Cake~ Smaller than normal

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Hey guys I'm so sorry for such a long wait here's another part and it's dedicated to @SonAdowforever987. I made this late and I'm sorry for that but it's here now. Enjoy!

~Calum's P.O.V~
I was getting ready to go to the studio since the manager wanted to speak with me. Luke was lying on the bed asleep. I smiled at him and grabbed a shirt and jeans and put them on along with my vans and kissed Luke's lips gently and his big baby bump too and left the house.
I hope nothing happens to him while I'm gone....
~Luke's P.O.V~
I was up when Calum left I just didn't feel like opening my eyes. I felt our little boy kick under my hand and I smiled softly and slowly sat up and grabbed one of my shirts and put it on and put on some sweat pants. I slowly waddled down the stairs and into the kitchen to see Ashton making breakfast.

"Morning Ash." I said and he smiled and finished breakfast and set it on the table and I took some and Mikey came into the kitchen and took more than me and Ash laughed at him.

I had finished and placed my plate in the sink and slowly went back upstairs to our room and laid on the bed and our little boy amused me for for a good hour.

I sat up when I got a pain in my lower abdomen and I thought it was just a Braxton hick and I felt the pain go away.

I waited for a bit and another pain came but stronger this time. I whimpered a bit and one of the boys raced up the stairs from what I could hear and Ashton opened the door.

"Luke, everything alright?" He said walking over to me and I shook my head no.

"Alright stay here and I'm gonna get stuff ready." He said and left the room I got another pain and yelped a bit. I slowly stood up and leaned over on the bed and rocked my body in a way.
Ashton came back into the room a few minutes later and helped me down the stairs and Michael had everything in the car and was on the phone with Calum telling him to meet us there.

I was put in the front and yelped when another pain hit me. Micheal grabbed my hand and rubbed my knuckles a bit soothing me. Ashton put the bag in the back with Michael and started to back outta the driveway.

I took some deep breaths and waited for the pain to go away. I felt it go away and hoped that our son would be fine since I'm only 7 months pregnant and ready go give birth now.

"It's gonna be fine Luke were almost there." Ashton said and the hospital was in the distance but visible.

As soon as Ashton pulled in Michael got out and grabbed the bag and baby bag while Ashton helped me.

We got inside and a nurse was there and took us to a room. I got changed and laid on the bed and a nurse came in and hooked up an IV to my hand and a monitor on my stomach to check the baby. I heard Michael's phone ring.

He looked at his phone and went out in the hall and answered it. Ashton grabbed my hand and rubbed my knuckles to soothe me a bit and calm me down and it worked.

My doctor came into the room and asked Ashton to leave for a moment. She asked me if I cluld check and I nodded.

"Well you're definitely moving along fast I can tell you that. I'd say maybe another two to four hours and you'll be ready to push." She said after pulling down the sheet and throwing away her glove. I nodded and smiled weakly.

Ashton and Michael came back into the room after she left.

"So what's going on Luke?" Michael asked me and sat down at the end of the bed.

"Possibly another two to four hours until I can push." I said wishing Calum was here.

"Well I got a call from Cal. He said he was stuck in traffic but he said he'd get here as fast as he could." Michael said and I nodded a bit upset.

"Don't worry hell get here Luke. He won't leave you to do it alone." Ashton said and he and Michael left to go eat some food in the café.

I had about an hour pass before the boys came back and they told me Calum was about a half hour away from the hospital and I smiled a bit and another pain hit me and I groaned.

Ashton gave me a sympathy smile and door then burst open. Calum stood there and walked over.

"You told me a half hour you must've sped through alot of traffic." Michael said.

Calum nodded and panted slightly. Michael and Ashton left to give us some time alone. I hugged him as best as I could.

"I'm here now Lukey. I won't leave you alone to do this." He said and kissed my forehead and my doctor came back and checked me again.

"I'd say maybe another 3 hours at the most and then you can meet your baby." She said and smiled and a few nurses came in and checked my IV and the baby monitor.

Calum sat next to me and held my hand and kissed my cheek.

"I can't wait to meet our son." He said and I smiled a bit and another pain came and I grunted and squeezed his hand slightly.

I hated all the pain. It was unbearable. I couldn't stand it anymore. I just want our little boy out so I can be pain free.

"It's okay I'm here." He said dabbing a damp rag on my forehead. I sighed in relief. Cal smiled and kissed me.

"You're doing so well. Just hang in there a little longer and then we can meet Duncan." He said and I nodded. I could hold on a little longer for Duncan.

The hours seemed longer than ever and every second things got even more painful. I cried put in pain as another pain came.

"It's alright." Calum said whispering some sweet nothings in my ear. I whimpered in pain and it left only to be replaced by another one 2 minutes later.

"I can't do it Cal. I just can't." I said with tears streaming down my face. He looked at me and kissed me.

"I know you can do it Lukey. You've been so strong now you just have to wait it out." He said and kissed me again.

My doctor came back and she checked me and looked up with a smiled.

"You're almost there 9 1/2 cm. Only another half and you're ready." She said and left the room and I smiled a bit and another pain came and I cried out in pain.

Calum squeezed my hand gently and about a half hour later my doctor came back and said I was ready.

I had my legs spread apart and I pushed down when I got another pain. I pushed until I heard a little squeal and a cry from our son. She placed him on my chest and I smiled and cried tears of joy and she let Calum cut the cord and took him to clean him and do all the other necessary things.

"I knee you could do it baby." Calum said kissing me and I smiled and was handed our son. He was smaller than normal but we still loved him so much.

Duncan Ben Hemmings-Hood
July 20, 2015

Hey guys here's another one and please if you have requests send them in. I take them all. Bye!

Alexis Out!


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