Chapter Twenty

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Unfazed by her dad's visible anger, Rufaidah stood upright, motioned towards Al'amin and said " He is the one I want to marry, the guy I told you I love in the morning. He is Faridah's elder brother and Yaya Sham's best friend" She calmly stated even though there is a war going on in her heart.

Daddy stared at the duo long and hard, after what feels like forever, he hissed and left the house.

"You told them you love me?" Al'amin asked with a goofy grin on his face.

"Yeah I did. Shouldn't you be palpitating over just what happened instead of focusing on what I said or didn't say ?" She enquired in a light tone.

"Of course, but love over obstacle babe, love over obstacle always" he winked and they laughed. Putting what just happened under the rug like it never happen. They had a wonderful time together before he announced that he is leaving to meet his uncles who will come in the evening to pacify her father.

"It shall be well in shaa Allah. We have been praying for this and am sure Allah will not let us down" he assured giving her a killer smile as he drive out of the house.

Rufaidah didn't get to rest because she no longer feel tired. She called her cousins on conference call and filled them on the new development.

"Gaskiya Uncle Sa'ad is not a nice person " Zuby grumbled.

"Hey! That's my dad you know? I forbid you to speak bad about him. What he is trying to do is not fair and inexcusable but nevertheless he is my father. So we just have to be patient and pray that Allah open his eyes to the truth and choose the best for me" she chided.

"That's right sis. Be strong and prayerful, nothing bad will happen in shaa Allah. You are going to marry Yaya Al'amin soon" Hajar added getting a smack from Zuby who is sitting next to her.

"So you guys are the only sensible humans and am now the bad guy. No biggie, I concur with what you said. May Allah see us through" she conceded albeit grumpily.

"Whatever Zubs! Let's keep our fingers crossed. Khairan in shaa Allah " Rufaidah assured her cousin before they bid Adieus.

Just then, mommy came into the room looking radiant than Rufaidah had seen her in ages.

"Welcome back. I was told you're not around" Rufaidah said as mommy made herself comfortable beside her. Mommy kept looking around the sparkling clean room as if she's searching for something.

"Funny how our lives aren't as arranged and clean as our rooms huh? Imagine if your life is this room, wouldn't it be perfect?" she mused out loud avoiding eye contact with her daughter who is royally shocked.

"I don't know how to say this or where to begin apologizing to you my dear. No amount of words, regrets and apologies can turn back time and right my wrongs but I want you to be the better person, find it in your beautiful and strong heart to forgive me for failing as a mother. I don't have a valid excuse for my behavior and I'd be lying if I say I do because what kind of a mother treat her children the way I treat all of you?" She wiped a lone tear and continued.

"I went to see Mama and she told me everything. I am so happy that you found the right guy that will fill the spaces we left vacant in your heart, heal the wounds of the scars we gave you and make you as happy as we'd ever make you. Am so proud of you despite everything Rufy. I love you, please forgive me" She sniffed looking broken and older than she already is.

Rufaidah couldn't believe her ears. She can't fathom if it's really happening or it is her imaginations playing tricks on her. Mommy had to nudge her back to the present.

She smiled a painful smile and said " I have already forgiven you before you asked mom and no one can fill your space in my heart because yours is specially created by Allah. I learned that if I really wanna heal then I have to let go of my anger towards you guys. You are my mother, someone I should love the most and respect the most. I keep wondering why you behave the way you do but always come up blank. Allah knows best so let's keep the past behind us where it belong and focus on the future please" They burst into heart wrenching sobs as they hug each other like their lives depends on it.

Meanwhile Daddy drove at an insane speed to Uncle Jibran's house, a place where he hasn't set foot in ages because of his stubbornness and love for this temporary world more than his akhirah. He was lucky to find his brother sitting under the shade in his front garden typing something on his laptop. He said the salam to which his unaffected brother replied with a small painful smile. They stood there for moments that seemed like a decade before uncle Jibran finally looked up.

"What are you doing here Sa'ad ?" He asked coolly, masking his emotions.

"I need you" Daddy replied unashamedly with his head docked law, his voice trembles likewise his entire being.

"You need me to get out of your life and stop meddling with your family affairs,is that it?" Uncle Jibran countered after filling his cup with chilled water.

"No Yaya! I need you to sort me out of the mess I've created for myself over the years, I need you to scold me, beat the hell out of me, tell me how wrong and selfish I've been, tell me how disappointed in me you're and tell me that I still have a chance at redemption. Tell me that I still have a chance with you and Allah will forgive me"

"I don't know how or when I started to lose myself and by the time I realized what was happening it is already too late. I couldn't face you so I masked my guilt with hostility. I thought money is everything, that it will bring me fame, love, happiness and I'll have the world at my feet not knowing that without Allah I'll be nothing, that no matter how rich i become I'll still want for more and lose my iman, my humanity and everything sacred in the process especially what our late parents taught us. I am still in denial that I am wrong but me coming to you and baring myself is a sign that everything will soon be alright" he sighed, wiping his tear stained face.

Uncle Jibran listened with keen attention as his brother tell him everything that has been going on in his life since before Musayyib's death. How truly sorry and ashamed he is and how he want nothing but to right his wrongs especially to Rufaidah and Shams who despite everything are still with them.

"I found Nafeesah, she is so sick she couldn't walk for years. You two are my responsibility as your elder brother and I am to be blamed too for not playing my part especially in taking care of our little sister. We all make mistakes and have a past we don't wanna look back to. I hope what you did serves as a lesson to you and you're truly sorry for all the things that you did.

Allah blessed you with amazing children Sa'ad but you neglected them. Even though Rufaidah used to be an angry child she never trespass the boundaries of Allah apart from dressing indecently and acting haughtily. Shams is a different story entirely and am so proud of what he has become and the things he is doing to serve humanity. I am mad at you, I still am and I will only forgive you if you do right by your family" Uncle Jibran said.

"Nafeesah is alive? How is she? Where is she? How many children does she have ? Will she ever forgive me Yaya?"

"She is undergoing physical therapy abroad and will soon be home in shaa Allah. She asks of you every time and she has three adorable, intelligent kids whom she raised with the best of manners"

Just then Hajarah and Zubaidah came out of the house with Jibran Junior trailing behind them.

"How did Rufaidah came here? I left her at home and her car isn't even here" Daddy pointed at Hajar with a shocked expression.

Uncle Jibran laughed " That's not your daughter, she is Hajarah the first child of Nafeesah. Even Rufaidah reacted the same way when they first saw each other" he called out to the children.

"This is uncle Sa'ad, Rufaidah's father" he also introduced the kids to Daddy.

They all greeted him respectfully before getting up to leave. They were almost at the gate when Zubaidah turn back abruptly and break into a run towards her father and Uncle.

"Why are you r....?" Uncle Jibran didn't get to finish his sentence. "I know you don't really know me daddy and I am too young to meddle in your family affairs but I love Rufaidah too much to not to do anything to help her out of her misery. Please uncle don't marry her off to a rich stranger, she deserves to be happy, she still loves you despite everything and I can swear on my life that Yaya Al'amin will never hurt her please" she pleaded.

Uncle Jibran gave her a stern look and she left with a defeated sigh.

"You heard her, I think we don't need to go there. If you're still adamant then I'll marry her off to the boy she loves myself invitation card will be sent to you"

"No! That won't happen brother, I will agree to the union but how did she know ?"

"Rufaidah and Zubaidah are best friends, she's the only friend Rufaidah has" he went on to fill daddy on all the things he has missed in his children's life, Rufaidah's generosity in enrolling Ummi in school, her job, Islamic school, Sham's successes and every other thing. Daddy apologized to his brother in tears and thanked him for always being there for his family, hajiya Samira came out too and he apologized. They prayed maghrib and Ishaa together in the same mosque with Shams and Hafeez who came home together to have a meeting on how to stop him from marrying Rufaidah off.

"There's no need to speak to your father Shamsu. I will call Alhaji Muhammad right away and tell them to take their time before coming. That way we will have time to mend broken ties and get ready to marry both Rufaidah and Zubaidah off" Uncle Jibran announced the moment they stepped into the house.

Good news was relayed to everyone and the gloomy atmosphere turned into a joyful one. Daddy and Uncle Jibran spend hours talking about what they have missed in each other's life, relatives that died and those that prosper while the children met at a restaurant jubilating over a large box of pizza and drinks.

"Zubaidah I heard that you're now in line too. What are you going to tell your dad considering the fact that you're single as number one "Rufaidah observed.

"Hmm" Zuby let out a puff of air completely ignoring her cousin.

"I think she has a certain special someone who she spend the best parts of the night whispering to" Hajarah added getting as far as she can get from Zuby who is sending daggers her way.

"Out with the skeleton in your closet girl! How could you do me like this? I tell you everything!!" Rufaidah shrieked. Shams and Hafeez joined her until they drilled every iota of information from her. It turns out that it was the guy from the time she had a sleepover at Rufaidah's.

"Allahu yahdiki. Call him and tell him to come here. I need to speak with him man to man" Hafeez said glaring at his sister, feeling hurt that she kept such a huge secret from him. They tell each other everything. Zubaidah apologized telling them she's scared they might not like him and she will be torn between choosing him or her family. The night ended with laughter and a hope for a brighter happier future.


Keep managing biko.

Pray for that Allah makes it easy for me please.

Shukran jazeel.

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