Chapter 89: Prank

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A/N: Yo guys! Sorry if I didn't update for a month!

I became lazy and my exams are already next week! Atleast I managed to finish this chapter now.

Anyway, I'm really sorry. *bows Gokudera style x100*

I tried to make this chapter as long as I could, but this is the only thing that popped in my mind. And...sorry for any grammar mistakes and spellings. I basically rushed this chapter.

I don't want to double check it right now because I'm going to sleep. Anyway, please forgive me.

DAY 301

"This is a bad idea." I said, walking down the halls of this glamorous hotel.

"See! I told you Reborn! Even Jewel thinks so!" Tsuna reasoned.

"Hmp. Anyway, you can't do anything about it. It's already been decided." he replied as he walked infront of us.

When we reached the dinning hall, food, spoons and forks, chairs, and tissue napkins were flying across the room. "I knew it..." me and Tsuna groaned.

"Oi, Dame-Tsuna. As Boss of Bosses, calm them down." Reborn kicked Tsuna in the back, making Tsuna almost fall to the floor.

"Reborn, you should stop your endless kicking and hitting on Tsu-kun." I pointed out.

"Not until he officialy takes the position of Decimo." he smirked. Me and Tsuna just sighed.

"Minna! Stop this!" Tsuna yelled, but he said it calmly.

"Tsk, tsk. You will still remain a dame-"

"Everyone sit down and stop fighting!!!" Tsuna suddenly yelled loudly, like a boss.

Everyone in the room froze and the fighting stopped. Tsuna's guardians, the Varia, Cavallone, Shimon and Millefiore were all there.


And so, at the middle of the dinning table is Tsuna. I'm at his left and Haya-nii is to his right. The rest of the guardians are equally divided to the two rows.

The other groups or families are in one row. The Cavallone and Millefiore are at my row while the Varia and Shimon are at Gokudera's row.

We started to eat actually. Before I can even take my first bite of the delicious-looking food here, Ryohei, who was beside me, stood up and yelled. "Pass me the pasta to the extreme!"

Startled, I almost jumped up on my seat. Do you know what Reborn said to me and Tsuna? He said that we, everyone in this room, will prank on each other.

The one with most pranks will be crowned Prank King...and both me and Tsuna thinks that's it's a bad idea. Whoever's crowned king will be recieving something. He didn't what though...Reborn and his crazy idea and stunts...why does he need everything to be extreme?

Yamamoto, who gave the bowl of pasta without thinking, just became the first victim. Ryohei grabbed the bowl and threw it at Yamamoto's face.

Ooh, that's gonna hurt...physically and emotionally. Yamamoto's been embarassed...oh my gawd! Waah! Now good people turns into bad people!

Everyone is going to release their inner demon! Not good, not good, not good!

"Ahahaha! Baseball freak's been pranked! The first victim too! Wahahaha-oof!" Gokudera suddenly fell head-on onto the table. A baseball hitted hit his head.

This just mean one thing...but how did Yamanoto-

"Haha! Sorry, sorry. That one over there is a fake." The reall Yamamoto came out from the entrance hall and then pointed at the fake.

"Reborn gave it as a gift for being an excellent student." Yamamoto laughed and rubbed the back of his head.

"That means..." Squalo thought of it.

"The loud trash is the first victim, he's been fooled by thinking that the stupid trash is real and he would hit him good." Xanxus crossed his arms while his eyes are closed.

"Why you!! Come back here you baseball idiot! I'll make sure you-Aah!" Gokudera suddenly tripped.

"Gupyahaha! The almightly Lambo has done it again! Yahaha!" Lambo laughed.

Gokudera tripped by an old-fashioned prank. The banana peel. You rotten sneaky banana peel. I remember being tripped by one, and it's the doing of my real brother, Felix.

"You stupid cow!! I'll cook you and burn you!!" Gokudera is now chasing Lambo.

"Yaaaah! Help meeee!" Lambo cried for help.

Ryohei's the first victim and he's pranked once. Gokudera's been pranked twice...things aren't looking good for Haya-nii...

A glass of wine suddenly hits Xanxus' head. Everyone's attention went to him. He stood up, shaking from anger. Uh-oh...

"Who the hell threw a glass of wine at me?! I'll make sure a ton of bullets will be on your body!" He yelled, raging.

Everyone's silent. No one dared to speak, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Reborn smirking. That little midget...

"Who threw a glass of wine?! You did?!" Xanxus shifted to Levi. Haha! Poor Levi...

"Uh?! No boss! Why would I?!" Levi started to panic.

"So it's the freaking Horse who threw the glass of wine?!" He shifted to Dino.

"Me?! I don't have a grudge against you! And I would never do that!" Dino started having cold sweat.

"You're such a coward as always." Reborn said with disappointment.

Well, no one saa what happened. They're all looking at Gokudera and Lambo. "Then it's Sharky over here!" Xanxus glared at Squalo.

"Me?! Vooiii!" Squalo stood. "I'm not that stupid to throw a glass of wine to you! Besides, I'm just beside you!" Squalo threatened.

"Then who the freaking hell threw the glass of wine?!" Xanxus yelled in anger.

"But of wine? It sounds famillar..." Squalo thought about it.

" too. It sounds famillar. Where have I heard it before though?" Yamamoto thought of it as well.

Seconds passed and silenced dominated the room. "Wait..." Yamamoto.

"There's the time when..." Squalo.

"When Squalo/I challenged Jewel/The trash's girlfriend to a fight!" Squalo and Yamamoto chorused.

All of them looked at me, shocked and in disbelief. Yeah, it's me. Finally! I threw a glass of wine at Xanxus!

"You keep on saying things about throwing a glass of wine at Xanxus that time!" Squalo pointed out.

"Pfft...pfft...Ahahahaha!" I laughed.

"Ahahaha! That's right! It's me! And it's priceless! My goal is accomplished! Ahahaha!" I ran away like a maniac.

"Mammon! Give me the video later! Hue hue hue hue!" I yelled.

"You got it." Mammon replied as Xanxus chased me.

"Come back here trash!" Xanxus is in flames!

I got out my phone and dialed a specific number. "Hello? Ahahaha! Hello seducers! Xanxus? Yeah, he's here in Japan with me." I looked back and Xanxus stopped chasing me, he's also pale.

I also stopped. The truth is, I'm pranking him again. Hihihi! There is no one on the other side of the phone. I'm talking to one!

"Pay me millions-no, billions. Billions, okay? Got it. I'll send the address." I pretended that I'm.about to send it.

"Wait no!" Xanxus yelled in horror.

"Oops, I already send it. Har har har har." I joked.

He fainted and fell to the floor, all the blood went out from his head. "Ahahahaha!" I laughed loudly and went over to the unconscious Xanxus.

"I'm kidding, It's just a prank~" I kneeled and poked his cheeks. I chuckled after. Poor Xanxus!

"Oh, by the way, Haya-nii." I stood up and dusted myself.


"Uh...Haru wanted me to give this to you." I gave a fake letter. You heard me, fake.

"You cheater, womanizer, wolf!!!" I started to hit him, but it's just an act.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" He asked, confused.

"Don't play dumb with me Gokudera Hayato AKA heart breaker! That letter clearly says that you cheated on her! I hate you! And because of you, Haru will be leaving going to America for good." Some crocodile tears were shed.

"What?! Haru!!!" Gokudera yelled and quickly went to look for her.

Hue hue hue hue, sucker~ It's a prank. sweet. Haya-nii does care...double aww...

2 pranks accomplished! And Haya-nii's been pranked thrice! Ahahaha!

Tsuna went beside me and whispered. "I thought you disagreed on Reborn's plan?"

"Yeah...but I changed my mind! It looks fun!" I smiled at him.

" did you managed to prepare a fake letter?" He asked.

"Oh...Reborn informed me about this earlier and I got interested and I made the letter. A little while later, I didn't have any interest. And now...I'm interested again!" I chuckled nervously and sweatdropped.

"You're so random..." he chuckled and ruflled my hair.

"Hihi!" I smiled.

And then...things got complicated. We all went back to our rooms to prepare for the war! Prank war! Reborn told us to do it anyway.

Groups aren't allowed. It's suppose to be individual. Anyway, is having Maggiore a group? Is it? It's not, right? Right?!

Rules, rules, whatever. As long as I prank plenty of people, it's more than enough than winning. Oooh! This is going to be exciting!

This prank war will end at the end of the day. So...that's one whole day of pranking! I wonder if Hibari will join? But...if he's going to be an all-out-war, and Hibari will be out of character if he joins in. It's hard to be Hibari.

I heard a gunshot. That's Reborn's signal that means it's okay to go out. All at the same time, we opened our doors.

Right across from me is Tsuna. Hm...what if I mainly focus on him?






That's a good idea! A brilliant idea! I'll just focus on him the whole day! I'm such a genius!

I smiled widely at him and his response? He ignored me.

Is he ticking me off?! You better prepare Tsuna! I'll prank you all day and all night! It's still early in the morning.

"By the way, Tsuna isn't joining the prank. That is all." Reborn's voice echoed throught the hall. It came from a speaker.

Huh? Why?

"Start!" Reborn's voice echoed.

A prank from the very start? Can you even pull that off? Pranks need perfect timing and patience.

Tsuna headed downstairs, whom I secretly followed. He went outside of the building, I also left the building and followed.

Who am I? I'm Juvia and he's Gray from Fairy Tail?! I'm just like a stalker here and it feels ridiculous.

Why is he excempted from the pranks? What is he doing here? And just what is up to?

I saw him, stopping beside at a popular cafe. eyes widened. He's talking to a girl?!

Okay...wait...chill. Calm down Jewel. It's normal for someone to talk to a girl...right?

Aaaah! I don't care! Besides, I don't know her, and Tsuna hasn't told me about her! Just who is she?!

The two of them laughed and Tsuna seems to enjoy her company. I know Tsuna's a kind person by nature but...this is just ridiculous as hell!

The girl's pretty! And I have to admit even though I don't want to...she's prettier than me! She's a blonde, fair skin, blue-sapphire eyes, perfect word, Perfect!

I bit my lower lip, hoping that those two don't have any kind of close relationship. I think my gut's correct, because those two went into the cafe.

I think things are becoming clear now. Tsuna's excemption, the time he ignored me, that girl, this he cheating on me?

I can feel my chest tightening. Please...not again. I cannot stand it if this happens again. My heart's too fragile...

When they went in, they sat on a table beside the glass wall. They're seating across from each other. Atleast I can see what they're doing.

A waitress entered and took their orders. Tsuna seemed nervous and he swayed his hand over his hair. I stood there, mouth opened.

Why? He looks much more handsome when he does that! And he never did that to me!

The girl laughed and Tsuna just chuckled lightly. The perfect girl stood and bent over, fluffing my boyfriend's hair.

Oh that's just...ugh!!!

Tsuna looked up at her and smiled. I just felt a pang on my chest, it hurts.

Surprisingly, the waitress came in much more earlier than I expected. She brought down food onto the table from the tray she's holding.

They ordered...pasta. Great, what is this? Lady and The Tramp movie? Huge Ice creams with different candies and sweets. Aww, how sweet!!! Then there's Hamburger. Tsuna's favorite food, of course, I mean, why not?! And lastly...a huge single cup of beverage with a pair of straws.

I unconsciously hit the wall where I'm hiding at and it made a crack. I only noticed it when Maggiore came out in his mini figure and told me to calm down.

I remembered the prank thing, is this Tsuna's prank? Is this his prank on me? Is it?

Well, now I know that it's not a prank. The two of them kissed, and I can tell that it's the passionate kind!

If this is a prank, I'm sure he won't go that far to kiss some random girl passionately! He doesn't have the guts to do that! He even doesn't kiss me in that way!

After minutes of watching them smiling, laughing, giggling, chuckling, teasing and sweet talking, I had enough of this madness! Angry, I removed the necklace and ring that Tsuna gave me. (The necklace is the one with the words "The Jewel of the sky" and the ring is the one that Tsuna gave her along with a lots of roses)

I inserted the ring onto the chain of the necklace, then locked the necklace so that the ring won't slip. "What are you doing, Leggendia?" Maggiore asked.

"I'm going to do something that Tsuna won't expect!" I answered.

I gripped the two things tightly, and tears flowed down my cheeks. The sight just before me is unbearable! Someone is kissing my boyfriend on the cheek!

And Tsuna doesn't seem disturbed? Ha! That liar! Maybe I shouldn't judge people by their looks, really. Tsuna looks all innocent and harmless, but no! He's a liar and a cheater! And I hate them the most.

Gathering all my strength, I threw the necklace and ring to him. A loud crashing sound of glass is heard. The girl shrieked and Tsuna was able to protect the girl from the shattered glass by using his back as shield.

People are staring at me, glaring at me. Others brought out their phone and recorded me. Others called the police or whatever. The others ignored what I did and continued doing their own business.

When Tsuna turned to my direction, I can see the shock on his face. Yeah, be shocked, cause I saw everything, you wolf!

"I hate you..." I muttered, clenching my fists. I fled, crying. Maggiore turned back to a ring and I ran going to the shrine.

'Bring me back, bring me back, bring me back!' I kept on chanting inside my head. When I reached there, seconds of silence dominated.

I screamed in frustration, gripping my hair. Why? Of all people, why Tsuna? Of all people, why is he the one who fooled me?

I went deep into the forest, crying...weeping. I leaned on a tree and sat on the ground, sobbing. It heart aches!

Just how many times will I feel this kind of feeling? This is the second time pete's sake! I don't care if other girls have been fooled for ten or twenty times, it just hurts!

First Carl...and now Tsuna? Why is love like this?!

"Love is the most wonderful gift to have, yet the hardest to keep, and most painful to lose." I muttered.

It's true...that quote...that saying...that senrence...I know how it feels. I continued to cry and hug my knees in the forest, the sunlight shining down at the trees.

I'm mostly covered by the shade of the trees and little spots of sunlight can hit the ground. A wind blew by and it made the leaves of the trees rattle.

After so little seconds, not even within ten seconds, I feel his presence. The one who fooled me...the one who lied. The one who claims to be my boyfriend. Who else? It's no other than Sawada Tsunayoshi!

I stayed silent, covering my face by burying it to my knees. "Jewel, let me explain."

There you go, the sentence where boys always use for their reasons! I ignored him, remaining silent.

I can feel him kneeling to my level, I know he's just inches away from me. "Jewel..." how did he do that? His voice sounds so soft, comforting and assuring.

No! Don't be fooled! His tricking you into believing his innocent-

"Here, this is your necklace and ring." He said.

H-ho...h-how dare he?! He has the gut to say that infront of me?!

I lost it and lifted my head up to see his face. His all apologetic and sorry.

"Here..." he lifted his hand with the necklace and ring.

"No, give it to your sl*t a while ago." I hissed.

You think I can't say that word? No! I can tell him right in the face that he replaced me with a b*tch and that he's an asshole and a jerk!

(Sorry for the harsh words)

Mess with my feelings? Mess with it when it's fragile? I won't forgive you!

He looked hurt. "Jewel, just give me time to-"

"Explain? Ha! Just leave me alone you liar."

"Jewel, I'm serious." He looked at me with those eyes like his in HDWM.

"So am I." I huffed.

"Jewel." He called out.

"La la la la la." I plugged my ears with my finger and started to say those words. "La la la la la, I can't hear you, la la la-"

He suddenly removes my fingers from my ears, pinned my hand to the tree and kissed me. Shocked, my eyes largened, he just had his eyes closed.

This isn't the ordinary kiss, it's the passionate one. He even deepened it slightly, which I blushed at.

He pulled away, looking to a different direction, blushing in a deep shade of red. His face...he looks so...embarassed?

He covered his lips with his arm and couldn't make eye contact. I don't know why but I feel like he enjoyed and liked the kiss.

Okay...that thought just made me blush even more. I also looked away, not making any eye contact.

From that kiss...I don't know what to think! My brain cells aren't currently working.

I too, felt embarassed. "Jewel...I'm sorry." He started, looking down at the ground.

When I was about to speak, he's a second early than me. "I prank is a little...wait, no. My prank is overboard, sorry." He looked straight to my eyes. is a prank?

I slapped his shoulder with a lot of force. "A prank?! You call that a prank?! You kissed a random..." I sighed deeply.

"Nevermind, I still hate you." I glared at him.

"That girl isn't real."

"What? How-"

"It's just an illusion made by Fran, Chrome and Mukuro. That is why it looks so real." He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Actually, I was forced to do a reckless stunt because of Reborn." He sighed even louder.

"That time when me and the illusion..." he swallowed first. "kissed" he looks like he's hard up in saying that word. "The tree illudionists made it stronger so that I won't pass through it." He explained.

"He said, do something to anger Jewel to a whole different level. If I don't do it...then I would be forced to go back to Italy and stay there." He sighed louder than before.

"But still, I'm making that as an excuse. I'm really sorry Jewel. I really am. I know I shouldn't have done that and I know that what I did is wrong. Will you forgive me?" His face shows regret and he looks so apologetic.

I took in a deep breath...and then I kept on hitting him. "You idiot! Baka!" I yelled.

"I thought it was real! I thought it wasn't a prank! I thought you replaced me! I thought you cheated on me! I thought you-"

I couldn't continue, for Tsuna hugged me tightly. My face, on his chest.

"I'm so sorry. I will never do that kind of crazy stunt, again!" He promised.

I just let it all out. "Do you know how much it hurts?" I cried.

"I know...and I'm sorry."

"I was about to give up, give up on loving someone again! I even wished to go back to my world out of time!" I continued.

Tsuna tightened his hug. "That is why...Jewel..." he pulled away and made me look at him.

His eyes are those of his HDWM. "No matter what matter where you are, believe in me. Trust me." He looks so serious.

"Because I will not replace you nor cheat on you. I can never do that to you. You know that." He pulled me im for another hug and started to stroke my hair.

"So when you go your own world, believe in me, okay? I'll find a way for us to be together again, I swear." he stated.

"Wait for me...please...even if ten or more years has passed...please..." he leaned his head on my chest and held both my shoulders with his hands.

"I will wait for you until I die. Even if i grow old and weak, I will still wait for you. If I need to make my family my enemy, I will still wait for you." I assured him while I stroke my hands through his brown, gravity-defying hair.

His hair feels so soft. It's like cotton...I feel like I already know how clouds feel like. Nah, just kidding, clouds are water vapor. I can't possibly touch them.

"Please..." he tightened his grip on my shoulders.

"I told you...the ring is a symbol that I'll be please wait for me." He reminded.

He pulled away and grabbed my hand gently. He placed back the ring he gave me slowly into my ring finger.

He asked me to turn around and I followed. Tsuna brushed away my hair and placed them on one side, revealing the back of my neck. He then placed the necklace back.

"I'm sorry if I threw it at you..." I looked down on the ground, too embarassed that I can't look at him in the eyes.

"It's okay, I understand." He said.

"I'm sorry too, for breaking the glass and I hurted you because of it." I apologised.

"It's not a big deal, I wasn't hurt anyway. I think I even went overboard by protecting an illusion." He pointed out.

"I'm sorry if you paid the cashier for the damage I caused." I blushed more in embarassment.

"Ah...that's alright too..." I can feel Tsuna sweatdrop.

"Sorry for a while ago as well, I got angry at you and didn't believe in you. I'm so sorry..." I started to cry again.

Come on Jewel! Grow up and start stopping to be a crybaby!

"I told you, it's okay. No harm done. Besides, this is just a trial of our relationship. The real deal is when you go back." Tsuna stated as he wiped my tears and I nodded.

"So stay strong Jewel, be stronger if needed. But do not become someone that is cold, selfish, celf-centered, anti-social or to shut yourself from others. Be strong and maintain your personality now." Tsuna said.

"I will try-no...I will! I will do it!" I cheered up.

Tsuna sighed in relief. "Good!" He nodded with a smile across his face.

He then leaned on the tree. "But I admit...I became scared, frightened, when I saw you angry. I thought it was my end, our end." Tsuna admitted and covered his face with his hands, embarassed.

I peeled off his fingers away from his face and then smiled at him. "Again, I'm sorry, Tsu-kun! Can you please forgive me?"

"Of course I will." He replied.

"But though...really, I thought you're going to bring out Maggiore and let him fry me, cook me, eat me, kill me, claw me or more!" He pointed out.

I just laughed at his crazy imagination. But wait...maybe it's true. If I just remembered Maggiore at that time, maybe I would.

"Jewel would, if she had remembered me." Maggiore suddenly spoke.

"Hiiieee?! He speaks even in that form?!" Tsuna was shocked, he was startled actually.

"I don't know! I just knew today!" I pointed out.

"But...I would better choose you being angry at me than letting Maggiore burn me to crisp." Tsuna said.

I just laughed. Tsuna stood and helped me get up. I dusted my self and then we went back to the hotel.

By the time we got there, the sun has set. Well, me and Tsuna took a detour. We just ate in a fine restaurant.

When we enteree the hotel, there's a mess, a riot, trouble, and everything in those category. People chasing someone, things scattered on the floor, yells of curse words, and many more.

"Ehem!" The sound system is starting to work. The speakers made a long buzzing sound and it caught everyone's attention, stopping from what they're doing.

On the counter, Reborn stood. "Now, I will say who will be crowned King of Pranks." Reborn said.

Everyone's anticipating. Surely, it's not me nor Tsuna.

"It's no other than..." he even made a cliffhanger effect!

"Myself, Reborn!" He smirked.

"What?!" The others chorused.

"Eeeeeh?!" Tsuna reacted.

"I knew the end it would be all about Reborn." I just sighed.

"How come?!" Ryohei yelled.

"Because I pranked you all into believing that there's a contest of pranks." Reborn simply answered. "So...I win."

Pissed, I ran towards Reborn and prepared to strangle him. "You made Tsu-kun do that to me, and then now you're telling it's all just a prank?!" I yelled as Reborn dodged my grip.

"Come back here you dwarf!" I shouted.

And...everyone joined in the chase. Really? With our number,skill, and intelligence, we still couldn't get Reborn?!

Xanxus started shooting at Reborn, of all bullets that he used, none of them hit Reborn. "You suck at aiming!" I shouted at Xanxus.

"Shut up! He's just too good!" He yelled back.

"So you admit he's better than you?" I smirked.

"Shut up trash!" He fumed.

Next attempt: explosives. Gokudera threw his dynamites and Lambo threw his grenades. Huhuhu, Reborn dodged them all.

Now, Squalo and Yamamoto did a tag team. Wow...they did a tag team? Is Squalo now finally opening up? One word, LOL.

Still, Reborn dodges their strikes. Tch...

Now, Bel threw his knives at Reborn and Levi opened up his parabollas. I thought at first that it was a perfect plan but...I remembered something.

Did Bel even touched Reborn somehow? Or he's just throwing without any strings now? And then...Levi's parabollas are 100% sure to hit once locked on. Reborn has no escape but...

We're in a small hallway! We would all get electrified with all the metal here! Besides, Reborn might-wait no, Reborn will make it out somehow.

Like probably making Leon shift to a protective suit or something. Reborn will make it out, unelectrified.

"Wait, Levi noooo!!" I yelled at Levi.

"What?!" He got startled by my sudden yell.

"Don't electrify him! We're all going to be burned to crisp!" I pointed out.

Bel threw his knives and like the others, it didn't hit. "Huh?! What are you talking about?!" Levi yelled.

"She meant that if you do it now, we'll all be affected because we're in a narrow hallway filled with metal, idiot. Ushishishi." Bel answered for me.

"Thank you, Mr. Genius!" I laughed at the Mr. Genius part.

"Ushishishi." Is his only reply.

No one tried to attack because they all know it's useless. Just how freaking strong is Reborn?!

"Grrrrr! Come back here!" I yelled and continued to chase him.

Unkown's POV

4 days left for Jewel. The more memories, the better.

'I think that this day will probably do.' I thought as I fixed the pictures I collected while the rest are already asleep.

They're tired out from today, and I admit that I'm tired too. Just kidding.

"Hm...what would be next?"

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