Chapter Twenty One

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zeesulayman Thank you for summoning the Wole Soyinka in me😂
Dive in and enjoy !


Rufaidah never dared herself to dream of the day where her parents apologize for all their misdeeds and are truly remorseful. But that far fetched dream has finally turned into a reality and she couldn't be more happy, she kept on saying Alhamdulillah over and over again and her smile radiates her face and makes her more beautiful than she already is. They had a family meeting that night and everyone apologized, it will take them a long time to heal, the scars will always be there but at least they are cool with each other and there's nothing they can't do to make them work.

Rufaidah wiped a stray tear as she was ascending the stairs thinking of Faridah, praying for her knowing that if she were here, she'd be very proud of the woman she has become. She hugged a small heart shaped throw pillow to her bosom as she rock herself back and forth, replaying the things that happened during the day in her head, marvelling at how Allah is always merciful to His servants and answers their dua's at times they never expect.

Her phone vibrates besides her indicating an incoming text message.

Alhamdulillah Noor! My life long dream is finally becoming a reality. There's nothing I wish and pray more than for you to patch things up with your parents. I love you so much. You being happy makes me happier. Bask in the joy my Malikah. I'll call you later in shaa Allah.

She smiled happily before texting him back.

I was happy before you texted but now am happier. You make my heart burst with so much joy I feel like the luckiest girl on earth. Thank you my love and I can't wait to hear your voice and share the good news with you even though Ya Shams beat me to it. Love you too my Malik.

They keep on texting each other for a while until he she was summoned to Mommy's room. She found her mother in her room, with a red puffy face, sniffling and shaking.

"Yahsalam mommy what's wrong with you ? What happened?" She held her hands making soothing circles on her palm.

"I don't deserve your forgiveness Rufaidah, I don't deserve the love and anything good. I am a monster and I deserve to suffer" she wailed.

"You're not a monster Ma! You're just human and as a human being you're bound to make mistakes, you can't be perfect and even though you made some really bad choices and done things with life long repercussions that doesn't mean you can't be forgiven or can't turn over a new leaf. No one is perfect Mom, and as your children it's our duty to love you and be kind to you even if you behave badly, because of all the bad things you could do, you've done good by bringing us into the world, taking care of us when we were young and don't let satan whisper to you otherwise. We forgive you, Allah will forgive you too because He is the Most Merciful and He loves those who repent and turn back to Him" she consoled with a kind voice.

"How did I become so blind, I was blessed all along but I was busy chasing luxury and things that don't actually matter. Look at you Rufaidah, look at your brother, both of you have turned out to be very good people, none of you is a wayward or disobeys Allah openly, Shams doesn't even have a girlfriend, he doesn't smoke neither does he drink and so are you. I am thankful Rufaidah, Billahi I am but the shame, the regret, the what ifs are too much to bear.

My sweet little baby is gone and I didn't even mourn him. I am his mother, he was my son, I brought him into this world but I didn't even mourn his death. I didn't allow you to do that either because I was jealous that you get to love my son as I should, you took care of him like I should've done while  I was traveling the world seeing things that are pale in comparison to the beauty of Jannah and all for what? For me to end up in jahannam? To die while my children are angry with me and wishing I was never their mother?" She blew her nose with a faraway look in her eyes.

"For Allah's sake stop recalling the past. It's gone! It happened a long time ago and there is nothing you can do to change what was destined to happen. Wipe your tears because they break my heart." She passed mommy a box of tissue before excusing herself out of the room where she shed some tears then went directly to the kitchen. Hajjah had made a very delicious swallow with Egusi soup which she arranged in a big tray with drinks and what not. She met Mommy at the exact same position she left her.

After much cajoling and soothing words, Rufaidah fed her mother for the very first time in her life.

"Now wait a bit before you go to bed, let me check my first aid kit if I can get something for your headache. You are sick Ma, please don't stress yourself over nothing okay ?"

She brought some painkillers and tuck her to sleep after blowing azhkars all over her. She switched off the lights and bid her mother goodnight.

"Thank you Rufaidah. May Allah bless you. I am really sorry for all the hurt I've caused your heart to go through. I love you" she mumbled sleepily.

That night, the Malikah and her Malik slept soundly after having a 3hours phone call that left them smiling with a heart filled to the brim with pure unadulterated love, the kind that is solely for the sake of One Who makes hearts beat.


Things started to change around the house, the atmosphere becomes airy with love, the house is no longer a house but a home. The family shared meals together, laughter booms through every nook and cranny of the house and it's occupants no longer look sullen and on edge but happy with a skip to their gait.

"What do you guys fancy for dinner?" Rufaidah hollered from the kitchen. She has just got back from work with the urge to make something nice for the whole household.

"I fancy everything that is made by you. Your choice will be perfect dear" Daddy replied from the living room where he was watching news. Rufaidah shrugged happily as they went to work with Hajja and Ummi's helping hand. The dinner date was meant to be a surprise and she will tamp down her excitement until the invited guests arrived. The Jibrans and her in laws will join them.

Yaya Shams came a while later looking tired as usual. "Did you tell them?" He asked.

"No I didn't" Rufaidah absently replied frying something on the pan.

"Should I tell them?"

"You tell them and you die" she gave him a hard glare that made him quickly turn around and left the kitchen without saying a word.

"Aunty Rufaidah go easy on Yaya Shams mana" Ummi said laughing at Shams theatrics. The way Rufaidah bosses him around one might think she's the older one.

"That man can't keep a secret. It's as if he has a running mouth"

"But you love him" she observed.

"Ahh! There's nothing I can't do for my B. He was my rock, he still is. Love is an understatement" she professed as they continue working in companionable silence.

Ummi is still studying hard, making a niche for herself in school. Rufaidah involves her in everything she does. When her parents get to know what she has done, they couldn't be more proud of her. She's now more like a daughter in the house than a maid. Life is good and everyone is happy and thankful.

"I have an assignment aunty Rufy"

"Your besty Hajar the wizlady is coming, she will help you out as for me I'll be outside with my baby "Rufaidah replied in a sing song voice.

Ummi hid her face feigning to be shy while deep down she's so happy for her. "Kai aunty Rufy ko dan kunyan nan ma babu?" She winked.

"There's nothing like kunya where love is involved. Stay there and be acting shy"

"I know you can't even call him baby to his hearing but here you're claiming to be shamelessly in love"Ummi teased making Rufaidah blush crimson.

They were done before Maghrib after which they all went to get ready to receive the guests.

The Sa'ad's where surprised when shortly after Ishaa, the guests started coming into the house with smiles and bearing gifts. Pleasantries were exchanged and the clink clank of spoons and forks ensued shortly after.

"Where's Noor?" Mama asked after noticing that her son will soon break his neck in the process of looking over his shoulder to catch a glimpse of Rufaidah.

"She will soon be here Mama, she is getting ready" Zubaidah replied tamping down the urge to laugh out loud. If the men catch on to what they are trying to insinuate, they didn't let on.

"Assalamu alaikum! Good evening everyone. I am so sorry I am late"Rufaidah rushed into the dinning area half running trying to properly pin her hijab. She wore no make up apart from kohl that lined her eyes and a lip gloss but she looks angelic.

"Good evening my dear, thanks for inviting us over" Mama hugged her to her side. Rufaidah suddenly felt shy because Al'amin's dad complimented her cooking saying he can't wait to have her as his daughter in law.  She dared not look at the side where she knows that Al'amin is seated but his eyes bore into her being, making her quiver.

After dinner, Mama, Hajia Samirah and Mommy went upstairs to mommy's side while Daddy, Baba and Uncle Jibran went to daddy's living room to discuss. The boys followed Yaya Shams to the BQ while the ladies went up to Rufaidah's room where Hajara immediately got stuck with Ummi's assignment.

"God! Rufy you're so lucky. You should've seen the way Yaya Al'amin is looking at you, like you're his universe and his life revolves around you. You will make a perfect couple sis" Zubaidah squealed flopping down on the bed with a thud.

"Hmm is that so?"

"Yes! Aswear everyone in the room noticed except you dummy" she face palmed, gritting her teeth.

"Yaya Hafeez will be on his case for the rest of the night because I've seen how he's fidgeting with his fingers probably trying not to let any snide comment slip up in the presence of the elders" she added texting on her phone.

"How's your Man Miss observer" Rufaidah asked.

"Ohhh he's fine, he wanted to join us but I told him not to" she shrugged.

"You're not telling the truth Zuby. Tell me what's wrong? Did you guys have a fight or something?"

"I don't know sis. I wish I do but I don't and it is killing me inside. Ever since Daddy asked him to send his elders for a formal introduction he has been picking fights over small issues. He stopped calling until I do and my texts are left on read for days. I don't know what to think of all this and it's hurting me"

Rufaidah held her shoulders "ohh dear, am really sorry to hear this but why are you just telling me? We are sisters and best friends remember? Your problems are mine. I think you should tell Yaya Hafiz to ask him if he is interested in marrying  you or just a casual relationship. Guys tend to do this kind of things nowadays. They will make you fall in love with them when deep down they don't want to make it halal with you.

If you don't marry him, take it as the will of Allah and keep praying for Him to choose the best for you. It is also his loss to betray a gem like you. You're kind, beautiful and talented and in shaa Allah your mister right is soon coming your way" She consoled. Wiping Zuby's tear stained face.

"I didn't think of it that way. It feels nice talking to you about it. I will tell Mom and Yaya Hafiz too in shaa Allah. Thanks Noor"

"Hey! That name is exclusive. You're not allowed to call me that" she playfully pinched her cheeks.

"That was then my darling. Everyone is calling you Noor. Maybe on the wedding IV your name will be Rufaidah Noor Sa'ad"

"You're mad. I am not surprised that you'll come up with something as crazy as this"

They settled down to watch a movie after Hajar and Ummi finished with the assignment but Rufaidah's mind is not on the movie. She is wondering why Al'amin hasn't texted her to meet him outside yet. They didn't plan to meet but she was hoping that they would.

By 9pm all the guests left and she felt like crying out of frustration. Her heart ached but she waved them off with a smile not daring to look at the two cars that the Muhammad's came with.

"Thanks for the surprise you two. We loved it"Mommy and Daddy said in unison giving Rufaidah and Shams proud smiles.

"You're welcome. Goodnight everyone. I am tired" Rufaidah said, trying not to break down in front of her parents.

She started disarranging and rearranging things to stop herself from crying because staying idle will make her shout or worse hit her head which she haven't done in months.

Come to the BQ, it's urgent. Bring a pitcher of water with you please.

Yaya Sham's text reads. She hissed in annoyance and donned a long hijab over her pajamas.

She said the Salam and entered his small living room with a murderous look on her face.

"What is so urgent that can't wait till tomorrow morning? I thought I made myself clear that I am tired and going to bed"

"How can you sleep soundly without seeing your Malik?" Al'amin's voice hit her ears like a mirage.

"No. I am not going crazy. I can't be losing it. Yaya Shams here's your water" she turned to leave but was blocked by Al'amin's smiling face holding his ears.

"Am really sorry Noor. I didn't mean to distress you. I am sorry" He batted his eyes for effect puckering his lips up in a cute pout but Rufaidah is having none of it. She made an attempt to leave but he is still blocking her way.

"Malikah! You know that I will not be able to function when my other half is angry with me right? Please talk to me, shout at me because your anger and silence is killing me slowly and it hurts"

"You did nothing wrong so why are you apologizing?" She muttered under her breath glaring at him.

"I know what I did, it is in excusable and selfish of me and I am truly sorry. It was Shams who suggested that we pull a prank on you and it turned out to be a bad idea" He explained, nervously fidgeting with his hands.

"Now that you've apologized and everything is forgiven, can I please go my way? I am tired" she said with an indifferent tone.

"I didn't even get to thank you for dinner, didn't look at you to my fill even though I can never get enough of you and didn't get to listen to your soft voice that makes me stay longer in sujood thanking Allah azza wa jaaal for having you as the love of my life" He whispered, not wanting Shams who is sitting on a couch pretending not to be interested in their conversation to hear him.

Rufaidah shyly closed her face with her palms, letting his words zing through her body as warmth explodes in her heart. She finally obliged his request and sat down on one of the couches and they spoke for hours on end, oblivious of the time and their surrounding.

"Malam Romeo it is 12am already, let my sister go before our parents crucify the three of us. It seems like you two are eager to get married. Just elope and tie the knot tomorrow morning" he suppressed a yawn annoyed at how he allowed the love birds to waste his precious hours of sleep.

They hastily bid each other Adieus after Al'amin assured her that he will spend the night with her brother.

She skipped back to her room feeling on top of the world. No one told her that love is this beautiful, she would've been in it right from the day she came into the world.

Assalamu alaikum beautiful humans! How have you all been? May Allah continue to ease our affairs and guide our paths. Amin.

Thank you for your patience and unwavering support. In shaa Allah I will be updating frequently.

Shukran Jazeel.

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