The story of Aran the Dragon Blessed

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A little over five decades ago, the first hint of chaos struck the land. The dragons had gone to disappear, and both the Priesthood and the Bringers of Light could agree that wasn't a good thing.

They went to the king and spoke their case. The Bringers of Light spoke of making necessary changes in society. The Priesthood spoke of prophecies, and heroes jet to appear.

The king listened. And so he made his decision. It had long since become common knowledge in the royal family, that it was possible to summon people from a different realm if you so desired. This seemed to align perfectly with the Priesthood's talk of prophecies and heroes, and so it was done.

An unprepared, unwilling hero was summoned from a world so different that no one could even begin to phantom it.

This boy spent the next ten years adjusting to this new world. He had to navigate in a unknown environment, learn a new language, get used to new customs, and figure out the difference between right and wrong.

The boy was called Christian, and he soon turned out to be a most unwilling participant in his newly assigned destiny as hero. And so he went against everything that was expected of him.

He traveled with the free people of the north. He was taught to fight by the people of the dessert and they tattooed him as were their customs. He lived with the homeless children in the capital. He made alliances with the strangest of people, and he made allies out of the Bringers of Light.

Somewhere along the way, he met the dragons. At first their claws met his sharpened blades. Maybe he gained their respect, maybe they just decided they liked him, anyhow, he became the first dragon rider in eons.

Words travels fast, an so did his reputation. All across the land he became known as Aran the Dragon Blessed.

Things only improved from there on. The dragons returned to the land. Peace replaced the chaos of the previous years. But all good things come to an end.

The king decided to send Christian back to his own world. Maybe the Priesthood had something to do with it, maybe they hadn't. No matter the case, Christian was forced to return to his old life; thrown back into a body that was no longer his.

The loss of the Dragon Blessed was mourned among the commoners. His allies grieved. The dragons screamed in agony, though no one heard their cries.

  For a while sorrow rested heavy upon the land. And so, as things tend to do, it got better, and the Dragon Blessed was transformed into the stuff of legends. Only those who had known him, remembered him as the unwilling boy who was turned into a hero. Only they remembered, how he was taken from his life and thrown into a new one, how it was expected of him to save the world. And only they remembered, how he had been thrown away, as soon as he no longer had a purpose in the mind of the rulers.

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