Nashton~ Emergency birth

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Hey guys I'm back and I finally have a new idea for this. I need new ideas so please give me ideas in the comments other requirements down below. I love all of you so much and enjoy!

~Ashton's P.O.V~

I was sitting with my boyfriend, Niall, on the bus that we were on. He was currently 6 months pregnant with our little princess as he likes to call her and I smiled when he calls her that all the time.

We were cuddling while watching a movie on my bunk. He was laughing at some funny part in the movie and I smiled at him and it made him kiss me tenderly. I smiled into the kiss and paused the movie and just held Niall close to me.

"I wonder how she's gonna be able to grow up with all the fame. I don't want her to be under a lot of pressure to be perfect like us, Ash." He said to me and I smiled and kissed his forehead.

"Don't worry she'll have me, you, and the rest of the boys to distract her from that." I said looking him in the eye. He smiled at me and laid his head on my chest.

Him and I must have dozed off because next thing I knew I was being violently shaken awake and I saw Niall curled in a ball in pain.

"Babe you alright?" I questioned and rubbed his back lightly and he whimpered and I got up and picked him up and carried him to the back of the bus while soothing him slightly.

"Babe do you know what might've happened." I asked lying him on the couch and rubbing his back. The boys left earlier while me and Niall had the day off. The bus was parked near but not at the office where the boys had a meeting to attend.

I texted Paul to come and get me and Niall to the hospital because he was in loads of pain and he said he'd be here in a bit.

Paul came on the bus and saw Niall and we went to the car and he drove us to the hospital and Niall was immediately taken into the ER and I was left to wait.


About an hour later a nurse came over to me and told me to follow her and I did and we stopped at a room and I walked inside and Niall was on the bed holding a blanket in his arms.

I slowly walked over to him.

"How ya feeling Ni?" I asked him and he flashed me his famous smile I fell in love with about 2 years ago.

"I'm fine and so is our little girl." He said showing me the baby. I smiled and gently caressed her cheek and she was so little from being born early.

"They told me as long as she gains weight then she'll be fine. She weighed 5.7 pounds when she was born so it should only take a matter of days before she's healthy enough to come with us." Niall told me and we smiled and admired our daughter. She was such a little princess and she was our little princess.

"What should we name her?" I asked curiously. He looked at her for a minute and looked up at me.

"How about we name her Dylan Harmony Irwin." He said and I nodded.

"Our little Dylan." I said and kissed her forehead and Niall let me hold her while he slept and I take it Paul told the guys because they came about 2 hours after Niall went to sleep. I smiled at them. By now Niall had woken up and was cradling Dylan to his chest.

"Paul told us as soon as they let us go." Luke said walking into the room and sitting next to me. I nodded and Dylan opened her wide hazel eyes with flecks of blue in them.

I smiled at her and the boys awed at her. Soon the boys left and it was just me, Niall, and Dylan.

"I still can't believe she's here. I thought that she would've been later." Niall said in awe. I smiled and kissed Dylan's forehead and kissed Niall.

"I was talking with the doctor earlier and she said that if your feeling better and Dylan doesn't have any problems tonight she can come with us." I said quietly and he smiled and kissed me and I kissed back.


Throughout the night there were no problems and Dylan was strapped in the small carrier we had just in case something happened and Niall was sore but he was ready to leave.

When Paul came and got us it was just him saying that the boys were at an interview and we both nodded and got in. When the bus came into view we climbed in and then the bus started to go to the studio where the boys were in their interviews.

I told Niall to lay down and get some rest and that I'd take care of Dylan and he smiled and climbed in our bunk. Sooner or later the boys came bouncing on the bus and I smiled at them and Luke held Dylan and he smiled at her and I beamed with pride like a proud father should. I love the boys and my family with all my heart. I wish my life never changes.

Hey guys here's another chapter and I hope you all enjoyed it. I love each and every single one of you who read my book and feel free to talk to me if you want to I'm always available except when I'm asleep :). Bye guys!

Alexis Out!

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