Chapter Twenty Five

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The poem above is written by a brother of mine who's generous enough to let his work feature in my book. Thanks a lot Bro Nur. This means more than you can possibly imagine.


Some people are broken and scarred right from childhood causing an irreparable damage that not even true love can completely mend. Rufaidah's parents have learnt their lessons, are always trying to make amends for the horrible things they've done to her, they are now at her beck and call, eager to do something to please her and she has a perfect husband who never cease to show her that she matters, her happiness, her sadness, her fears matters as much. He is always there with her, at moments she give in to her despair and moments she let go to enjoy life and the blessings of Allah in form of him. She is fulfilled and happy but still there's a gaping hole in her heart yet to be filled and she's trying so hard to fill it up with what she can't even identify.

They have been married for months, things are going pretty well. Have had their inevitable fair amount of arguments which they solve in a matter of minutes because unlike her, Al'amin is a peace lover. She's still writing her book and making a daily journal entry about her married life which she titled 52 weeks.  She makes an entry every week with happy memories of her present and gloomy ones from her past beside each other. It is still a secret to Al'amin but she promised to show him on their anniversary. To see how far they've gone and how they have grown individually.

She went back to work with her brother who is secretly in love with Hajar. She has been observing how he stiffens whenever her name is mentioned and the secret looks they share whenever they happen to be in the same room. Zubaidah also found another guy who is actually worthy of her love because he only told her his intentions towards her after meeting Uncle Jibran who gave him the green card to court her. She goes to Islamiyyah every weekend and go over Quranic recitation with her husband after fajr salah everyday. He teach her a lot of things too and whenever he went for Ta'alim he records the session for her and take time to expatiate more on things she don't understand.

Lost in thoughts with nothing to do, she brought out her journal to make an entry before her Maalik who texted her that he will come late arrives.

Week 25

Now :

Maalik woke me around 3:45am to pray saying he is restless and can't seem to get something off his mind. I noticed that he has been disturbed for a week now but he's not ready to share his woes with me and am not one to pester him. I trust my babe to confide in me when he is ready to do that.

After praying, we recited some surahs from the Holy Quran together in sync which is one of the things I hold most dear in our married life. The way his voice sounds, the way it penetrates my being, the way peace engulfs me and my heart swell with his love and gratitude to Allah for the gift of Islam and that of him is everything. He taught me some adhkars from hisnul Muslim after which he laid his head on my shoulder giving out a tired sigh. I decided to ask him again and what he told me made me mad. How can someone who has nothing to do with his mother nor him now try to claim her power over us? 

Maalik didn't want to hurt me, and in doing that he forgot we fight every battle together and I am not going to blame him for something neither him nor his parents is guilty of. After all, we are married for just a few months why the rush?

If his evil aunt wants me to get pregnant for her nephew as soon as we got married, she should have shown concern and elation when he was marrying me. Some people are trash.

We comforted each other and my goofy husband is back before fajr. I made him promise to never hide anything from me which he reluctantly did. Yah Allah bless our home, guide us to the right path and shield us from those who mean us harm.


Mommy was in her room as usual. I just got back from school with hunger gnawing my insides. I haven't eaten in a day apart from soft drinks and chocolates. Reedah knows that I am in one of my moods so she didn't bother to ask what is wrong knowing that everything is wrong. Hajja asked if I want something and I rudely shouted at her telling her to never make the mistake of speaking to me if  i didn't speak to her first. Looking back I feel so ashamed of myself for being rude to a woman who actually gives a hoot about me. I cried myself to sleep looking for answers to questions that I don't even know I have.

I didn't go to school the next day. Reedah left many missed calls which I didn't return. She came home straight from school only to find me in bed, writhing in agony with hands holding my stomach. She ran to mommy telling her I need medical attention immediately, mommy pay no heed to her saying she should tell the driver to take me there, she is a bit busy. Reedah called Mama after forcing me to eat something. Mama wasn't at home that time but instructed yaya Al'amin whom I despised to come and take us there. Looking back, I think my husband has been there looking after me right from the beginning. I acted like a bitch to them but they paid no heed to my hurtful words until I recuperated.

"What deep thoughts are you pouring out?" Al'amin's voice startled her. She didn't hear his salaam nor foot steps.

"Nothing serious" she quickly close the journal guiltily smiling at him as she gave him a side hug.

"Welcome home babe. How was work ?" He enquired avoiding his eyes.

"Alhamdulillah Noor. How was your day? Your boss said you left early"

"It was fine. Yeah I did and it was because there's nothing to do than to sit in a chair listening to him barking orders at poor souls. I will soon resign if you two wont stop gossiping about me every single day"

"Ikon Allah, yau a Rufaidan kike kenan Noor. We are sorry ma'am and your poor hubby happens to be hungry " he patted his stomach for emphasis.

"Table or carpet?" She asked making way to the refrigerator to bring out the hibiscus drink she made earlier.

"Local man will eat on the floor babes. I used to tolerate eating on a table back when I have no choice but now I do" he replied getting up to help spread out the small picnic mat they use. After he's done he helped her transfer the dishes from the table to the mat.

"Well done love. You need not exert yourself. We can always ask Mama to send something for us and I think it is high time you get a maid to help you"

Rufaidah glared at him, puckering her lips in an aggressive pout.

"I was used to maids being at my beck and call for the past 22 years so please allow me to take care of us by myself since I can do that. I feel ashamed of the things I did to those people Maalik, I can't imagine how they felt and I promised myself to never make anyone go through that ever again"

"It was in the past Noor, let it go please. They have forgiven you, they all love you to bits and are very proud of you. Forgive yourself babe, you deserve it" he consoled.

"Yeah right"she whispered and served them in the same plate. She has gotten used to eating with him that she hardly eat lunch at work. They ate in companionable silence after which he retired into the study to finish off some work as she pack the used dishes to the kitchen.

"Leave that to me, go and rest. It is the least I can do" he held her hands, stopping her from rinsing the first plate she washed.

"It is not much babe, go and do your work"

"It is nothing serious and am done already, go and rest Maalikah" his voice broach no argument so she sat on the island watching him wash the dishes like a pro. Mama raised them well, there's no doubt about that.

"Thanks so much sire. You're such a gentleman" she teased as he picked her in his arms from the island.

"And you're such a cutie" he pecked her nose nuzzling her neck.

"You can sweet talk your way out of any situation"

"Of course, but then I'm just saying the truth. You're cute when you're being pouty and angry, I always love that about you. Used to hide behind the curtains whenever you come home with Reedah just to see that " he confessed.

"Wait! Don't tell me you sneak up on us and then act bossy and annoyed every time we meet. I remember a time when you shouted at us saying we are disturbing your peace not knowing I've had you wrapped around my fingers" 

"I know right ? But here we are and Alhamdulillah, you're everything that I've ever wanted. That's why I want you to let go of the past and enjoy the right here and now. It was not your fault, be thankful that you are not that person anymore. You're beautiful inside and out Noor, you make everyone around you happy, you are intelligent, hardworking and a very pious wife. What else do you need mhm?"

"Nothing Yaya Al'amin, nothing! I have Allah, I have my family and I have you. I have more than enough Alhamdulillah. Sometimes I feel like I am in a dream, that you aren't real and I will wake up to find out that all these happened in my subconscious.  I want to let go of the past too, but it takes time baby, be patient with me okay ?" She kissed the palm of his hands.

He nodded then brought out a piece of paper from his pocket.

"I wrote this for you earlier. I will read it to you in bed. Let's get ready and call it a day"

They did their night routine of taking a warm bath, brewing a cuppa and goofing around if they have no book to read or serious issue to discuss.

Rufaidah lay on his chest as he started reading the poem he wrote for his angel.

Her eyes spell out courage
Caressing my ego
Pleasure to pain
The kiss of death
She’s my definition love
My hardcore addiction
She’s not just beautiful
She’s a wearable piece of art

Kiss her in broad daylight
I don’t mind who sees
Eyes intertwined
Can feel the chemistry
She’s my hardcore obsession
I long for her like
Oxygen to my lungs
Sunshine to my bloom

Lonely days am feeling
Like i lost myself to
Perfect picture of you and me.

"Continue" Rufaidah whispered, unable to keep the tears threatening to spill at bay.

"That's all Noor and please don't cry" he replied, hugging her closer.

"I am out of words babe. What have I done to deserve you?"

"You did nothing to deserve me babe. I should be asking myself that" he countered gently caressing her newly plaited hair.

"I love you, I love you today and everyday. I promise to love you even when am mad at you, I promise to love you at your highs and lows, I will never stop trying to make you Maalik. This scarred heart, this damaged soul feels worthy because of you. I should be the one calling you Noor because you really are my light. May Allah protect you from all harm, guide you at all times and make you among His beloved servants. You're the king of my heart here and hereafter in shaa Allah. I will make our life here in this world worthy of emulation in preparation for an eternity of bliss with you in jannah"

He wiped her eyes as he leaned in for words aren't enough at certain moments to express what one feels but action does and he made sure she felt his love for her in every part of her being.


Look who updated twice in a row😎 Go get yourself an imaginary Al'amin cuz people like him don't exist in reality 😂.

Thanks for reading and sorry for the mistakes, as always, your girl is very lazy at editing.

Quick questions;

Who's your fave character?

Any fave moment from the last three chapters?

Whoever answers the questions gets a dedication in the next chapter in shaa Allah.

Shukran Jazeel.

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