, adults, and even old people.

The girl is just innocent. She doesn't join them, she just wants a normal life. Well, she can't. Not if they are here and living!

A brave student fought her by throwing a table at her. The girl dodged it.

Because he was just near her, the girl stabbed his forehead. She even twisted the knife, and pulled it back and forth. It created unpleasant sounds.

The rest of the students cornered themselves in one side of the room, watching their fellow classmate being tortured. Why are they acting like this? This is what they do to other people, torture! That is what the girl thought.

Continuing her torture, she pulls back her knife, and cut open the male victim's abdomen. There, she dived her hand into it, grabbing a lot of insides and pulling it out.

Her red eyes matches the blood strolling along her arm. Her black hair matches how dark her heart currently is.

Others couldn't stand it and just suicided. They hanged themselves with rope or with their clothes.

"Ahahaha! They suicided!" The girl laughed, pointing at those who just suicided, and there are five who did. Over 38, 7 has died.

She continued the massacre and torture. The suicides increased. The girl removes the organs of one victim, she beheads them, cuts off their body parts, let them eat other's organs, more cannabalism, make them strip infront of their own classmates and plenty more gruesome and disgusting things.

The predident, is the only one survivor left besides the girl. "Please...I'm begging you...spare my life." She cried like there's no tomorrow, since their is really no tomorrow for her.

"Ahahaha! Can't handle it anymore? Weak!" The girl repeated those words that the president said a while back.

"Tell all your sins to me." The girl demanded, pulling the president's hair.


"Tell. ME." The girl pulled even more.

"Please...I'm sorry...I'm sorry. I bullied you, abused you, made your life miserable, embarassed you, embarassed you to your crush, destroyed your dignity, destroyed you as a woman, cursed at you, tell lies about you, badmouth you, and more..." she cried even more.

"See? How inhuman you are." The girl spat on the president.

"But you are more inhuman! You devil!" The president yelled back, unable to control herself.

"Haha, die." And the girl killed the president by stabbing her.

Looking at the whole room, dead bodies lay on the floor. Their are puddles of blood. Organs are scattered around the room. Eyeballs everywhere. Heads are placed in one side. The room reeks of blood, an awfull smell. Students who hanged themselves are still hanging.

On the board, there is something written. "I WILL KILL YOU ALL!!!" The girl wrote that.

Their are some side comments like "Help me", "Devil", "Save us" and more.

Their are even handprints around the room, handprints made out of blood. The room is also surrounded by darkness.

Smiling to herself, she let out a loud maniac laugh.

The next day, teachers, police and higher-ups finally broke into the room. They found the girl, crying, all alone with dead bodies surrounding her.

They took her and tried to confort her, still asking questions of what happened. She couldn't answer due to trauma, that's what they say.

In the cafeteria, a group of male friends are chatting with each other. "Section 2-B has only one student by the end of the year again..." the senior sighed.

"For all the years I've stayed here, it always happen. Good thing I wasn't in that section during my sophomore years." He added, shrugging.

"Yeah...and good thing that the poor girl survived." Said a junior.

"The higher-ups said that they found a letter in the classroom, written in blood. It said that the killer is pure black, and it's eyes are a color deeper than blood. And that it's a real demon. Scary isn't it?" One freshman stated.

"Maybe the killer knows that the girl is innocent, that she is not like those of section 2-B. The rest of the students are cruel and merciless." The freshman continued.

The girl passed by with the higher-ups. The Sophomore saw the girl, smiling with delight and pleasure, side view. He didn't see what her eyes are like currently.

He just narrowed his eyes at her. "Black long hair covering her back, black jacket that matches the school's uniform, black long socks, and black leather shoes. She also have red eyes." He muttered.

The girl's crush, the sophomore is glaring, muttering these words. "I am looking at the demon of 2-B. The killer who killed her classmates." He said to himself.

"And that's my story." Wow, I'm not scared by my own story. Well it's not really scary, but it's too gore.

"This is the bonus of the story..." I cleared my throat. I want them to stay awake for the whole night. Hehehe!

After the incident, all of the students are scared to enter the room. Yes, it is true that every end of the school year, one student survives in that section. Though, it is because their are accidents.

For example, during study tours and field trips, their are accidents, the classroom is burned, and the students died due to food poisoning. There are also parties hosted by a student, and they die because of accidents, hold ups, and more. During classes, the teacher even goes crazy because of drugs and wine, then kills them. Then there are massacres as well.

One time, when the male group of friends-

Reborn and Lambo were suddenly fighting. When Reborn shot a bullet it almost hitted me, but missed.

It hit a chandelier on top, making it fall into to the pentagram. Black smoke surfaced, and of course, we all gaped at it.

"Who dares summon me in exchange for their soul?" It asked.

"Gupyaaaah!" And Lambo fainted. It's so funny when he always does that!

His eyes largens, mucus is coming out from his nostrils, he looks like he is about to cry, then he faints! Ahahaha! I can't help myself! It just makes me laugh!

Okay, Jewel, stop it. You are going crazy.

"Reborn! Why did you do a real pentagram?!" We all chorused.

"I just copied it from the internet." He said with a blank face.

"Anyway, this is something beyond ordinary. This is the supernatural..." Byakuran sweated.

"This piece of trash will die anyway. Who cares?" Xanxus brought out his pair of guns and pointed it the smoke-like being.

"This is not good..." Enma said, with the same expression as Tsuna, doomned.

Maggiore suddenly came out from his ring form. "Oh, long time no see, Blackie." He smirked.

"You know it?!" We all said at the same time.

"M-Maggiore!" The black entity stuttered. it's scared from the almighty Maggiore! Wahahaha!

"No one summoned you, it was just an accident." Maggiore pointed out. Those who are so scared nodded their heads, I didn't. I have Maggiore on my side, hmp.

"T-then...I should be going now!" Before the black smoke can escape, Maggiore pulled out...a black cat from the smoke. Whaaat?!

"Ha?! You're just a cat?!" Bluebell yelled.

"Excuse you, I'm the cat of the demon lord himself." The cat spoke.

"So small..." Byakuran looked relieved somehow.

"Want me to scratch you, hah?! Meow that?!"

"Meow that? Or got that?" I sweatdropped.

"Whatever, meow!" The cat crossed it's arms. Cute!

"So...why did you create my pentagram? Hah, meow?!" It huffed.

We all pointed at Reborn. Xanxus pointed his gun at him, and even fired. As usual, Reborn dodged.

"Hm..." the cat continued crossing it's arms as Maggiore turned to it's size. Maggiore whispered something and the cat kept on nodding.

"Okay! My lord-" Maggiore glared at the cat.

"I mean Maggiore says that Reborn lost his right to be host." It continued.

"Ha?! What's with what?!" Reborn pointed his gun at the poor cat.

"Yeeeooow! Why me, why me, why me?! Point that thing at Maggiore!" The cat yelled, pointing it's paws at Maggiore.

"Reborn, this cat over here, Cheshire, will take your place. Don't worry, he's more responsible and cautious of the consequences." Maggiore smirked.

"Hmp. Do what you want. I'll just watch you then. I'm not going to help you if there's any problem." He meant Tsuna. Tsuna just sweatdropped.

"Ha-ha!" The cat suddenly turned into a human. Black hair, heterochramtic eyes, pale skin and black clothes. Like other cats, his one eye is blue, the other is green.

"Hahi?!" Haru is in disbelief.

This is not real...

This is a dream...

This is a nightmare...

This is an inception?!

Anything but inception! First of all, we summoned a black entity. Second, it's actually a cat that serves the demon lord. turned to a human!

I can handle hitmen and all the elements in this world, even the dragons and phoenix', but a cat turning to a human? That's something else!

"Now, all of you, out! Go out of this room. All of us, out of this room." He clapped his hand.

Xanxus was about to protest and shoot Cheshire, but the now-human-cat is already infront of Xanxus, smiling. "Go. To. Your. Rooms." Cheshire continued to smile as he holds the gun of Xanxus, pointing it down to the floor.

"Tch!" Xanxus shovef off Cheshire's hand and left. We too, also left.

Walking to our rooms, I forgot that Maggiore is still in his real form! I need him!

I ran going back. "Jewel?! Where are you going?" Tsuna yelled.

"I'll just go back to get Maggiore! Don't worry!" I turned back and smiled at Tsuna.

Running back to the room, I stopped infront of the doors. I need to rest first, since a lot happened today.

When I was about to open the door...I heard someone talking.

"Maggiore, my lord." That's...Cheshire!

Opening the door slightly, I see Cheshire kneeling. "It's been a long time, my friend." This is Maggiore's voice!

I can't see him though. The small and narrow space isn't enough!

My lord? Friend?

"So...the girl with honey-colored hair...that's Leggendia." Cheshire raised his head.

"Yes." Maggiore replies.

" many more days exactly before she goes back?"

"Today is her fourth day. Tomorrow, is her 302th day." Maggiore stated.

"Oh, so sad. I can feel that she really likes it here though." Cheshire looks saddened.

"Stand up, Chesire." Maggiore...

Cheshire stood and smiled. "'re less intimidating in your human form...Maggiore."

My eyes widened. Human form?!

"All of you, the dragons and Phoenix' you all look so scary. But in in your human forms...ah, the atmosphere is so warm." Cheshire placed both hands on his waist.

All of them? All of my masters?

"We were once human, but then again. We're magical creatures from the start." Maggiore sounds so serious.

Once human? Magical creatures from the start? What does that mean?!

"You mean, you guys are magical creatures. I'm just a normal animal that is blessed to have powers." Cheshire open and closes his hand.

"Anyway, why did you summon me? The chandelier falling is your doing. You just had the chance that my pentagram is used, so you made the chandelier fall, it wasn't Reborn's bullet. So, why exactly did you call me here?" Cheshire crossed his arms.

"It's about Leggendia, Jewel."

Me? Why?

"Hm? You? Calling me? Just because of her? I thought you are the guy that handles everything perfectly?" Cheshire looked tensed.

"I failed to tell her..."

Tell me what?

"To tell her what?" Cheshire asked.

"About the truth..."

What truth?

"What truth?" Cheshire continued.

"About how many days exactly she has left."

How many is left?!

"How many is left exactly?" Cheshire narrowed his eyes.

"Because she keeps on using the forbidden language, and keeps on calling me out...she's just actually shortening her time here."

So how many is left?!

" many is left?" Cheshire looked like he's stressed.

"Exactly one day left. Tomorrow is her last." Maggiore said.

"What?!" I opened the door, shocking the two. Now I see, the human form of Maggiore. Blonde hair, golden eyes, and white clothes that looks like what a king wears.

"Leggendia, how long-"

"That doesn't care right now!" I cutted off Maggiore.

"I have only one day left?! And you just kept quiet about it?! Why didn't you warn me, or atleast tell me before? All this time I thought I have atleast another few more days left, but I actually have one?!" Tears started to form in my eyes.

"Leggendia, please. Let me explain. Calm down." Maggiore, who is currently human, said.

"Actually, I can do that.'s my precious time here in this world that is being taken away! So why would I calm down?!" I yelled, clenching my fists.

"Take back the time and I will calm down!" I glared.

"That, I cannot do." He looks worried. Why? Is it pity? Is he guilty?

"But if I had the mark, you would, right?!"

He just stayed silent. Ha, guilty.

" could you..." I looked down at the floor.

"I couldn't say it...because...-"

"Because what?!" I screamed.


"Wake up" he said.


Everything turned white and I looked around. A dream? Again? Or was it all a dream? From my inception up until just now?

Turning to my left, the sun is up. Looking at the clock, it's 9:25...AM.

Getting up lazily, without changing, without washing, without brushing my hair, without checking myself out in the mirror, I got out of my room. Going down to the dinning hall, everyone is there, eating. Well, atleast not until I arrived.

"Jewel? You look...tired..." Tsuna said.

"Just say that she just woke up." Reborn sipped some of his espresso.

"Is this real?" I asked, eyeing them carefully.

"Hah? Of course, trash." Xanxus drank his wine.

I just facepalmed. Of course, if this was a dream, they would say yes.

"Aaah~ Meooow~ This fish is very tasty!" One spoke.

Looking over at the right of the dinning table...Cheshire?!

"This a dream! This a dream! Inception again!!!" I screamed.

"Hn? Leggendia!" Chesire smiled like a cat, like this... :3

Looking at my hands, I see Maggiore on my index finger, in his ring form. My eyebrows twitching, I removed him and threw him away.

"Eeeeh?!" Everyone yelled.

Maggiore suddenly is in his true form, stopping in mid-air. "Leggendia, what is the meaning of this?" He crossed his arms.

"Shuuuuuut up! I had enough of inception! Wake me up! Wake me up!" I banged my head on the wall.


"Gomenasai! Gomenasai! Gomenasai!!!" I kept on bowing, like Gokudera.

You see...half of it is a dream. Me going to the room, eating Bianchi's food, telling scary stories, and meeting Cheshire is true.

The only thing is, when we were ordered to go back to our room, I fell asleep on the way, which I didn't believe at first. Me? Fall alseep in the middle of walking? No! seems it happened though.

"It's okay...we understand." Tsuna tried to calm me down.

"Especially you, Maggiore! I am so sorry!" I apologised again.

"Just like what he said, I understand. Right, Chesire?" Maggiore turned his head to him.

"Hm? Yeah." Chesire replied, busy eating his fish, in human form.

Meeting someone new in this kind of time, what do you have in store for me?

DAY 302

(A/N: Sorry, no third special chapter. I made this kinda long, so...there you have it! I kinda find it weird that I'm still writing a chapter about halloween even though it's a long time ago. =_= Anyway, hope you like it!)

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