Chapter Twenty Six

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I begged for comments in last chapter. Sadly 💔Only three wonderful ladies obliged me. Ku cigaba da mun wulakanci I'll retaliate with a cliff hanger 😂. That being said, this chapter is dedicated to;

DeejahAmeenu salwaaaaaaat Zainabbabayo6. 😘🤗


Al'amin started having financial problems out of the blue. In all the months the duo have been married, Rufaidah never asked for a single penny from him because he always provide for everything and persisted in giving her weekly and monthly allowance for her personal needs.

The week before, he claimed to have forgotten to drop something for her before leaving for work saying that he was in haste, she should forgive him. He's always sad and on edge brushing off her questions even before she asked them. She decided to confront him after dinner. come what may  she won't let her husband suffer for no reason. They have more than enough Alhamdulillah. They are not as rich as their parents and have ceased depending on them for a long while but still, it's their battle, and they will go through every difficulty together, as a family.

She breathed deeply before saying "Babes, what is going on at work?" She went straight to the point, wasting no time beating around the bush.

"Nothing Noor why did you ask?" He chuckled nervously, playing with his hands.

"You don't have to hide anything from me, you promised Maalik, we are married long enough for me to notice when you're in despair. I am your wife, I can handle anything. Just tell me okay?"

"I don't want you to be disappointed in me Noor, I am innocent but still I have nothing to prove it and they cut off my salary pending the investigation"

Her heart stopped beating for some seconds, 'investigation', 'innocence' 'proof' for what? " innalillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun, I don't get what you are trying to say Babe, tell me more please and I will never doubt you, I married a honest, kind and hard working man. We will go through whatever this is together and in shaa Allah whoever framed you will face the consequences of his actions" she vowed, inwardly fuming with rage.

Al'amin narrated everything that happened a few weeks after their wedding and months before then. His boss's sister is infatuated with him, she tried hard to get him but he paid no attention to her, she involved her brother who is also not able to convince Al'amin to be with her, she even proposed the idea of marriage with lots of money and privileges which he also declined. She traveled to only God knows where only to come back to the news of Al'amin's marriage. Two weeks later, the boss called him to his office accusing him of misappropriating the sum of Three hundred and Fifty Million Naira belonging to the company and that he will no longer be paid until investigations are fully conducted, he is to tell no one if he want to maintain his reputation as a good and honest person and that he should continue coming to work pending when either he return the money or he's been taken to court for appropriate sanction in accordance with the law.

"I am sure he wants to frustrate me until I give in to his sister's demands who is still vying for my attention. I see the mischievous smirks she sends my way and I suspect that it was all her doing to bring me down" he finished with a sigh,avoiding her eyes.

"You said you didn't tell anyone about this? Not even Mama, Baba or Yaya Shams?" She asked as calmly as she could, not giving into the urge to smash something on the wall. She hasn't been this angry for almost a year and she doesn't want Al'amin to witness this side of her which she is embarrassed about.

"Yes, you're the only person apart from those who plotted against me that know about this"

"OK good" nothing was said after that as they quietly go to bed, she didn't tell him goodnight after blowing azhkars all over them as it was their ritual, she didn't say a word as he draw her to his chest playing with the hair that escaped from her cap neither when he wakes her for fajr.

They dressed for work in silence and had breakfast in silence. Rufaidah didn't say the usual prayers before he goes to work neither reciprocate back his kiss. She just stood there like a statue after he kissed her.


Al'amin took his phone lying on his cubicle desk to call Rufaidah who hasn't answered his numerous calls and texts since morning. He knows that she's angry at him, he will be mad at her too for keeping something like that away from him for far too long, he has no idea why he's letting his boss to fool around with him like that. He can always work in his Father's company, there are far better companies in the city willing to employ him with his expertise and experience. He has turned down many job offers that pay better out of loyalty to his scheming boss and now it has affected his marriage. There was never a day that Noor didn't greet him in the morning or kiss him goodbye since the 1st day of their marriage until now and he has no idea how to fix this mess.

"Al'amin, you never told us that your wife is such a hottie, she looks ready to kill though, hope you haven't done anything wrong" his colleague said, bringing him out of reverie.

"Noor? When did you see her?" He asked, bolting out of his seat in a flash. On a normal day, he will sound a warning to his colleague for referring to his wife as hottie, but he doesn't have the luxury of time.

"Just now, she was ushered into the boss's office"

Al'amin didn't know how to react, he trudged to the office in daze, praying fervently in his heart for God to protect his wife from the evil man and wondering what brought her to his office.

Meanwhile Rufaidah sat crossed legged on the visitor's chair facing the General Manager whom she hated more at first glance. She can't believe her husband is working for an ugly piece of trash.

"I came here on behalf of one of your employees Al'amin Muhammad whom you blackmailed and treat badly for your own selfish stupid reasons. He told me everything so we both know what's going on here, I have things to do and I have no time to waste. Show me the evidence you have against my husband will you?" She spoke haughtily, sounding like the arrogant Rufaidah back then.

"Well, well, well! Aren't you just the opposite of your coward of a husband? I love fiery women. Well done" He clapped laughing out loud which increased her annoyance and homicidal thoughts.

"I can see right through your bullshit, You have nothing against my husband because he hasn't done anything wrong, you're a disgrace to this company which thrives because of my husband. You have three options to choose from; Either give me the evidence you have, take my husband to court as you threatened to do, or sit here and wait for court summons which will arrive any moment from now charging you for defamation of character among others" she hissed out with venom in her voice. Al'amin stood by the door listening to the exchange between his boss and wife.

"And why will I do that?" He asked

"Because unlike you, I have proof against you, I have a case while you don't. Besides, I have nothing to lose, not a single penny because as your sister use you to get what she wants, I have a very rich father who am sure you know and a brother who's the best legal practitioner in town. He is very good at what he does, so imagine what will happen to you and your stupid company that isn't worth the amount you claim against my husband. The choice is yours, you have a few minutes to decide as I speak to your whore of a sister. She should be here by the way" she swivel in her chair, smirking at how the boss is sweating.

Just then, Laila came in, brushing past Al'amin without looking at him because she was in a hurry to meet her brother whose call sounded urgent.

"What's happening bro? Who is this?" She pointed at Rufaidah, squeezing her face.

Before her brother could answer, Rufaidah gave her a resounding slap on her left cheek. "I am Rufaidah, Al'amin's better half, his queen, the one who will never let you come a 100 feet away from his ever again because you are a worthless desperate bitch who has no class, no manners, and no looks worth a second glance. I am your worst nightmare from this day onward and I will make sure you rot behind bars. Don't think I am jealous of you little bitch, I am not because I know the kind of man I married, had it been you just claim to love my husband without blackmailing him I won't even bat an eye about it, but you have crossed a limit and need to be taught a lesson you'll never forget even if you are to live a thousand lives"

Both Laila and the GM were shocked to say a word. Today, they've met someone that is better at being a bitch than they are.

Laila made an attempt to slap Rufaidah but she caught her hands mid air "Don't you dare lay your filthy hands on me else I will beat the madness out of you" she hollered, eyes blazing with fire.

"What do you want, tell me and I will give you whatever you wanted, just leave us alone and please don't sue us" the GM pleaded, knowing they have no chance of winning against the spitfire that's making them dance to her tunes.

"I want you to pay my husband the money you owe him, I want you to dismiss him with a fine bonus package,a recommendation, tell the world how honest, kind and hardworking he is and that your company will never thrive as it did when he is an employee and I'll let everything go, if not, we shall see each other in court"

"I will do what you want, please don't take us to court, give me a week and everything will be done according to your wishes"

"I don't have the luxury of time. You have to do everything within the next 24hrs, call your finance office right now, tell them to transfer the exact amount you owe my husband and type out his letter of dismissal as we await the alert, the rest you can do tomorrow" She commanded, glaring at Laila who is still shaking in anger and fright.

The GM did as she commanded and within 15 minutes she's walking out of the office with a satisfied grin on her face. Al'amin who hid behind a pillar, his heart swelled with love and pride expected her to ask for him but she left without sparing anyone a glance. He can't believe she fought for him, she was never mad at him but was silently devising a plan. His smart, quick witted Noor. He can't wait to go home to her, he can't thank her enough or love her less. His Maalikah, a force to reckon with.

Rufaidah drove straight to her father's house. She has informed them of her arrival earlier thanking Allah that daddy is in town. She was welcomed warmly by Ummi and the rest of the maids.

"Aunty Rufy I missed you so much. I planned  to come this weekend" she said hugging her tightly.

"You say the same thing every time I come here. Ya kike ya school and everything" She missed Ummi too, but has too much going on to say that. Sensing her haste to meet her parents, Ummi released her from the hug, saying she will make her favorite drink. Rufaidah absently mumbled a thanks as she ascends the stairs to meet her mother.

They greeted after which they moved to daddy's part. After exchanging pleasantries. Rufaidah docked her head low saying " Daddy please I need a favor from you, I want you to hand over the ownership of one of your storey buildings to Yaya Al'amin."

Daddy was perplexed after hearing her request but he said nothing knowing that she has her reasons and he can hand over the whole world to her to atone for his mistakes.

"In shaa Allah I will make the arrangements. I hope everything is fine?" He obliged.

"Jazakallah khairan daddy, this means a lot to me. Thank you so much. We are doing okay" she replied excitedly hugging mommy who's sitting beside her. They spend almost an hour talking about everything and nothing before she finally left with the drink Ummi made for her.

She called her brother on her way inviting him to her house for dinner.


The General Manager and his sister sat in the office mulling over what just happened. They know Alhaji Sa'ad is a rich international business tycoon who made a niche for himself in the business world. He can buy them off and everything they own in a blink of an eye without making a dent in his account. They don't have the guts to mess with him nor his fiery daughter. They have no choice than succumb to Rufaidah's wishes before she takes them to court or worse take over their company. Al'amin isn't naive, they know that it is a matter of time before he gets fed up and call it quits with them but they never expect his wife to do the job for him.

"I think you should let go of Al'amin. If the media catches a whiff of this we are done for, dad will disinherit us and we will be left with nothing but mockery from our extended family. Let him go even if you're going to die"

"I can't let him go just like that, she slapped me and called me a whore. I must teach them a lesson" Laila said, thumping her feet in protest.

"Then count me out, don't mention my name in whatever you planned to do, and I'm not giving you a single penny" he bellowed angrily. Laila started crying as he pay no heed to her.

Al'amin waited for closing hours before going home to meet his parents. He told them everything that has been happening and what his Noor did for him in the office, showing them the alert of his 7 months withheld salary. Mama was choked with emotions, she kept smiling and wiping stray tears at the same time.

Baba cleared his voice before saying " Alhamdulillah! Who would've thought Rufaidah will be khair for whoever get to marry her a few years back? Allah is indeed great and I'm proud that you stood by her and love her truly. She is a gem Al'amin, treat her with love and kindness and never let her cry. May Allah continue to guide and bless you both. You should come for dinner when you're free so that we will thank her personally. I think it is time for you to start up a company too, we will discuss that later. Go home to your wife before she gets worried"

Mama packed anything she can lay her hands on for Rufaidah still unable to form coherent words. Shams called him as he stepped out of the house asking of his whereabouts saying he is in his house.

"I'm on my way man. Tell Noor I love her " he jogged to where he parked his car.

"I can't gaskiya. She has a phone remember? Too much cheesiness makes me sick" Shams replied with a duhh tone.

"You're just jealous you don't have what we have"

"Soon bro, with time. I am not in a rush but be rest assured that when I marry my soul mate, you'll dread seeing me because I will run off your ears with her name and how much I love her"

"Whatever man, allow me to drive in peace. See you in a bit" he clicked off the call laughing and wondering what shams is doing in his house. He hoped Rufaidah is not mad at him anymore.

"Assalamu alaikum" He said the salam as the sweet aroma of delicious dinner mixed with oud incense hits his nose.

"Waalaikassalam, welcome back Mr Maalik" Shams who was watching news replied getting up to clasp Al'amin's hands in a handshake. They exchanged some banters before Rufaidah called out that dinner is ready. They ate in silence, Shams sensing that something is wrong because Rufaidah didn't even spare Al'amin a glance. He cleared his throat after dinner as they sit in the living room enjoying a cup of tea.

"Something is off between you two, what is it?" He asked looking at the duo.

"I think Yaya Al'amin doesn't trust me or my love for him B. We are married for Pete's sake but he still acts like we are still dating" Rufaidah rambled, her voice cracking. Al'amin knelt in front of her his head docked low.

"I'm sorry Noor, Billahi I trust you more than myself. I know that I am safe with you babe, I made a grave mistake and I apologize for that, don't be mad at me please, it hurts"

"Wait, wait, wait. What makes you think so Rufs? I for one know that he trusts you. What am I missing here?" Shams interrupted Al'amin's string of apologies.

Al'amin narrated everything to his best friend, apologizing for not confiding in him and telling him about Rufaidah's heroic act earlier in the day. Shams was immobilized with shock saying he understood why Al'amin did what he did even though he acted foolishly and that he is so proud of his sister for what she did.

"I invited you here because I asked Daddy for a favor and he obliged me. He is willing to pass the ownership of one of his storey buildings to babe. I know he might oppose to the idea of receiving something like that from Daddy that's why you are here to convince him that it is in good faith and nothing will happen in shaa Allah" Rufaidah said, taking a sip from her now lukewarm tea.

"What for?" Shams asked knowing that she must have her reasons.

"I want us to start a business and rent out the remaining shops, I don't want my husband to be at the mercy of anyone in the future and I am sorry if I overstepped my boundaries" she explained.

They debated over it for an hour until Al'amin finally gave in. Telling them what he discussed with his father.  Shams advised them thoroughly before he left.

Al'amin didn't wait for Rufaidah to properly lock the door before hugging her tight, he showered her with kisses, twirling her round the leaving room before taking her to the bedroom where he laid her in bed.

"Your Jannah is beneath the soles of my feet right? Noor you'll be among the dwellers of jannah in shaa Allah because I know for sure that you'll never make me sad or mad at you. I love you so much my feisty Maalikah. You own every part of me" he professed his eyes misty with tears.

"I love you too. That doesn't mean I ain't mad at you" she pouted laughing at his expression. He told her about his visit to his parents and their gratitude to her.  He asked about the lawyer she claimed to have and she said it was a ruse to rattle them off. They laughed over what happened.

"I know you were there from the moment you stepped in. I can sense you babe. Next time don't hide behind a pillar too because I saw you" she teased flicking his nose.

"Now am scared" he laughed.

That night was another magical night for the couple because they left no feeling unexpressed in ways more than one.

Let's raise our charged glasses to the women folk. We have got guts, we are courageous and we stop at nothing to take care of the ones we love.

I typed this up in one go. You really should show appreciation with comments and votes please.

Shukran Jazeel🤗

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