Malum~ Home Birth

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Hey guys here's another part and I'm sorry for being slow I'm busy with many other books as well. Enjoy!

I was sitting on mine and Calum's bed in the house we shared with Luke and Ashton. I was watching TV but not really paying attention to it seeing as our daughter didn't want to settle down in my stomach. Yes I am pregnant.

The fans went crazy when we told them I was pregnant. I was waiting for my loving Calum to get home so he can soothe our baby girl and seeing as I was due this week too Calum was always hesitant on leaving me alone in the house.

I had to litterally beg him today to leave the house to go with Ashton and Luke to the studio. He wanted to stay with me and make sure everything was okay.

I had told him that if anything went wrong I could call the midwife and she would come here. We all decided that it would be best if I delivered at the house because no one was comfortable with hospitals.

"Ouch! Can you stop?!" I questioned annoyed at my daughter kicking me I the ribs. It hurts like hell to be kicked in the ribs.

I slowly got comfortable because I k ew I had a long time before Calum came home and I tried to pay attention to the tv and I couldn't.

"Ok that wasn't a kick." I said hunch ing over my bump. It was stronger than the Braxton hicks. I took out my phone and called the midwife to ask about them.

She told me she'd be over and keep an eye on me and I let out an okay and a whimper. She told me she was coming. We hung up and I got up and started to slowly walk around the room in hopes to calm these stupid contractions down.

"Michael!" Sam, my midwife called out. I took a deep breath.

"In here!" I called out softly and she came in and had me ly down on the bed. She placed her hands on the upper and lower parts of my stomach and she examined me.

"Well she seems to be dropping. It was a good thing you called me because she's coming today. Have you called Calum?" She asked and I sighed.

"No, I was gonna wait til something major happens." I said groaning as another contraction hit. Sam told me to take deep breaths and calm my breathing during the contractions.

We had a pool in the house that I was going to lay in before having the baby at Sam's request. I nodded when she asked about it.

Soon enough after about 2 hours Calum came in the house exclaiming Ashton and Luke to go out and have some alone time and came up to me. He gasped.

"Why didn't you call. I would've come home sooner." He exclaimed coming over to me. I only groaned as I felt her drop more.

"Not to worry Calum. I think he made the smarter move to call me to check on him so he would be ok." Sam said and started to get out sl.e of her supplies for when our girl gets here.

"Well Ashton and Luke aren't here so we have a bit of time to have silence in the house." Calum said kissing my forehead and grabbed my hand. Sam had a sheet over my lower half and was checking me andnd gonna break my water in the process.

I grunted a bit at the uncomfortable gesture. Sam smiled when she put the sheet down.

"Well your at 8cm if it helps dear. She shouldn't be long now." Sam said grabbing a few things to have with her.

With a few more hours of contractions and squeezing the life out of Calum's hand our little girl was ready.

Calum sat behind me because he wanted me to deliver as quick as possible so it wasn't painful. I grabbed his hand as I started to push.

Let tell you one thing, it's so painful that I seriously thought I was being stabbed over and over again.

"Big pushes, Michael, big pushes. She's crowning." Sam said smiling and gently pulling our little girl put so it would be easier. I felt her head 'pop' out of me as people say.

"Michael I just want you to slightly pant. Her shoulders will move slowly down and then you can push again." Sam said and I did as told and pushed when she said so.

I was nearing the end and I gave one final push and she slipped out of me and all my pain vanished.

Sam cut the cord and went to tend to our daughter. She weighed her and gave her a bath and did other things and then she handed her to me. I smiled at my daughter.

"What are we gonna name her Michael?" Calum asked me because we never discussed names. I thought about it.

"How about Emerald Ruby Clifford-Hood?" I suggested and Calum nodded a yes and he held her and she grabbed his finger.

He smiled and let a tear fall. I guess her heard the door open and close. I was too tired to look at anyone so I went to sleep to regain my energy.

Sam left a little while ago and Ashton and Luke came upstairs and looked at me.

"You did good Mikey." Ash said giving me a light pat on the back. I smiled slightly and let my sleep take over me. I finally had my wonderful daughter here along with my lover.

Emerald Ruby Clifford - Hood ~ May 12th , 2013

Hey guys here's another chapter. I want you guys to comment a pairing and what you want to happen and I'll look and them. I luv you guys bye!

Alexis Out!

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