Chapter Twenty Three

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husny19 & bafty21 this one is for you, in hopes that you'll love it like always. Thank you 😘


Being a social recluse, Rufaidah has no idea how exhausting planning a wedding is, how demanding, frustrating and annoying it is. She can't remember ever attending a wedding and even if she did, she know that she won't have cared to ask about the details on how the events of the wedding become a success. Zubaidah being on her neck every damn time doesn't make things easy either.Poor gracious Mama called Mommy a week after the betrothal informing her of the things she already bought for Rufaidah and those of Reedah she is willing to give out.

It got to a certain point where she had to throw a tantrum, threatening Al'amin that he either do the preparations himself, cancel all the so called events that she's a hundred percent sure will be uncomfortable at or call off the wedding entirely. He had to beg her, calm her down and tell her to take it slow, that he doesn't want anything out of the ordinary and if it were left to him also, they will just have The Nikkah and a Walimah after that but his family and hers have outnumbered him hence, the numerous events.

The dress fitting, was also a disaster.

"Why can't I wear one of my Abayas to the wedding? It's my wedding am I not supposed to be the one to set the rules? Hajar are you also in support of this madness ?" she raked through the tangled mess of her hair in frustration as they reached home.

"It will soon come to pass and in shaa Allah it will be totally worth it" Hajar consoled feeling tired and angry for a missed day at school even though Rufaidah deserves every sacrifice.

The interior decorator called for the umpteenth time asking Rufaidah of her color preference. Tired of telling her to use her expertise and experience to bring the best out of her home, Rufaidah shouted "Paint the whole house black and leave me alone !"

"That's not fair you know, everyone has a color preference and she don't want to disappoint you. She doesn't deserve being shouted at for simply doing her job. Apologize to her and get some rest. You look like a mess" Hajar gently chided, feeling sorry for the interior decorator.

Rufaidah took some deep calming breaths before calling back the lady. She apologized telling her that she's under so much stress and that she should come over the next day so that they will choose colors that will suit her home.

"Don't let anyone wake me, even if the house is burning to ashes, allow me to die well rested " she ordered before banging her door to Hajar's and Ummi's shocked faces.

"You mean to tell me that she used to be this angry in the past? How do you handle an angry psycho? Am going home Ummi, I can't stay a minute more in this house" she lamented securing her veil and bag.


It is a well known fact that love doesn't ask for permission before engulfing the heart, and fate doesn't wait for approval before joining two people destined to be together as one. The wedding Fatihah was the first event that joined Al'amin and Rufaidah in a beautiful halaal relationship that will hopefully bind them together till jannah in shaa Allah. They agreed that it should come first in order not to do anything haraam during the course of their wedding celebration as insisted by their families. It was Al'amin's brilliant idea that it comes first and everyone is happy about his thoughtfulness.

Immediately after the imam pronounced them husband and wife to the hearing of thousands of guests who witnessed the Fatihah, Al'amin bowed down in sujood with tears in his eyes thanking Allah azza wa jaal for making his life long dream come true. He fished out his phone with shaky hands and dialled his Noor who is now a part of him in every sense of the word.

"Assalamu alaikum ya Maalikah. Alhamdulillah Noor! We made it, we are one" He whispered, whilst wiping his tears with a white hanky.

"Waalaikassalam. Just got off the phone with Yaya Shams. Congratulations" she sounded off. He expected her to be happy, wanted her to share in the joy and happiness of becoming his wife, they are in love right? So what went wrong?

He turned to Shams who was observing him with keen attention with a sombre expression. " Don't worry man, she's freaking out. You know how she is" he consoled patting his back. He managed to smile through the reception acting like a happy groom even though his mind is in shambles.

"Can we please branch to your house before proceeding to mine to prepare for the dinner? I can't let this feeling of dread go away"Al'amin pleaded with Shams with misty eyes. He pitied his poor best friend now brother in law and hopes that Rufaidah has calmed down and will show her husband how happy she is to be married to him. She confuse him most times, she couldn't tame down her happiness yesterday, she was dancing up and down around the house like a shameless bride.

"It's OK bro, you deserve a moment with her"he replied and swerved the car to the direction of his house instead of Al'amin's.

The house is filled with people as expected but they managed to sneak to Sham's room.

"Let me call Zubaidah to bring her here, but calm down first and listen before you react to whatever she will tell you. We don't want to upset her do we ?" He raised a brow in question while he nodded in agreement. He just want to see her, not to be ordered around like a small errant child.

She came 15 minutes later, clad in a long flowing gown with sequins and stones and things he don't even know what to call. But she looks beautiful, like a fairy, an angel and the queen that she is.

She said the Salaam inaudibly but he heard her nonetheless.

"Waalaikissalam,are you okay ?" He asked as she sat down with her head ducked low, hiding her face away from him.

She didn't say a word, as she stood there fidgeting with her hands.

It then dawned upon him that she is now his wife, he can touch her, cocoon her in his arms and offer her all the warmth in the world he can give.

"Noor" she whispered as he knelt in front of her, holding her hands in his. It was then that he heard the sniffles.

"Babe talk to me. Are you not happy that we are married? Have I said or done something to hurt you?" He asked.

Rufaidah didn't say a word as the intensity of her cries increased. God knows he planned how their first hug, first hand holding and everything is going to be, he has been fantasising in his head and dreams long before she even knows that he is in love with her but the circumstances weren't exactly as the ones he has dreamed of and conjured so he engulfed her in a hug as she cries her heart out in his arms breaking his heart with each tear that rolls down.

He keeps patting her back, whispering sweet nothings and assurances before she stopped crying.

"Am sorry"she croaked in a hoarse voice.

"No am sorry Noor. I really am" he countered still holding her to himself.

"You're too good to be married to someone like me and am selfish to let you do that. I am damaged, I don't even know if am capable of being a wife but I used you as a tool to forget my past and now you're tied to me and all the complications that are in my life. I feel so guilty right now I can't even look you in the eye and we are married already so I am really sorry " she rambled.

Al'amin is beyond shocked to hear her confession. Is Rufaidah kidding him right now? What the jahannam is she even saying? She is sorry to marry him out of her useless reasons?

"Matata kenan" he coughed laughter at a loss for what to tell her. She break the hug looking at him like he has lost it.

"Don't give me the look I should be giving you Noor. You really are still a baby" he shook his head in amusement, fetched a tissue from a box on top of the table, sat her down and gently wiped the tear stains on her face.

"You look ravishing by the way" he winked at her, kissed her forehead and stood up.

"I think we are done here, the boys are waiting for me at home to get ready for dinner. See you there. I love you " he blew her a kiss and left, leaving her glued to the seat with a stupefied expression on her face as warmth zings through her whole being.

The dinner started late because the bride threw a tantrum about her makeup and her in law had to intervene before she agreed to be dolled up. Everything from the decor, food and props was lit and amazing. The bride and groom looks perfect together with smiles and the look they are giving to each other suggests that they see the rest of their lives in their eyes.

"I feel like we should ditch this dinner and runaway to a faraway island so that I will have to you myself until I get tired which will never happen" Al'amin whispered to her hearing giving her a subtle wink.

She smiled and pinched him "ouch! That hurts you know" he cried out, rubbing his thigh.

"Serves you right for making a fool out of me earlier" she retorted.

"Ohh babe, you have no idea how I planned on punishing you for pulling that off, you totally ruined our wedding day with your childish attitude and you will be punished accordingly" He replied, locking their eyes.

"I was being honest you know, I still feel the same way. I probably should leave this place. I can't" She took a deep breath trying to keep her tears at bay.

"I am sorry to raise this here Malikaah. I love you okay ? I've been in love with you for only Allah knows how long, I still am and in shaa Allah I will continue to love you till my last breath and in jannah. Cast away all your doubts and stop second guessing yourself because to me, you are perfect, I love you with all your flaws and imperfections, I love you for the sake of Allah, I know about your demons and so called complications in life and from today henceforth, we fight together, side by side.

I don't want you to think of anything that has happened in the past, it should remain where it belonged, the past. I don't want my wife, the queen of my heart to ever think that I will deliberately do anything to hurt her or think of her as selfish okay? I love you Rufaidah Sa'ad, Just you and I have a gazillion reasons to do that" He professed holding their hands to his.

Rufaidah couldn't move a limb in case she's in a dream which she don't want to ever wake up from. She knows that Al'amin is right, she can feel his love in her bones. She's being paranoid which will surely land her in trouble if she didn't control it. Meanwhile the guests are busy staring at the highlight of the event having their own private conversation, oblivious of the world around them.

"I am sorry Malik. I am really sorry to ruin our day. It wasn't my intention. I was so happy and eager to be married to you yesterday because I love you so much too, I can't even express how much but I got scared and I ruined our day, am truly sorry hun" She apologized with a soft tone.

"Abeg abeg, this isn't your house lovebirds, we are in a dinner hall, your wedding dinner hall. Be nice hosts and give the audience your attention will you?" Zubaidah cuts Al'amin mid sentence, looking amused and angry at the same time.

"Right! The dinner isn't over yet. You forget that when am with Noor the whole world fades to the background. Thanks for bringing us back, we are in the middle of something kill joy" he joked, making Zubaidah laugh out loud before she drags Rufaidah for a family photoshoot.

"Be careful with my wife, hence I'll sue you and make sure you stay in prison for life" he warned with a chuckle, following the duo behind as their parents smiled proudly from where they sit, knowing that in shaa Allah, the two had gotten what they deserve.


"Remind me to never get married ever again" Rufaidah whined as Ummi massaged her aching feet four days after the dinner and the last event which was the ceremonial sitting.

"Yen yen yen. Upon all the shameless attitude you guys displayed you're now pretending to be coy and what not. Don't act smart with us dear sister. Am sure you'll be glad to marry Al'amin everyday if given a chance" Zubaidah sparked off, glaring playfully at her cousin.

"You guys made us single ladies and gents jealous. I pray that Allah will bless your home, preserve your love and keep you happy forever. You made such a beautiful bride"Hajar said, giving Rufaidah a side hug who has started tearing up.

"Hypocrite tears, she can't wait to be conveyed. she is dancing in her heart, praying for time to fly, we know everything" Zubaidah added, poking Rufaidah's cheeks in an attempt to stop her tears from flowing.

"I was actually thinking of Reedah Zubs. I wish she is here. Not that you guys aren't enough for me but God knows I miss my best friend. I want her to see her dream come true, that am married to her brother and we are now more than just friends.  She was with me at my worst, I wish she's here with me today too. May Allah forgive her and have mercy on her soul"

All the occupants of the room chorused an Ameen. Consoling Rufaidah and telling her that Reedah is in a better place in shaa Allah and Allah doesn't leave a soul that has lived it's apportioned time for the sake of another.

Uncle Jibran and the other maternal and paternal elders of the family came to bid her farewell and give her the customary Nasihah before she's to be conveyed to her husband's family house by her father and relatives in tow.

All the people gathered in daddy's living room said a thing or two as she noted them down in her heart. Uncle Jibran was last.

"You're a lot of things Rufaidah but I'll like to call you strong, you've been through a lot and yet here you're taking the biggest step of your life and making us all proud of the woman you have become. Al'amin is not just your husband but a key to Jannah, respect him, love him and support him. Be the coolness of his eyes, be his confidante and best friend. Be the one he will turn to when things get tough, be the kind of wife that other men will pray to have, lead an exemplary married life that will be talked about for centuries.

Have faith in Allah, pray to him for a lasting peace, love and blessed children. Be patient with him and his relatives, communicate with him because it's a key to successful marriage, don't run to us or friends when you have an argument that you can sit down and solve, come to us only when the issue is beyond you. I pray that Allah will light your path, guide every step you take and bless you in many ways. Barakallahu lakuma wa barakah alaikuma wa jama'a baina kuma fi khair"

When she was taken to Mommy's room for goodbye, both of them couldn't speak a word because of choked up emotions. Hajia Samira kept comforting them to no avail, it was when daddy asked for Rufaidah to be brought out that Mommy managed to say sorry, she kept apologizing to Rufaidah, saying she is proud of her and she trusts her to do the right thing, that she's going to make a terrific wife and Allah will bless her.

Ummi also cried as if she is going to gauge her eyes out, she held unto Rufaidah like a lifeline and it was a heartbreaking sight to see. Zubaidah and Hajar dropped  the hard girl act and joined them too.

The last and most heart breaking goodbye is with Yaya Shams who has been dreading this day since the wedding date was fixed. God knows he loves his little sister and the house will be too empty and dull without her.

"Rufaidah" he croaked hugging her as tightly as he can.

"B" she cried out.

"I am so proud of you Rufs. May Allah bless you and keep you happy always. We might be away from each other but know that am a call away, I'll always be with you and I love you so much. I wish I can make you stay and remain my little sister till the end of time. If Al'amin makes a single tear roll down your cheeks I'll make sure that he never see the light of the day" he chuckled at the last part wiping away a tear.

"You're strong and can cross every hurdle in life easily, you're a gem and that I can shout out to the whole world to hear. I will miss you" he tried to break the hug but Rufaidah is having none of it.  It took them fifteen minutes to pacify her before she let go.

During the ride to The Muhammad's residence, daddy apologized to her also.

"I can't take credit for the wonderful strong and resilient woman you've become my dear but am proud of you, I am truly sorry for being a neglectful father and causing you pain. You'll reap good in shaa Allah and you're going to do great things in life. I wish you khair and rahama in your abode, I wish you happiness and endless laughter, I wish you companionship and friendship and I pray that you'll have kids that will be the coolness of your eyes to love you unconditionally" He held her trembling hands in his.

They were warmly welcomed by Mama and her entourage who also advised the couple one after another. Baba added with " You are not the only one entitled to rights Al'amin, as a woman Rufaidah also have numerous rights to be exercised by you, don't be arrogant, Islam is fair and Allah is just. Live together in harmony and never let satan get the best of you. May Allah bless your union and keep you happy always" they all said an Ameen after which everyone dispersed leading to a new bout of tears from Rufaidah and her cousins.

"I will come visit you tomorrow in shaa Allah. You're going to be okay Rufs. Trust me" Zubaidah managed to say before running out of the house.

Mama's elder sister led her to a room. They will leave to her house later with her husband. Her head feels like it doesn't belong to her, she's burning up and can't tell anyone to bring something for her.

As if she read her thoughts, Mama personally brought food for her saying she knows that she wasn't able to eat before coming.

"Are you okay? You're shaking" she scooted closer to feel her forehead.

"Yahsalam! You're burning up. Let me call Al'amin, you need to eat and get some rest. Sannu Noor" She stated and went out, dialling Al'amin on her phone.

He received the call on his way out and literally ran back into the house. He met Mama in the living room who lead him to Rufaidah's room.

"I'll call the doctor, just make sure she eats something before he gets here" Al'amin nodded and locked the door behind his mother not wanting anyone to disturb them.

"Those witches didn't allow you to sleep and they made you cry and now my baby is sick" he joked with a pout sitting on the bed beside her. He felt her forehead and sighed.

"Sorry babe, I feel guilty, I shouldn't have let them talk us into having those events. You're stressed but you'll soon be okay" he comforted removing her veil.

"Subhanallah!!!" He exclaimed in shock after seeing her bloated face.

"Noor why did you cry so much? Is it that you don't want to be with me ?" He asked and she nodded in the negative.

Hitting his head with his palms he laughed awkwardly " it's a stupid question to ask, I know you cried because you will miss your family. Afwan habibty" he served fried rice with some caricatures in a plate, rolled up his sleeves and started feeding her, saying things that makes her laugh without even having the intention to do that.

"Alhamdulillah, I am okay" she pushed the spoon away from her mouth.

"You must finish the remnant Malikah, it's not much and it's haram to waste food"

"But am full" she whined

"Are you sure?" He raised a concerned brow.

"Yes but I can feed you the rest, that way it didn't go to waste" she shyly suggested.

"But you're sick and I don't want you to suffer" he tamp down the urge to punch the air.

" I can still do that, it is not that I can't use my limbs" she insisted and he obliged giving her the look that makes her squirm as she feeds him.

They drank water from the same cup and he massaged her still swollen legs telling her sorry at intervals and asking if she needs anything. The doctor arrived much later apologizing for being late due to another emergency at the hospital. He said it was just stress and hunger, prescribed some drugs and asked her to rest well. Al'amin thanked him and went out to get the drugs. She took them and he tucked her in, after drawing a warm bath for her and giving her a change of clothes.

"Rest well Noor. I love you." He kissed her forehead switching off the lights.

"I love you too" she mumbled sleepily.

The future looks promising to both of them as one vowed to keep the other happy and the other vowed to never cease to reciprocate right back.


Blame writers block and the fact that your girl is clueless when it comes to weddings. Am also a social recluse no doubt 😂

It seems like 52 weeks will soon draw the curtain and I'll waive Adieus to you beautiful humans.

Anyway hope you enjoyed the chapter. Forgive my mistakes, am very lazy when it comes to editing.

Shukran Jazeel 🤗

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