Cake~ Late baby

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Hey guys here's the next part that I finally got around to updating. ENJOY!!!!!!!!!

I was sitting on the couch with my partner in crime of nearly 10 years. He was near 3 weeks over his due date and our little man was soon to come and Calum was just as anxious as I was to meet him.  

I was sitting with our little girl, Ava, and she was currently watching some cartoons on some tv channel. It was around 8:30 so I pick up Ava and she cuddles into my shoulder and fell asleep and I tucked her into bed and sat down on the end of her little bed for a bit and then kissed her forehead and headed back down stairs and saw Calum rubbing his bump.

I smiled and sat down next to him. He smiled and laid his head on my shoulder and I wrapped an arm around his waist and we both sat there and watched tv while drifting off to sleep like that. I smiled happily as I fell asleep with Calum and laid my head in the back of the couch.

I had fallen asleep and I felt someone shaking me. I opened my eyes and Calum grabbed his bump I called Ashton and Michael and they said they were on their way. I ran upstairs and grabbed the bag we packed for Calum and grabbed the baby bag next to it.

I ran down the stairs and slowly helped Calum up and just in that moment Michael and Ashton burst through the door with their tired looking daughter, Danielle, they smiled at me and I got Calum to the car and I already called the hospital. We made it there in 5 minutes flat and I raced inside for a nurse and one came out with a wheel chair.

I grabbed the bags and followed the nurse to Calls room and he was lying there gripping the bed rail with a lot of force. I gingerly grabbed his hand and he smiled and I kissed his sweaty forehead.

A doctor came into the room and he bent Calls legs and checked to see how far he was and he was only at 2cm. We still have a long way to go. I kissed his hand and whispered some sweet nothings into his ear and he smiled slightly but the smiles I got disappeared with the contractions that came and went.

I encouraged him to keep his breathing steady and slow and he did and I smiled. A nurse came in every now and then to check the monitors that checked the baby and Calum.

"Would you like to have an epidural since your in so much pain?" A nurse asked coming into the room. Calum nodded slowly and started to breathe again and I gripped his hand and he laid back in the bed with a huff when the contraction.

"It will be worth it when it's all over, dear." I said brushing his hair off his forehead and kissing his cheek. He nodded.

We both couldn't wait to meet our son. Ava on the other hand had been longing for another sibling and begging to know when he was gonna be born.

We had never decided on a name since it was the same way with Ava. We couldn't decided and when she was born we both thought of Ava Marie Hemmings. It hit us both like that and the same would probably happen with our son.

I gently grasped Calum's hand again and rubbed his knuckles and a nurse came back in with the epidural and I nodded and helped Cal into a sitting position. He grasped my shoulders as I stood there while the nurse put the needle in his back. He let go lightly and I helped him lay down again and the doctor came in again.

We had been here for 7 hours now and Cal bent his legs and the doctor checked and he was only at 5 1/2cm and he was exhausted and he only wanted to sleep. I told him he could and he slept for a few hours. He wanted me to sleep next to him and I crawled into the bed and hugged him lightly and he smiled andnd went to sleep.

3 hours later

I woke up to something wet and I realized that Calum's water had finally broken. He looked at me and I pressed the call button on the bed and a nurse came in and check him.

"Well sugar, your at 9cm if that helps. Now we just have to watch a little more closely." She said and wrote it down. Calum smiled at me and the doctor came in a asked Calum some questions. He answered as best as he could and then he asked if I sit behind him so he could get comfortable.

I nodded and rubbed his back gently. He smiled and made a groan of happiness as I rubbed his lower back. I smiled and he gripped my hand and I guess the epidural ended and a doctor came in. He checked Cal one last time and looked up nodded and smiled and pulled on a pair of gloves.

I helped Cal lean back a bit and he pushed down. I gripped his hand and he gripped my as hard as he possibly could.

After about and hour and a half of screaming, crying, and many other things we had our son here and Cal was laying on my chest. He was exhausted and I could see it.

They were cleaning up our little boy and doing he standard procedure. After a few more minutes Cal was handed our baby boy and we looked at him in aww.

"How about Justin Lucas Hemmings?" Calum questioned looked at our beautiful baby boy. I nodded and a tear slid down my face. I got off of the bed and toook a pictures of Calum holding Justin and tweeted it and put it on instgram for our fans to see.

I had called Michael telling them they could come up here now and they said they'd be here within the next half hour.

I smiled and picked up our baby boy and cradled him to my chest. He yawned and opened his eyes. They were Calum's beautiful brown ones I fell in love with so many years ago.

I kissed Calum and there was a knock on the door and Michael walked in with Ava, Ashton, and Danielle. Ava walked over to us and I picked her up and set her on my hip. I set her down next to Cal and she looked at her brother in admiration.

"I love him!" She exclaimed quietly. Even though she was 4 she knew when to be quiet. I smiled and Calum let her hold him and she loved him.

I loved him, our beautiful baby boy, Justin.

Justin Lucas Hemmings ~ July 14th, 2029

Ava Marie Hemmings ~ October 13th, 2025

Hey guys here's another part. I will take requests and if you don't want 5sos I'll take 1D too. But nothing to extreme because I don't pay attention to alot of things. Anyway bye!

Alexis Out!

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