Chapter Fourteen

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Time flies fast especially when you're happy and content with life, grateful for every moment which is a gift given by Allah and family whom you don't choose but glad you're part of. Hajar's results are out and she aced them all. The problem is that she didn't sit for JAMB therefore, hindering her entrance into the University. Uncle Jibran told her to start remedial classes before the next year which she is more than happy to oblige.

Rufaidah is still battling with getting her life back on track but Alhamdulillah life is good and she has nothing to complain of except her parents who are not back yet. She started working in her brother's NGO after telling him that she has already gotten an exemption certificate. How she made it possible isn't a secret to them. She used her father's influence and wealth to get it. She has to admit that her brother is doing a very good job and that he has reached out to a lot of people who are benefitting from their charity work. They leave for work together but she mostly come home alone because he stays over time to make sure everything is in order.

You look tired Noor. Stop stressing yourself please.

She read the message backing out of Reedah's driveway after stopping by on a Saturday morning to say hi to Mama before proceeding to the weekend  Islamic school she enrolled in.  She face palmed with a groan thinking that whoever the person texting her is, he knows her every move and it's high time she let her brother or uncle know about it. She has watched a lot of movies to have a nagging feeling that a stalker or a crazy psycho is texting her. None of Reedah's brothers is more than civil with her, she hasn't seen Yaya Al'amin in weeks and whenever they meet it's normal greetings and nothing more. He is no longer his playful self so that scratched out Reedah's brothers. Yaya Hafeez is out of town and she is sure he won't pull that kind of prank on her.

She tossed her phone aside and drive to her school listening to Ghamdi blasting through the speakers with a satisfied smile on her face. She can't wait to give her haddah and go over the Tajweed lessons and Hadiths.


She was so tired after school thinking of nothing but to say her prayers and sleep off the stress of the week. Write something on her daily notes that she made a habit of.

She met some women who she has never seen in the living room waiting for her. With a plastered fake smile she welcomed them with an inquisitive curious look as to who they are and what brought them to the house specifically to see her not her mother.

"You did not recognize us koh Rufaidah ? It has been so long and you forgot about me after what happened to you before I was fired" The thin old woman asked and she nodded in the affirmative.

"I was the one who raised you when you were a baby. I was your nanny before I got fired by your mother. I took care of Musayyib also" she explained in between fits of cough. Rufaidah called for one of the maids to serve them food and water as she listened with keen interest another part of the missing puzzle in her life.

"I am really sorry to come unannounced like this but I am very sick and I need help. Knowing how kind you were, I thought you'll help me" she finished off licking her fingers.

"What is wrong with you?" Rufaidah asked after a moment of silence, her heart beating fast. She texted Zubaidah asking if she know anything about her former nanny and the reason why she was fired. She texted back telling her that her memories of the woman are vague but she knows that there used to be a nanny that takes care of her and Musayyib.

"Cancer" the woman replied looking more pitiful than she already did. Rufaidah wanted to confirm her story before helping her out but changed her mind. After all, she doesn't have to know her before she help her.

"Okay Mama. In shaa Allah I will see what I can do to help you out. May Allah grant you shifaa. Give me your phone number. My brother and I will come and see you later or tomorrow" she brought out a wad of naira notes and offered it to her saying she is having a mild headache.

"Thank you Rufy. May Allah continue to guide you and increase your wealth in folds. Allah ya miki albarka" The woman profusely thank her and the other two that accompanied her too. She told them it's nothing after typing the number in her phone before seeing them off.

She slept off on the mat after saying her prayers. The face of the woman keeps coming in her dream and like an old black and white movie, glimpses of her childhood keep coming to her. Musayyib and his chubby cheeks, rare smiles, Reedah, Zuby, three unfamiliar yet familiar faces, Yaya shams, Hafeez, Al'amin always giving her lollipop and calling her  a name she can't decipher. She keeps trembling and whimpering in her sleep as her head aches like it's about to explode into tiny pieces.

Ummi came in to bring her lunch when she found her in that position which scares her.  She was about to dash out and call for help when Rufaidah's phone started ringing. She picked hoping it's Yaya Shams.

"Assalamu Alaikum Rufy" A male voice greeted.

"Waalaikassalam. Please who are you? Aunty Rufaidah is not okay she needs help please help me call Yaya Shams" Ummi frantically pleaded.

Al'amin's heart skipped a beat in fright before telling Ummi who he is and that Mama and him will be there right away.

"She's in pain. Should I wake her ?" She asked, her whole body shaking and he told her to do just that before clicking off the call.

Ummi ran into the house to call Hajjah. They came in and sprinkled lukewarm water on her but nothing happened. They carried her to the bed and removed her drenched hijab fanning her with a book as Ummi keeps wiping her face with a wet towel.

Agonising minutes later, Mama and Yaya Al'amin came in with a salaam, without asking for details or waiting for Ummi to explain the situation. Al'amin picked Rufaidah bridal style heading out of the room ordering Ummi to follow suit. He drove at an insane speed to the hospital where they met Shams pacing the halls waiting for them. She was taken to the emergency ward in her former state.

"Ummi me aka Mata? Me ya sameta ? What happened ?" Shams asked a now frightened Ummi. She has never seen him agitated.

Ummi narrated what happened including the visitors Rufaidah received. Saying she didn't know what brought them and she haven't seen Rufaidah until when she went to serve her lunch.

"Was she angry when she came into the house ?" He asked.

"No, she just looked tired" she meekly replied. The nurse that came out of the room Rufaidah went into turned their attention towards her.

"The Dr want to speak with her family" the trio didn't wait for her to say anything further as they barged into the room.

"Dr what's wrong with my sister?" Shams asked.

"Calm down Mr, she is going to be fine. I sedated her and in shaa Allah when she wakes up everything will be alright. I need to ask you a few questions if you don't mind " He replied.

"Ask me anything, they are family too "Shams said pointing at Mama and Al'amin.

"Okay, lets go to my office " He motioned for them to follow him.

After the preliminary introductions and medical jargons Dr Mansur started " From our diagnoses I think she suffered from a head trauma probably amnesia and now her memories are coming back to her but I need to be sure before any further action is taken so that we will not worsen the situation"

"Yes! She had an accident when she was thirteen but her memories didn't come back because she didn't even know about the accident until recently" Mama answered saying Alhamdulillah in her mind.

"That's unusual. Hasn't she come in contact with anything that might trigger her memories to come back until now ?" He asked with furrowed brows.

"We were all in her life when it happened" Al'amin said messing his hair in frustration. He just want the Dr to tell them that she will get better.

"What happened earlier before it happened ?" Shams narrated everything as he was told by Ummi. A knock at the door interrupted them. The Dr gave an order for the person behind the door to come in as the Jibran family piled in with sombre expressions on their faces.

"Yaya Shams what happened ? She was fine when she texted inquiring about her former nanny whom she told me was at the house earlier" Zubaidah said looking at the office in search of her dearest cousin.

The Dr let out a sigh of relief saying " I think the nanny was the trigger. How was their relationship?"

Hajiya Samira and Mama gave a recount of what they know. Saying that they were really close. The nanny is more like a mother to Rufaidah than her biological mother ever was.

"They were inseparable. She follows them everywhere back then" Hajiya Samira finished off.

"Don't worry too much, she is going to be just fine. Keep praying" he assured bringing an end to the meeting as they all walk out one after the other.


They sat at the waiting room for hours only leaving to offer salah and come back. There is no new information on Rufaidah's condition.

"I think we should all go home and eat. It is getting late. We are not helping her in anyway by sitting here. What she needs more is our prayers for her recovery" Uncle Jibran broke the heavy silence.

"You all should go, I will wait here and see if anything happens" Mama quickly chipped in.

"You have done enough already Hajiya. I should be the one to stay" Hajiya Samira disagreed.

"If you really think of me as part of this family please let me stay" Mama begged with a firm resolve. After much deliberations, it was decided that Mama and Ummi should stay. Shams was reluctant to leave at first but Mama managed to persuade him to go home, take a shower, eat and rest a bit before he comes back.

"Call me the moment she wakes up please"

Mama had forgotten that  Al'amin is with her until she see him coming with a food basket, an overnight bag and a polythene bag laden with fruits.

"When did you leave ?" She asked

"Ohh! I forgot to tell you I'll be stepping out for a while after Ishaa. I went home to bring us something. They are mostly Reedah's things for Rufy. Hope she won't mind?" He replied scratching the bag of his neck.

"She will not unless we tell her. Thank you son. May Allah bless you. Now go home and rest. Tell Baba I will spend the night here. I forgot my phone at home"

With a wide toothy grin, he handed her the said phone saying he had got her covered. Mama gently patted his back to show her appreciation though she knows how much he hates it when she does that especially in public. He used to say that he is too grown up to be treated like a baby.

After an hour, Al'amin was still sitting beside Mama who finished taking dinner while Ummi sat with her plate untouched deeply in thoughts.

"Ummi, you either eat this food or you're going back home. Do you think that not eating will make her okay ? Or happy? Just eat your food okay? Rufy is strong and she is going to be fine in shaa Allah" upon hearing that she will be going home if she doesn't eat. Ummi ate her dinner at a speed of light making Al'amin laugh.

"Do you remember back then, when you gave Rufy the same threat at our house ?" He asked Mama who nodded with a smile. "That girl used to be so stubborn she gives me a headache by mere looking at her. But I loved her then as much as I love her now".

The nurse told them that they can go inside the room and stay with the patient.

"Now that you are sure I have a couch to rest my limbs, will you be a darling and go home?" Mama told Al'amin who was busy staring at Rufaidah's pale sleeping form.

"I'll be right outside if you need anything"

"Go home Aminu"

"But Mama.... I want to be here, I need to be here " He pouted like a child.

"No buts Aminu. Will you make her feel better by simply being stubborn? Your prayers and well wishes will be with her wherever you are. So Go.Home"

He grumbled something under his breath before going out with slumped shoulders.

Manage this filler chapter bunnies. See you when next you receive a notification.

Shukraan jazeel😘

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