Upside down

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'You can't do that,' Dylan says.

Claire sends him a meaningful look saying, 'Are you kidding me?'

Dan looks from Dylan to Claire and back again. He has seen the look. He has heard how they talk to each other.

'Why? Because she's a woman?' he asks Dylan, a feeling of righteous anger lingering in his chest.

This time it is Dylan who sends Claire a look. 'Is he kidding me?' it says.

Claire just shrugs.

'He meant you, you fool. Only a moron would be stupid enough to walk into the Byheria without a guide.' Her boots clang as she crosses them on top of the table.

'But you're in luck, my friend,' Dylan says. 'You just happen to be looking at the best trackers in all of Tywen.'

A flabbergasted look takes over Dan's face. How does they... He hasn't told a soul! No one is supposed to know.

All around the drunken voices fill the air. The smell of alcohol surrounds them. In a dark corner, a quiet man is picking out his pray but it is not he who has captured the attention of Dylan and Claire.

At a round table five men are seated. The weapons at their sides and the scars on their skin mark them as dangerous enemies, and the emblems that are embroidered on their purple tunics out them as the best soldiers in the Kondrian army.

'You're counting on the Jicks to guard you back?' Claire takes a swig of her drink.

'Trust me; those lads aren't worth the money they are paid,' Dylan adds as his gaze slowly makes its way over the patreons.

'Those lads are the best fighters Kondria.' Red dots blurr Dan's vision.

'Nah, they are the best soldiers - there's a difference.' Claire empties her glass, banging it on the table as she stands.

'You know where to find us if you change your mind before you leave.'

Dylan holds out his arm for Claire to take. Linking her arm with his, they pair takes a couple of steps away from him. Just as he thinks, they are gone, Claire turns her head.

'It's a dangerous town, mage. I would keep an eye on that pouch of yours if I was you or it might turn up at the black market. Imagine how much an acordian key would be worth these days.'

With those words, the couple waltz by the mumbling soldiers. As they push open the door, Dylan says, 'I'll bet you a dinner at Raf's that he'll come looking for us before the end of the week.'

'Deal,' Claire laughs, 'I give him till the end of tomorrow.'

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