Chapter 90: Inception Plays With Your Brain

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(A/N: This a Halloween Special, sorry if it's late. Atleast it's now or never. And oh...this has three parts by the way. This is part one :D)

DAY 301

Jewel's POV

"Jewel, wake up." Someone rocked my shoulder.

"Hn..." was my only reply and I turned to the other side.

"Jewel, wake up." The voice starts to get loud.


"Jewel, wake up!"I felt that someone kicked me, and that lead me to fall over the bed.

"Who dares to interrupt my sleep?!" I yelled.

Looking at my bed, I can see the sun arcobaleno. "What is it? Can you see I'm sleeping? And it's the middle of the night!" I yelled.

"Get up, you'll go explore this haunted hotel." Reborn said, in a serious tone.

"Huh? Enough of your jokes, I'm tired from your pranks, and I'm really tired." I glared at him.

"And, by the way. You just slept for ten minutes actually. And, look at the time. It's still quarter to nine." Reborn stated.

"That's impo-" I looked at the clock on the bedside table's true!

"So get up, the rest are already into ghost hunting and cracking mysteries. This is a trio work, and you are paired with Fuuta and Bluebell." Reborn pointed out.

And I thought I would be paired with Tsuna and one other. Guess not.

"Jewel-nee!" Two kids barged in to my room and tackled me.

"Oof!" And I fell down to the floor again, this time, with two kids on my waist.

"Fuuta...Bluebell...can't...breathe..." I gasped for air.


And so..."Uh...are we going ghost-hunting?" I asked, my hair is messy from my sleep for just ten minutes. I am also holding my flashlight.

Just so you guys know, it's dark. We three are alone, and I'm eldest. I know that I'm scared of the dark, but I'm just so pissed that I don't feel scared at all.

My sleepiness is also gone now. Ugh...what is Reborn up to now?

"I have all the tasks that we should do for this night!" Fuuta brought out a notebook and pen.

"Bleeeh! You even need a notebook! Me, I placed it in my head!" Bluebell stucked out her tongue.

"I wrote it down in case we forget, miss know-it-all!" Fuuta looked away and closed his eyes.

" along okay? Now, let's just get this over with and start completing them." I yawned, feeling sleepy again.

"First is..." Fuuta started scanning his notebook.

"Picture the painting with a man and a woman in a wedding ceremony." Bluebell proudly said.

"Show off..." Fuuta muttered.

"What did you say?" Bluebell glared.

"Oh nothing. Come on, Jewel-nee. Let's go! I know where it is!" Fuuta grabbed my hand and pulled me to it's direction.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Bluebell yelled and grabbed my other hand as well.

When we reached the painting, I thought of something. "Do we have a camera?" I asked.

Fuuta brought out one. "They gave me one, here." He handed it out to me.

"Okay..." I positioned it to picture the painting.


I lowered the camera to let Fuuta and Bluebell see it.




"Ruuuuuun!!!" I yelled as I saw that there is no one in the painting in the one I pictured, and there is no one there in the painting now!

"Aaaaaaah!!!!" We three yelled.

"Why must this happen to me?!" I can feel tears starting to appear on my eyes.

When we ran away and know that we are far for good, we stopped running and rested for a while. "Good thing I didn't let the camera fall..." I said.

"Next go to the music hall and record an instrument playing with no one playing it..." Fuuta read his notebook.

"Huhuhu...mama..." I cried, not literally though.

While slowly and hesitantly going to the music room, we spotted Gokudera and I-pin. You think you can fool me Gokudera?! I saw this happening in the anime you know?! Besides, Reborn said that it's a trio, not by pair!

I ran after him, holding my flashlight of course. I punched him in the face and he fell down to the floor.

"Ha! Think you can fool me? No! I remember this happening!" I crossed my arms, proudly, as Bluebell and Fuuta went to my side.

"Yeah, Gokudera-nii, you did this last time with Tsuna-nii." Fuuta agreed.

When Gokudera turned, along with I-pin...

"Yaaaaaaah!!!" We three yelled and ran away. They have no faces! The have no faces! THEY HAVE NO FACES!!!

If I-pin's shiny head is supposed to be Gokudera's head, then who is I-pin with no face?! They're the real ones with no faces!

No wonder it seemed wrong! It's a narrow hallway, how can the real Gokudera hide and pull I-pin with a fishing rod when there is no space to hide?! And I probably angered the spirits, noooooo!!!!

"Skip number two! Skip number twoooo!" I yelled.

"Haaaaaiiiii!!" Fuuta yelled.

"Jewel-neeeeeee!!" Bluebell's voice sounded shaky.

"Number three..." Fuuta gulped. Silence dominated as we stopped running, and Fuuta won't say number three.

"What is number three, Bluebell?" I asked.

"Uh..." she gulped as well.

"Just what is it?!"

"Look for a golden key in the women's comfort room!!" Fuuta and Bluebell chorused.

I almost fainted. Nooooo way! Why?!

"Jewel-nee, are you okay? You look pale." Bluebell said as she hugged my waist, scared.

"Let's just go find that damn key." I said, obviously pissed.

Going to the women's comfort room, we heard a little girl's cry. "Bluebell...tell me that's you..." Fuuta hoped as he hugged me, shaking.

"No..." Bluebell joined Fuuta.

"Huuuuuu..." there it is again.

I can feel all my hairs standing up. "L-let's just go...o-okay?" But before going inside the comfort room, I felt something on the side of my leg.

"Yaaaaaah!!" I yelled.

"Aaaaaah!!" Fuuta and Bluebell also yelled because of me, and hugged me tighter.

"W-what's wrong?!" Fuuta asked.

"I can feel something on my leg besides you guys!" I told them.

"'s your phone." Bluebell got my phone from my pants and showed it to me, she had no expression on, because I yelled just because of nothing.

"Huh? One message?" I got my phone from Bluebell.

"From...Reborn?" I checked it out.

When I just opened the message..."Aaaaaaaahhh!" A scary girl screamed from my phone.

"Aaaaaah!" We three yelled as I threw my phone away.

"Hah? Wait-Noooo! My phone! Waaaaah!" I went over to my phone, it's broken! The screen is cracked!

"That's it! I'm going for it!" I went inside the restroom, Bluebell and Fuuta followed.

I looked for the key, annoyed. I found it, hanged on a mirror. I walked, stomping my feet loudly.

"Aaaaah-Guah!" Something in black was about to come out from one cubicle but I pushed the metal door, making it hit hard the metal door.

"Pfft...Ahahaha!" Bluebell and Fuuta laughed.

I removed the golden key and went out of the room, the two followed me, still laughing. "One word, epic." Bluebell laughed.

"I'm gonna list that down." Fuuta brought out a huge book from nowhere and wrote something down. Before that, everything near us floated.

"Cool!" Bluebell swam in mid-air.

"Jewel-nee is ranked first for disrupting a ghost in an epic way." Fuuta said.

Then, his ranking mode stopped, making Bluebell hit the floor real hard. "Ow! Warn me will you?!" She yelled as she rubbed her swollen chin.

I didn't find it funny because I'm currently pissed. Ghost or not, I don't care of who you are. My phone is destroyed! My life! My everything! Those hours, days, of downloading anime pics,'s all gone!

Do you know how hard I worked for searching those photos? I need to go to the depths of the internet! To the last page of the said anime pics just to download it!

Do you know Magi? Magi: The Labryrinth of Magic? In this one website, it has over 1,600+ pages. Take note, that is a website for anime pics. I went through all those pages and it took me a lot of time!

And KHR! All those beautiful images of Tsuna...of the characters...all gone?! All my hardships of collecting them?! That envy when I see others posting pics and I'm all like, "Where did they get them?! Where is the source?!"

Huhuhu! All gone!

"Maggiore..." I said, gripping the flashlight.

"Jewel-nee? You sound..." Fuuta started.

"You sound very angry..." Bluebell looked worried.

"We're going to complete this piece of junk, right Maggiore?~" I smirked.

"Fufufufu~ Of course, Leggendia." Maggiore came out, already in his monster form. He's size is human size.

"He's...huge..." Fuuta looked up at him.

"Hu...he's scary if you met him this close..." Bluebell admitted.

"Come on guys!" I yelled with excitement, grinning. I jumped on his scaly back.

Do you know Dragon Ball? The dragon, Shen-lon (is the spelling correct?) that's how Maggiore looks like. Then just add Phoenix wings on his back. He's all color gold, one is a dragon eye, the other is a phoenix eye.

Bluebell and Fuuta hopped on as well. "Let's go Maggiore!" I smirked.

"To the music room!" I pointed ahead, feeling that I'm like a pirate or something.

Maggiore flew, flapping his wings. "Wooooo! Yeah!" Now my hair's gonna get messier.

"Cool!" Fuuta said in awe.

"This just feels like swimming!" Bluebell's like the main character in Titanic, you know, when you spread your arms and you feel the wind. Like that!

"Why are you doing this, again?" Maggiore asked.

"Reborn said that it's for Halloween or something." I told him.

"Record an instrument playing with no one playing it, right?" Maggiore smirked.

"Yup! Now, time for some evidence!" Why did I throw my phone instead of the camera? Huhuhu...

When we reached to the said room, we got down from Maggiore. I helped Bluebell and Fuuta get down as well.

Maggiore went super mini form, as small as an eraser. He flew up to my head and rested there. "How cuuute!" Bluebell squealed.

We entered, and the moment we did, the doors shut close. "Aaaaah!" I still shouted even though Maggiore is on my head. The two kids jumped onto my leg and hugged me tightly, their legs are surrounding mine as well.

"Calm down, the strongest being is here." Maggiore proudly said.

"Yeah, can't still remove the fear that envelopes us!" I stated.

The piano started doing a scary music, all the notes are low, which makes it more scarier. Maggiore snapped his fingers and the camera went to him, it also became chibi.

Oh, did I mention that he has hands? Not human hands, but hands like Shen-lon.

"How's it like sitting on my head?" I asked.

"It's the same as you riding on my back." He replied. "Maybe I should do this more often, sitting on your head in this form. If Reborn does this to Tsuna, then I'll do this to you also."

"It's okay, you're light when you are in that form." I laughed nervously.

"Jewel-nee!!" Bluebell and Fuuta's voice are shaky.

When I turned to the front, a black entity is coming this way. "Maggiore!" I yelled.

"That's nothing." Maggiore flew away from us and suddenly largened. He almost reaches the ceiling with this length!

"What do you want from me and Leggendia?" He asked, his voice is deep.

"Oooh, busted." Fuuta and Bluebell looked excited.

"Heeeeeeeee...." the black entity seemed to shrink.

"Mama!!!" It run away.

"Hahahaha!" We all laughed. It even yelled 'mama!'.

Maggiore breathed out fire, which good thing it didn't burn anything. "Hmp, weak." He even crossed his arms.

The two got off my legs. "Number four, go to the dinning hall." Bluebell stated as Fuuta checked number three.

Maggiore went back to super mini form and rested on my head. "Your head is very comforting." He pointed out.

"Really? But it's messy, I didn't even comb my hair, plus the ride on your back made it messier." I said.

"But anyway, off to the dinning hall!" I yelled and we went to the dinning hall. far, we didn't see anyone yet. Tsuna...where are you? Haya-nii!! Anyone!!!

Reaching to the said hall... "What the?" I said, dumbfounded.

It's clearly normal! The lights! The chandelier! There's freshly cooked food on the table! Everything is so neat and clean!

When we entered, it really looks normal. "Is this a joke?" Bluebell said as she roamed around.

"Nothing scary either." Fuuta pointed out.

"Guys, come back here. We do not want to be seperated as much as possible." So much for my big fat mouth.

The lights went off. "Aaaah!" There goes our scream.

I turned on my flashlight, it started to flicker and died out. Why, oh why must it die now?!

Maggiore breathed out golden flames, lighting the room. The two are gone!

Noooo! "Fuuttaaa!" I yelled his name. "Bluebeeeelll!" I shouted.

"Maggiore..." I felt uneasy.

"Aaaah! I can't stand it!" I screamed.

"Øň mý õŕđēŕ, şťøp țhīš måđňəşś!!" I shouted the language of the forbidden.

The flames of Maggiore dispersed and the lights went on again. Screamings can be heard, and it's becoming louder.

Bluebell and Fuuta suddenly came out from underneath the floor. Wait...are those trap doors? The two kids stopped floating when they are already at my side.

"Jewel-nee!" They cried.

"'s over. I ended it now, so don't cry." I said, trying to comfort them.

"Jewel-nee?" They chorused.


"There down...we saw...Tsuna-nii..." Fuuta cried.

Huh?! "Why?! What happened?!" Please, don't let him be dead. Anything but that!

"He...he..." Bluebell sniffed.

"What?!" I shaked the both of them.

"He's sleeping with no clothes on!!" They chorused.

"Haaaaa?!!!" I yelled.

"Haaaaa?!!!" I sat up, seeing Reborn beside me.

"Oh, you're awake. Anyway, I'm here to tell you that you'll go ghost hunting and cracking mysteries. This is a trio, Fuuta and Bluebell will be your partners."

"Haaaaa?!!!" I woke up, sitting up straight. A dream within a dream? What the heck is happening?! What did I eat today? Did I bump my head?

"Hm..." I heard someone beside me.

All my hair stood up, I looked slowly at my left. There, I spotted Tsuna, sleeping with no clothes on.

"Haaaaa?!!!" I woke up, seeing myself in my room. I pinched my cheeks. Okay, so this is not a dream, thank goodness.

And...why is it so dark?! I remember that I slept with the lights on!


"Aaaaaah!" I yelled and hid under my blanket. Slowly, I looked around, the TV turned on. Oh, so that was the noise...but why turn on by itself?!

"Huh? One message?" Hey...that's in my dream!

"From...Reborn?" Nooo! Don't!

"Aaaaaaaahhh!" A scary girl screamed from my phone in the TV.

"Aaaaaah!" We three yelled as I threw my phone away, in the TV.

"Haaaaa?!!!" I sat up, seeing my normal lit up room.

"Whew...finally." I stretched.

"Back to my-" The girl from the phone popped out of nowhere! "Aaaaaahhh!!!" I covered my eyes and shouted.

"Haaaaa?!!!" I woke up, seeing my lit up room, with Reborn and the others.

"Jewel! You kept on screaming, whimpering and sweating! Are you okay?" Tsuna said, worried.

"Huh? Ah...none..." I just held my head. Ow...what the heck? WTF? What a nightmare! More like nightmares!

"We came here to tell you about a trio group that will go ghost hunting and cracking mystery-" I punched Reborn in the cheek and he fell to the ground.

"No! No more! No more!!!" I yelled. Wait...I punched Reborn in the cheek?

"Haaaaa?!!!" I woke up, again! Huhuhu! Is this inception?! I don't find it funny!

"Maggiore! Help!" I yelled. Nevermind, let me end this.

"Øň mý õŕđëŕ, łĕț mę wæķə ůp¡¡¡" I shouted.

I sat up, straight. Normal lit up room, check. Time, quarter to nine. Pinch myself, check. Is Maggiore with me? Yes, he is.

" this real?" I asked my ring.

"Yes." He answered.

"Psh...anyone from my dreams will answer that, ugh..." I held my head.

"Leggendia, Jewel, you do know that I was with you during your inception, right?" He said.


"I can come and join you in your dreams. In both my real form or ring form." he said.

"Then why did you not end my dream?!" I asked.

"I can't. It is your dream, it is you who'll end it." He stated.

The door suddenly oppened, revealing Reborn. "Get out! Get out!" I threw the pillows near me.

He dodged them. "Oi, I thought this is real?" He said.


"It seems all of us had inception, and the both of us currently the ones awake. I tried waking Dame-Tsuna up, but he still won't." Reborn stated.

" did you get out of your inception?" I asked.

"Easy." He smirked. "I killed myself."

"Huh?! What if you killed yourself, not knowing you are already awake in the real world?! Are you crazy?!" I yelled.

"I'm a sun arcobaleno, I heal fast. Besides, I shot myself in the feet. Not the heart or the brain." Reborn said as he sat on the bed, beside me.

"How about you? How did you get out of yours?" Reborn asked.

"Uh...language of the forbidden?" I told him, unsure.

"Hmp. Well, that's why." He smirked.

"What was your inception?" I asked.

"I went to your room, you started throwing pillows at me. The next thing I know is that all of you wants to kill me. One dream is one person killing me." He stated.

"So...what's the trigger of you waking up to a new dream?" I asked, again.

"Tch, let's just wait for the others." Reborn left the room.

"I'm sure that he gets killed in every dream he had. In the end, he needs to kill himself." Maggiore chuckled.

"So...any answer to why all of us had inception?" I asked.


"So...what is it?"


"Tell me." I glared.

"Can't tell. It's part of the rules." He replied.

"Okay...should I end their inceptions now?" I asked as I got up from bed.

"It's up to you, Leggendia."


"Őņ mý œřđëŕ, šțøp ĕvęŕýöñê'ś īņçèpţîõň¡"

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