Chapter Thirteen

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It has been long&I am truly sorry. I hope you enjoy the short compensation for going AWOL on y'all.

fatimajikamshi. Thanks for  reminding me that I have readers that look forward to an update notification of my book. I hope you enjoy reading this.


People always talk about falling in love like it's the best indescribable feeling on earth. Rufaidah had never been in love or felt the need to be in love but she's sure that setting foot in the holy land made her feel that indescribable feeling and nothing on earth will match that. If she had the will, she will freeze the moment in time and just stay with her foot touching the ground of the most blessed city on earth and relish the happiness and peace zinging through her body for the rest of her life.

"Did you feel it?" She asked Yaya Shams still amazed by what she is feeling at the moment.

"Yes I do. Everyone feels the same no matter how many times you come here. It never gets old. Alhamdulillah for the gift of Islam. We are indeed truly blessed" He replied with a small smile looking at her.

"Can we just stay here and never go back? Let's find a job as cleaners of the holy mosque or whatever just in case we run out of cash" she rambled making Shams laugh out loud at her excitement. Looking at the happiness radiating her face, he wished he had brought her earlier and he can't trade this moment for anything. Seeing her genuinely happy and excited makes his heart happy.

"Just wait until you see the mosque. Maybe you'll faint. But please don't okay? My heart is too weak to get another attack." He winked and motion for her to follow him to the waiting taxi that'll take them to the hotel they booked.


Rufaidah was dumbstruck when her eyes came in contact with the holy mosque and when she saw the ka'abah, she cried. Yaya Shams didn't bother to console her knowing that she is shedding tears of joy and it is allowed especially after what she went through. They offered some nawafils before proceeding deeper into the mosque for a tour.

During their three weeks stay in the holy land, Rufaidah did nothing but pray fervently to Allah for everything. She prayed for forgiveness, for a clean slate to start a new life, for her dearest Musayyib and Reedah, for her parent's redemption, for mental and physical well being, for the strength to overcome every calamity that comes her way. For blessings upon Uncle Jibran's family, Reedah's family and all those who genuinely love her. She prayed for a retentive memory, for khair and Allah's will in everything that she do and for jannatul Firdaus to be where she and her loved ones will reunite in hereafter. Every time she went in sujood, she will spend longer minutes baring her problems to Al-Jabbar, Al-Rahman, Al-Gafur, Al-Raheem after which she will raise with a drenched face.

They had minimum fun because she see no reason for that. The old her would have been more than eager to spend money but the new her wants as much time as she can get to reconnect with her Rabb, her Deen and the serenity that comes with it. They speak everyday with her cousins and they've told her what they wanted as a gift from Makkah and that's what she's currently doing with Yaya Shams trailing behind her.

"What do you suggest I get Yaya Al'amin and the others?" She asked over her shoulders looking at a very expensive designer perfume.

"I think perfumes will do but the way to Al'amin's  heart is books. I suggest we go to Darulsalam publishers and get him some recent Islamic books. He will love you till he breathe his last" Rufaidah rolled her eyes at her brother wondering how a simple yes or no question led him to rambling about Yaya Al'amin loving her forever. Not reading too much into what he just said, she picked the perfumes for each and everyone of them including Baba and Daddy before walking to another aisle in search for what she has on her to buy list.

"I'll make sure the woman I am going to spend the rest of my life with doesn't love shopping. We have been going round this mall for hours Rufy! Have mercy on my poor soul. I swear am on the verge of fainting" Shams complained an hour later. Trailing behind Rufaidah with a two filled to the brim shopping carts. Rufaidah laughed at his misery and apologized, saying that she will be done in 5minutes.

"Five more minutes or else you have to carry your load yourself" he mumbled grudgingly.

Rufaidah keep to her promise and they made a stop over at the publishing house where she bought lots of books for herself and Yaya Al'amin before they proceeded to their hotel.

She was so tired when they got back but that didn't stop her from going back to the mosque to offer her maghrib salah and Ishaa even though they have completed the final rites of the lesser hajj two days back. She said her goodbyes that night as they are leaving the next day. She felt a certain sense of belonging there. She wished she could stay there forever but Yaya Shams has a job to get back to and she can't force him to stay neither will he allow her to stay on her own.

Hafeez picked them from the Airport teasing them all the way to their house claiming that he had missed  them all he normally cries himself to sleep every night.

"You need to grow up and stop this theatrics man. It's high time you become serious in your life" Yaya Shams playfully chided.

"Who will then make this family lively  and happy if I choose to be boring? Tell me why I should subject myself to a bland life like y'all?" He gasped making Rufaidah feel like she really is back home. People like Abdulhafeez should keep being themselves because even if you don't want to admit it, they are the sweet to this sour life and their existence is very vital.

Having the intention to offer her missed salahs then rest her jet lagged limbs, Rufaidah was not ready for the surprise she received upon stepping foot into her Father's house. Everyone is gathered in the living room with smiles, welcoming them back home and showering lots of prayers and goodwill. The feeling was overwhelming her heart feels like it will burst. She thanked them profusely forgetting her initial plans and joined them to make merry.

"You look prettier" Zubaidah playfully observed toying with her ring.

"You look uglier" She retorted sticking her tongue out. Hajarah joined them in the banter with Ummi who is now like family. Immediately after Asr, the crowd started dispersing saying that she needs rest and they just want to give her a befitting welcome leaving Mama alone with her, Zubaidah and Hajarah who insisted they will spend the night with Rufaidah. While Mama is waiting for Al'amin who stepped out for a while to come and pick her. She told them about Makkah with reverence and little hearts in her eyes as they listened with keen interest, Hajarah and Ummi who have never been there with awe.

"I hope you finally made peace with everything and the pain in your heart is gone?" Mama asked and she nodded with a smile. Indicating that they will speak about it in private. When Yaya Al'amin arrived, instead of calling his mother to let her know he is back, he chose to call Rufaidah who just put back her Sim in her phone.

"Assalamu alaikum Hajiya R" He teased.

"Waalaikassalam Alhaji A. Don't tell me you're here already, just go back am not tired of seeing my Mama" She replied with the same playful tone.

"You have to take heart, Baba is waiting for her at home" he replied before she told him that Mama will be right out.

After saying goodbye and promising to come visit her soon, Rufaidah escorted Mama outside with a small gift bag which is a portion of what she brought for her.

"Take this Mama. Thank you so much for everything. Jazakumullah khairan. The rest aren't sorted out yet and I feel somehow not giving you anything" she said, closing Mama's door after she's comfortably inside the car.

"You're kidding me right? Do you think I came here for the gift or what?" Mama feigned annoyance rattling her off.

"Yahsalaam! That's not what I mean Mama. I am truly sorry please don't misinterpret   my words like that. Yaya Al'amin say something" she begged.

"It's between you and Mama. Mine is to be a spectator" he acted nonchalant making her think that she has really made Mama angry.

She keep begging on the verge of tears saying that she doesn't mean it that way over and over again as the duo watched in amusement and more assurance that she has changed.

"Am kidding, thank you my dear. Baba is waiting for me. We should go" Rufaidah let out a deep sigh of relief before waiving them off with a prayer at the tip of her tongue.

She took a shower and slept off telling her cousins that they know their way around the house. She woke up past 10pm with a start.

"Why didn't you guys wake me to pray?" She grumbled at the huddled up duo watching a movie on her Macbook after saying her missed prayers.

"You were tired and we think it's best if we let you sleep it off" Hajarah apologized while Zuby rolled her eyes with a smirk.

She checked her phone to call her brother who she hasn't seen since lunch only to find a message from an unknown number.

It's good that you're back Noor. I've missed you.

She Knitted her brows in confusion dismissing the text as a wrong number before calling her brother who also just woke up. " Do you need dinner or something ? I am famished" she yawned.

"Yes please and tell that rat to bring my router else I'll smash her head"

"I thought they are watching an already downloaded movie not knowing that they are running your data dry. Let me tell her to look for a good cover" she laughed turning to Zubaidah whose eyes are already bulged out in fright.

"Netflixing and chilling time is over baby! Time to pay for your sins" she laughed evilly as Hajarah looked lost.

"Poor Hajar! You don't even know that you're an accomplice to a heinous crime committed by Doctor Zuby the trouble seeker. Don't worry I'll save you" with a wink she ambled out to the kitchen to get something for herself and brother.

She could have summon one of the maids but it's already late she can't disturb their sleep or rest to do something she is capable of doing herself.

They ate and chit chatted for a while before they call it a day. Yaya Shams told her that he will go to work early so she should call him when she wakes up. She set up an alarm for Subh and lay on the three sitter couch in her room telling her cousins to use the bed.

"Why don't we use the guest room downstairs instead of you sleeping there?" Zubaidah suggested, feeling guilty.

"Shhh, don't worry about me, I use to sleep here most nights. Just turn round and sleep. If you need extra pillows or duvet check my closet"

Hajar also insisted that she should be the one to sleep on the couch since she's the youngest but Rufaidah refused to budge.

"The couch is more comfortable than this monstrous bed that can accommodate ten people. Allow her Hajar, she's the host, we are to be treated like queens" Zuby teased as Rufaidah threw a pillow across the room that landed square on her face.

"Shut up and good night" she mumbled drawing the thin blanket she normally use whenever she sleeps on the couch.

"Goodnight" they chorused.


Over the next few days, Rufaidah got to know more about Hajar who stayed behind to keep her company. She realize that they have a lot of things in common and Hajar is exceptionally brilliant. She learn everything fast and she is a hard worker. The cooks no longer make food because they cook for themselves and that way Rufaidah learned a lot from her cousin. Who would have thought that a lady who spent eighteen years of her life in an obscure village away from civilization can teach a person like Rufaidah lots of things?

She keeps receiving the messages everyday. She doesn't reply any of them but admittedly they warm her heart.

You're the light... My Noor. Thoughts of you warms my heart, brighten my day and gives me strength.

She shook her head partly in annoyance before replying for the first time

You're texting a wrong number. My name is not Noor. Thank you.

I know who you are NOOR!!-Unknown

She hissed and tossed the phone before returning back her attention to History of Islam Volume 3 that she has been reading before the message interrupted her.

Yaya Shams had been busy more than ever and they hardly even sit and talk. She didn't call neither of her parents but she keeps telling herself that she will call to hear how they are doing.

Ummi came in with her school bag with a smile and a salaam.

"Mutanen boko har kin dawo?" Hajar inquired raising a questioning brow at her excitement.

"Yes Yaya Hajar and guess what?" She replied still smiling.

"You aced all your tests. Not just that, you got the highest marks is that it?"  Rufaidah interjected dangling her feet in air. Before Ummi could affirm whether Rufaidah's guess is right or not Hajar had engulfed her in a big bear hug saying Alhamdulillah over and over again.

"Thank you Aunty Rufaidah for giving me this chance and thank you aunty Hajar for tutoring me, I don't know what I would have done without you two. May Allah reward you with everything good and guide your paths forever" She said in a hoarse voice wiping a tear.

"Come here"Rufaidah motioned for her to come and sit on the edge of the bed as she scoots closer pausing her movie. She embraced her from behind and whispered " Don't mention it Ummi. Just make sure you work hard and use the knowledge you acquire in a good way and never harbour hatred, ego or the love of this temporary world in your heart." Ummi nodded wiping another tear before she left to change and help out in the kitchen.

"She's amazing isn't she ?" Hajar voiced out her thoughts.

"Yeah she is" Rufaidah concurred.

That night Hajarah told Rufaidah the kind of life she led in the village and how vile and hateful her paternal relatives had been. She told her about her dreams which are now coming true and how much she prayed for her mother's relatives to come and rescue them. She told her how much it hurts her to see her mother in pain and siblings roaming around hawking.

"I never thought my mother comes from a good well to do family who are humble, kind and caring" she finally stated wiping a stray stubborn tear.

You haven't meet my parents yet or the old me. You'd have thought otherwise.

" How was your childhood like? Having everything and everyone that cares about you ?" Hajar asked after a bit.

Rufaidah smiled sadly hiding away her pain before saying "I wish I can remember Hajar. It was okay I guess but I lost my little brother. Don't forget to include him in your duas" Sensing the tension that's palpable between them, Hajar chose to keep quite as they enjoyed a companionable heavy silence each with her own thoughts.

Look who updated after forgetting the story line 😂 😭

Bear with me please and don't forget to press the star button and lots of comments that will confirm how boring and inconsistent I have become.
Shukran Jazeel! See you in za next shapta in shaa Allah.

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