Chapter 87: When I Have The Mark

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A/N: Sorry for not uploading. Hehe...super busy with school. I'll make it up to you guys by uploading 2 chapters. So after reading this, go to the next chapter.

DAY 297

We finally get to leave Italy. Thank goodness...

All I did was to keep Tsuna away from the two. And I can't even let my guard down for a second!

Anyway's like the deal, I got a copy of the Xanxus fiasco. In exchange for...nevermind how much!

Anyway, I'll transfer this to my phone after we got back home. For the whole flight back, I slept.

After one blink, Maggiore was infront of me, in his real form and real size. He's so huge...

"Leggendia, from what of you have asked me before, about being immortal." he said.

I became alert and tense. Back at that day, he didn't answer me. He said he needs to go back. And so, he left me.

"You are not immortal." he said.

"You could have just said that back then. I can live with being an immortal or not. I'm not greedy like the others." I stated.



"if you always have me with you, you will gain immortality. Only, that is, if i am by your side." he pointed out.

"so...example. I am already 124 years old, and then I didn't wear the ring, would I still live or die?"

"you'll die"

"will I still look young?"

"if you want to look young, it is your choice"

"oh...okay..." I am trying to take this all in.

"Maggiore...only 8 days left..." I can feel my eyes swelling up.

"I don't want to leave yet..." I wiped my falling tears.

"I am sorry...but you will leave in 8 days time." Maggiore stated.

"Can we just put my family here? Transport them here?" I asked.

"New life, new world, new town, new's perfect!" I pointed out.

Maggiore just shaked his head slowly for a 'no'. "I want to restore my family, and I really want to stay here also..."

" have already stayed here for almost a year. It's time to go back..."

"but I'm human! I want more!" I stated.

"Jewel, you are already lucky enough to meet them. No one from the real world is lucky enough to come here. Please try to accept the fact that you'll leave."

"You are the most powerful being! You can change and do the things you want! Why not let my family come here and we'll work things out." I yelled.

"Yes, I am the most powerful being, but not now that I have a master, you, I cannot do the things I want without your orders." he said.

"huh? What do you mean by that?"

"you order me on what to do. You can also be powerful as me." he pointed out.

"then...I order you to bring my family here!" I stated.

"that, I cannot do."

"but you just said-"

"For big and impossible orders, you must have the mark that proves you can control me."

"and that mark is..."

"a mark of the sun. Whenever you use your powers or if I'm been summoned, you must have a mark of the sun in your body. It must be glowing golden yellow." he explained.

"right now, do you see any glow marks? None." he continued.

"that is why, I want you to go to the real world. There, you will train. And after succesfully gaining the mark, you can come back here, any time you want. Bring your family, stay here for an umlimited amount of can do anything." seems promising...

"and if you have the mark, it means you are more stronger than me." he ended.

"okay...seems promising. But, don't you want to retain to be the strongest being?" I asked.

"I don't care about titles. And, if that happens, my long goal in life, will be accomplished." he smiled.

"I have waited for a very very long time. That is why, I am so happy that you have come, Leggendia." he shrunk to my size and bowed.

"I want that title to be stripped away from me. " he stated.

"so...after having the mark...I can come back here? Anytime, anywhere, anyhow?" I said, with a hint of joy.

"yes, any way you want." he smiled.

"Yes! Okay, I agree to go back!" I cheered.

"but...I'll still miss the world of KHR..." my joy only lasted for a very short amount of time.

"Leggendia, on a different matter." Maggiore said.

"eh? A different matter?" I looked at him.

"it's about if you will remember us and this world or not." he became serious.

"the very first obstacle to come, memory loss." he stated.

"ah...yes...80% that I'll forget about everything that has happened here..." I massaged my temple.

"It has a high possibility, are you sure you'll remember everything?" Maggiore asks.

"I don't know...but I hope I won't hace memory loss..." I sighed.

"Maggiore, on a different matter again, can I bring things from the KHR world to the real word?" I asked.

"you can, that I think of it. Bringing things to the real world can help you remember everything." he pointed out.

"Naniii?! Hounto?! That's good news!" I cheered.

"I'll bring lot's and lot's of stuff!" I smiled.

"so, are you ready to go back to the KHR world?" Maggiore grinned.

"hai!" I smiled.

And after that, I woke up at the airplane. It's night and we're already near Japan.

I enjoyed the whole flight. And I enjoyed every single moment when we got back to Namimori.

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