I am going to the dungeon

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I have had these dreams like a million times before or maybe not a million but you get my point. It is always the same, I fall asleep and then I wake up in another's life. I do not think I have had a real dream in my entire life; I always see his life. They are always slightly different, never quite the same. I have watched him so many days, so many times, in so many dreams. 

At first, I thought I was just dreaming, you know? normal dreams, like everyone else? I wasn't.
Then I thought, I was going crazy: I was not.
Now I know, I know what my dreams really are: they are his reality.

Most nights I just see one or two of his days, some nights I see four or five. Sometimes I see his past, sometimes his present, but never his future. One of my dreams keeps looking for me, and it terrifies me. It makes me wake up gasping for air, feeling weak. Even after so many times of having that dream it terrifies me.

I am screaming that they are going to kill her. I do not know who she is, but I know she is going to die. Someone are guiding me down a staircase, and then I stand in front of all these doors. All of them closed. Locked. Then the man holding me opens a door and pushes me inside. I find myself in a dark, cold room.

A first I scream, and then I stop and just fall helplessly to the ground. My heart aches from fear and sorrow... I know that girl is going to die. I stay on the floor for a long time. Maybe an hour? a day? or more? I do not know.

The people who are keeping me in the dungeons do not feed me, and I suppose that is the reason why the girl dies. The only reason I survive is that water is running into my cell, and so I stay alive.

Singing, it is what keeps my mind together for so long, that I hear the voice of the man. It sounds angry, familiar somehow. I am laying in one corner with my eyes shot close. And then I hear the lock open. I open my eyes and then... I wake up.

That dream has always seemed special to me, and so I wrote it into a poem. Only that dream, only that one time, only that dream. I Am Going to The Dungeon, I call it, and it goes like this:

I am going to the dungeon
It is dark and cold and cruel
I am going to the dungeon
Let by an innocent fool

I am going to the dungeon
Where a girl drops dead
I am going to the dungeon
With a dead sentence above my head

I am going to the dungeon
Where the doors won't unlock
I am going to the dungeon
Where men have gone amok

I am going to the dungeon
With fear inside my heart
I am going to the dungeon
Where minds got thorn apart

I am going to the dungeon
Where you hope I will crack
I am going to the dungeon
But I promise, I'll be back

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