Chapter 88: Interview

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DAY 300

"where are we going?" I asked as I'm been blindfolded.

"we'll reach our destination in 10 mimutes, so wait." Reborn replied.

"Okay..." I said.




"are we there yet?" I asked again.

"it's been just 3 seconds." I can hear Reborn sigh.

"I can't help it! I've been like this for half an hour!" I defended.

"And what is this?!" I raised both of my arms, showing my wrists, all tied up. Well, I don't know what they used to tie up my wrists.

"we tied up your hands so that you won't be able to peep" Reborn replied.

"I can still move my fingers you know?" I pointed out.

"Hm...thank you for telling" and Reborn completely covered my whole hands.

What did he use?! Mittens?! Gloves?! Wrapped my hand with one piece of cloth?!

"Tsuuuna!" I complained.

"I'm sorry...but I can't...hahaha..." he laughed nervously.

Wait...he laughed nervously? That means he's being threatened! By Reborn! Who else would do that to him anyway?

In the end, I just went to sleep. I'm pretty sure my mouth was open and I was snoring, or drooling even.

Suddenly, I felt the car stopped. "Wah?!" Because I was unattentive and unaware, I banged myself to the seat infront of me.

My head hitted the head of the sit and I fell from my own sit. So, I was almost been knocked out.

"Jewel?!" I heard Tsuna panic.

"Gaaaaah...." I groaned. "My head hurts, and I am gonna go crazy any minute now because I can't see a thing."

Do you know the feeling that when you can't see a thing, you start to panic and your head wants to explode. Like, what is there? What is that? Where am I?

From too much darkness that you'll go insane? Scared of the unkown.

"And, why the heck did the car stop so suddenly?" I tried to sit up properly again.

"Some crazy people started fighting in the streets." Reborn simply replied.

I can tell, he's lying. The car started to move again and I can the car going down a road. Just where the heck are we going.

Then, the engine stopped. "Okay, now, you'll remain like that until we say it's fine to remove the blindfold." Reborn stated. I groaned even louder.

The door beside me opened, I can hear and sense it. Then, slowly, someone guided me to somewhere.

I got out of the car, slowly. Then, started walking. We entered an elevator and it rang, signaling we have reached our destination.

We stopped when I walked a hundred steps. "Okay, you may remove it now." Tsuna said.

"Finally..." I said as soneone removed the cloth surrounding my hand I removed the blindfold.

I just gaped at the sight. I'm in a room, or a lobby? There's a counter infront of me, then, there's a chandelier in the middle of the lobby. The theme is red, yellow and gold,mostly gold.

"Welcome to Vongola Hotel Supreme." said a female staff.

"Wow...suge..." I said in awe.

"As we currently fix your rooms, you may wait in the reception hall." the femal staff bowed and pointed at our left.

"Oh, okay. Arigatou." I bowed and thanked.

"Arigatou." Tsuna followed. Oh, also, by the way, Tsuna, Reborn and I are the ones only here.

Reborn said something about me staying here until you know...the end of it all. Our luggages were taken away and we headed towards the reception hall.

It was weird though, Reborn told me to wear formal clothes. I chose to wear a creamy white dress with white sandals.

I've a got baf feeling about this...

If it's Reborn...Ha! Something is boubd to happen!

Then, when we reached the big gold double-door, it was closed. Weird indeed.

Reborn hopped into Tsuna's shoulders and Tsuna opened the door. The light coming inside blinded me, so I covered my eyes with my arm.

After a few seconds, I put down my arm and looked on what is in front of me. I gasped at the sight.

It's like...every character in KHR is there, standing and applauding. They are all in suits and dresses. Not only them but Reborn and Tsuna too Infront is a stage, but red big curtains covered what's inside of it.

I turned to look at Tsuna and Reborn. "What is this?" I asked them.

"Don't ruin the mood and just go with it." Reborn smirked.

"Eh...then what am I supposed to do? I don't even know what's happening!" I panicked.

"Jewel, cool down okay? Here, follow me." Tsuna stood beside me and offered his arm.

Of course, I held his arm. Reborn got off Tsuna and we walked.

Tsuna lead me to the front. There, infront of the stage platform, a table just for me was there.

Tsuna pulled a chair outward, meaning for me to sit. He pushed back the chair as I sat.

"Don't worry Jewel, this is for you." he smiled and left me there.

Let me guess, this is another crazy event prepared by Reborn. He's the only one capable of doing this anyway. That infant...

"Mic test!" I heard a female's voice.

"Huh?" I glanced right and left but I see no one holding a microphone.

Everyone turned silent, straightened their backs, and faced the stage. I faced the stage as well.

The curtains opened, revealing...Haru?! And wait...that sign...

"Everyone, welcome to Haru's Haru Haru Interview Dangerous desu!" Haru greeted with a fancy pink and yellow dress.

She looks beautiful! Her hair's even down! What a sight! She looks so...mature!

And I knew it! That sign! It meant Haru's Haru Haru Interview Dangerous! Only, this time, it's not in chibi form!

"Today, our special guest is...our very own...Jewel Caster!" she smiled and held out her microphone. Everyone yelled and cheered.

"But, we will interview her last! For today, I will try my best to interview everyone desu!" Haru waved.

"Now let us begin desu! First of all, let us call the person who stole Jewel's heart!" Haru squealed.

I blushed immediately, knowing it's Tsuna. "Sawada Tsunayoshi!" Haru grinned and everyone cheered.

Tsuna went up the stage, as he was about to go to his position, he tripped on the floor. Haru and everyone just stayed silent.

"Aha..." I started. "Ahaha...Ahahaha!" I laughed but softly and sweetly.

"Love you Tsu-kun! You'll be my forever adorable Tsu-kun!" I teased.

Everyone started to laugh and lighten up the mood and Tsuna stood properly and dusted himself. Now I just hope Reborn won't torture him.because he tripped. I sweatdropped from the thought.

"Tsuna-san, at first, what do you think of Jewel-chan? Please be honest." Haru said, serious.

"Uh...eto..." Tsuna rubbed the back of his neck.

"When I first saw her...I thought that she was beautiful." Tsuna blushed, making his face have deep shade of red.

"Yieeeee!" people teased and yelled. Of course, I blushed and fidgeted in my seat.

"Is that all?" Haru questioned. "Cause if what you're after is beauty...Just joking! I know Tsuna-san isn't that kind of person. But really, is that all?" Haru leaned forward.

"Well, I plan not to bring up bad memories of Jewel, but I think I need to." Tsuna becomes serious as I srarted sweating.

"When I saw her crying, I pittied her. Who wouldn't? I mean, her best friend betrayed her. If I was Jewel at the time, I would bad about it too." he points out. I see heads, nodding to his statement.

"After that best friend betrayed her, Jewel's former boyfriend cheated on Jewel because of that friend. Even though I don't know Jewel at the time, I feel mad and angry that they did that to her." Tsuna said.

"Ah! Gome Jewel! I'm sorry to bring this up!" he apologised and clapped his hands together, bowing.

", it's okay. I understand." I shook my head. I smiled radiantly after that.

"Indeed desu. Jewel-chan, we all here for you!" Haru had the determination and fighting spirit in her eyes.

"Okay, last question. " Haru pointed her microphone at Tsuna. "Will you do everything to let Jewel-chan be by your side?"

Tsuna looked at my direction. My eyes at his, and his at mine. "I would do everything, just to be with the person I love." he looked serious, like in HDWM.

"Okay desu~!" Haru smiled as Tsuna left the stage.

I stood up from my seat and went over to him. I pecked him in the cheek and he blushed. "I love you Tsu-kun."

"I love you too." he replied back.

I smiled at him and then I went back to my sit. "Up next, Gokudera Hayato!" Haru cheered.

"Yeah! Haru's boyfriend!" I teased. Haru's face turned to the same shade of red of a tomato as the elevator thingy came down.

Oh, they still have the elevator thingy? But this time, more fancy and advance.

"Hm?" Haya-nii looks confused as he sees Haru. the tux with the red shirt.

"A-ah! Go-Gokudera-kun!" Haru stammered.

"Come on, drop it. Just call him Hayato!" I yelled.

Now, the two blushed furiously.  "A-anyway! Why did call Jewel an UMA before?" Haru quickened her speech.

"Ah..." Haya-nii sweated. "Well...I thought she was suspicious and that she'll harm the tenth..." honest. And he said it without hesitation too.

"Wah?! From her looks, does she look like she'll hurt Tsuna-san?!" Haru pointed out.

I nodded. Yeah, from my beautiful looks, do I look harmful? Haha! Just kidding! Forget the beautiful looks part.

"Next question, have you ever thought of...uh...sorry to be rude or anything, but haveyou ever thought of doing something bad to Jewel-chan?" Haru questioned.

"Uh...I must admit. I almost bombed her...thrice..." he looked away.

"...What?" I said, dumbfounded. I can't believe that.

I was about to punch him but...I let it go. He was honest.

"Okay, thank you. Next is Yamamoto Takeshi!" Haru waved at the audience.

"Huh? The baseball frea-" the elevator thingy with Gokudera in it, went down.

This time, what replaced it is Yamamoto in another elevator. we have multiple elevators. Not only that, I think Yamamoto looks more matured in a suit.

"Haha! Yo minna!" Yamamoto smiled. I swear his teeth is so shiny. I think used a lot of toothpaste.

Nah! He loves milk! And milk is high in calcium! And calcium is for the bones and teeth!

I actually learned this while watching KHR. In one of Haru's interviews, she was interviewing Yamamoto. Yamanoto stated that he loves milk and it is good in calcium, that makes his bones stronger.

Ha! Watching KHR really helps! Now I cannot ever forget what does calcium do to your body!

"Yamamoto-san, what do you think of Jewel-chan at first sight?" Haru asked the same question like before.

"Hahaha! Seriously, I thought she's a baseball fanatic like me." he laughed nervously. The only sports I play is Volleyball. I don't like sports that much.

Maybe now, yeah. Cause I run around a lot ever since I came here. I need to keep my body fit!

"Haha...sorry Yamamoto-san. It seems Jewel-chan isn't a sporty type of person..." Haru sweatdropped.

"Nah, it's no big deal anyway." Yamamoto smiled, his oh-so-shiny-teeth, hurting my eyes.

"Okay, next up in line is Ryohei-san!" Haru cheered. Yamamoto's elevator went down, what replaced it is Ryohei's.

"Hello to the extreme!!" he yelled, keeping his fighting spirit.

Seriously, the whole place was shaking. He yelled at his microphone so...I think we're all deaf now. ear are ringing. I'm gonna lose it!

"Uh...thank you for that uh...loud and wonderful greeting." Haru said as she got up from the floor, dusting herself.

Good thing I can still hear. Cause I swear, it was so loud!

"Ryohei-san, did you thought that Jewel-chan likes boxing?" Haru asks, smiling again.

"Of course to the extreme! Oooooii! Jewel! Join the boxing the club!" Ryohei yelled, both hands beside his mouth.

I sweatdropped. "Uh...Ryohei, I'm not good in sports..." I said.

"Nani?!" he looked so angry that I wanted to run, a second later he was deressed and I sweatdropped more.

"Uh...Ryohei-san is unable to continue the intergiew des!" Haru sweatdropped as the elevator switch.

"Here, we now have Lambo!" Haru gestured to the little Lambo.

"Lambo, what do you want Jewel-chan to givd you?" Haru asks.

"Gupyah! I like lot's and lot's of candy! Then I want hundreds of takoyaki!! After that I want to be boss of everyone. I want Dame-Tsuna to bow down to me and Reborn to cry and beg! Yahaha!" he laughed.

I stared at him, in disbilief. Lambo!!! That's a death wish! The people here are Tsuna and Reborn supporters.

At first his wishes was all normal, then it becomes crazy. To the point where people likes to kill him.

They're going to roast the cow! Wait, no! They're going to process him! Or even worse, they're gonna hit and run Lambo!

"Ahahaha! Nice joke Lambo! Haha! You make tear up! Don't worrry I'll buy you lot's of sweets and takoyakis!" I smiled nervously. Thank goodness, fortunately, they bought it, thinking Lambo was joking.

"Yahaha! Then what's left is the whole world to bow down to me!" Lambo said, arrogantly.

People stared daggers at him, but before they can, I made Maggiore come out, in his tiny little form. He's just about a size of a small anime figurine.

I showed a scary face along with Maggiore, dark eerie aura at my back. "Gupyah!" he fainted, having snot on his nose.

"Uh..." Haru looked baffled.

"Ahaha!" I faked a laugh and clapped, catching everyone's attention. Maggiore hid by going back to his ring form.

"Who's next? Mukuro, Chrome, or Hibari?" I asked Haru, very loudly.

"Huh? Oh! Next in line is Chrome-chan!" Haru smiled as the elevator shifted. Thank goodness. Now, the thing is that Reborn will probably torture the poor cow...

"Uh...h-hello..." Chrome blushed in embarassment as she's wearing a purple and white frilly dress.

"Kawaii!" Men chorused and had eye hearts.

I stood up from my sit, Maggiore once again coming out in his miniature forn. He sat on the table, smirking with amusement as tick marks appear on my head.

I cleared my throat loudly. "Boys..." I started. They all listened attentively.


"FYI, she has a boyfriend." I added.

"H-hai..." they chorused, shivering.

"Especially to you Shamal!" I yelled, pointing it out.

I can see him, avoiding my stare and pretends to whistle like nothing has happened. Oh, you better not touch Chrome or else!

"Kufufufu! Don't worry Jewel, she's not alone." And I can hear hissing from my behind.

"Ha, from that laugh alone, I know it's you, pineapple head." I turned to look at the stage, indigo smoke was dispersing and Mukuro is now standing beside Chrome.

I smile plastered on my face. I'm pretty sure I'm smiling like an idiot right now. My legs feel like jelly, my.stomache has butterflies and my whole body shakes from delight.

This two are just so cute together that I can't help but squeal. They're probably thinking I'm crazy or something.

I calmed down and took in a deep breath. "Sorry for that, Haru, you may continue." I sat calmly on my chair, back straightened.

"Don't mind me. This interview's entertaining." Maggiore smiled. I nodded at him.

"Hai! Here, we have a couple! Chrome-chan and Mukuro-san!" Haru introduced.

"Wow, Mukuro-san, that trick was amazing! You suddenly showed up!" Haru said, lively.

"Kufufufu! It isn't a trick. It's real." Mukuro smirked.

Ah...forgot. We forgot to tell Haru that he has the six paths...

"Because of Jewel-chan, you two became couples. Am I right?" Haru smiled.

Chrome blushed furiously. She's just soooo cute!

"H-Hai..." she replied, hiding on Mukuro's back.

"Kufufu! It seems that my dear Chrome is shy right now." Mukuro stated.

"Hm?" Haru sounded disappointed. "Is that so? Then, thank you for your time." she tried to cheer up.

Knowing Haru, she didn't want to force someone to do things they don't want. "Now, next is...Hibari Kyoya."

Everyone just froze in their seats, including me. Maggiore stood up and poked me in the arms with his sharp dragon nails.

"Snap out of it. You're stronger than him." he pointed out.

'But he's so intimidating!' I thought, gulping and sweating bullets.

"But I'm more intimidating." he says. Did he somehow read my mind?

"You really are~" I teased as I played his cute little arms and wings.

I can see the little creature blush. "Hehe, you're so cute in small form." I cooed.

"I'll bite you to death."

My whole body stiffened. It's like, my blood stopped flowing, my skin went cold and I turned pale. Maggiore suddenly opens his mouth and shot out white flames at me. At first, I thought I was going to be burned, but instead, I felt warm.

"These flames won't harm good. Give good for good, for evil, justice." Maggiore crossed his scaly arms.

"Hey...that saying..."

"Who said that?" he asked, challenging me.

"I Forgot..."

"You'll fail your literature test if yoi don't know." then he sighed. "It's Confucius, or in Chinese, Kung-Fu-Tze."

"Wow, didn't know you took interest in literature." I leaned my head on my palm.

"I lived for centuries. I watch everything and learn all things possible as the time passes by." he stated, at the matter-of-fact.

"Oh yeah? Then-"

That's when I realised that Hibari was just right across from me, glaring daggers at me. I turned my head slowly to him. "A-ah...h-hai?" I asked, stuttering.

'And you! Why didn't you tell me that he was here the whole time?!' I said internally.

Maggiore just gave an apologetic face. "You. Me. Fight." Hibari stanced himself with his tonfas.

"Eh?" I looked at him. Why am I not surprised?

"EEEEEHHHH?!!" I yelled.

Then he started aiming and hitting me. I dodged them of course.

Eveeything was in chaos! Everyone was starting to hit each other!

Haha...I guess this is it. Everything in this world always ends like this, chaos and fighting.

As they fight and random items are being tossed, I laughed and enjoyed the chaos. Maggiore, who was staring at me until now, also joined me in laughter.

I would never forget the time I spent here in this world.

5 days left

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