Muke~ Early Baby and Surprise

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Hey guys I'm back and I am so sorry this is late but here's another part and it's *drum roll* MUKE! I hope you guys love this chapter as much as the rest. I love each and everyone of you who read this book and all of my others. It means so much to me and Enjoy!


I was sitting in the living room of our flat that I shared with my fiance, Michael, and our soon to be baby. I was pregnant and Michael was overjoyed when I told him.

I was currently 6 and 1/2 months pregnant with a baby girl and I told Michael that I was feeling some cramps today and a tiny bit of pressure in my lower region.

He told me that if it got worse to call him because he had to go to the studio today to record for our new album. I nodded and he left and it's been 2 hours and I was in the kitchen and looking for the nutella for my strawberries. I was getting another cramp and I took a few deep breaths and continued to look for the nutella. I had finally found it and started eating my strawberries covered in nutella and watching TV.

I laid back into the couch and dozed off and set my stuff on the table and slept peacefully on the couch. I had my arms draped around my baby bump protectively.

I was woken up to someone shaking me lightly and I opened my eyes slightly and saw that Michael was here shaking me up. I smiled at him and kissed his lips. He sat down next to me and cuddled with me.

I had another cramp and hitched my breath and Michael saw my discomfort and rubbed my back. I smiled at him and he nodded and got up off the couch and went into the kitchen and came back with a wet rag and placed it on my forehead and laid me down on the couch.

"You feeling okay, Lukey?" He asked me and I nodded no because I kept getting the cramps and I eventually fell asleep after about 30 minutes of moaning and groaning in pain while shifting slightly on the couch.

I woke up again with a strong pain hitting me in my lower abdomen and Michael came running down the stairs and to my side saying something about taking me to the hospital but I wasn't really focusing on anything of the sort.

Michael picked me up and brought me to the car and put me in and grabbed the bag we had by the door and put that in the car and he got in and sped to the hospital.

We got stuck in traffic on the highway a few times but it was smooth going there. When we got there Michael ran inside to get a nurse and he came back and helped me in the wheel chair and went inside. Michael followed the nurse to a room for me and I got another pain and Michael changed me and the nurse left to go get a doctor.

After about an hour of checking my vitals and hooking me up to several machines and checking on our baby the doctor finally sat down and talked with me.

"Well by the looks of it, your in early labor. Nothing to be scared of the baby is fine and will only be premature when it's born." The doctor said calming my nerves just a tiny bit.

"Though so the baby doesn't get hurt we have to do a c- section on you." She said and I nodded and she had Michael dress in scrubs and they took me to an operation room to get it done. 

I had been holding onto Michael's shoulders so I wouldn't fall off the table while they put this big ass fucking needle in my back and Michael was comforting me and making me forget about the needle for a bit. 

When it was over Michael helped me lay down on the table and they put up a curtain so I wouldn't pass or freak out at the sight of my own intestines or shit. 

"Okay , Luke, we're gonna start I'm gonna apply a tiny bit of pressure, let me know if you feel anything." The doctor said and I felt a bit of pressure but I didn't feel anything else. 

"I don't feel anything." I said and then she started. I felt an uncomfortable tugging and pressure on my stomach. I made a face and Michael gave me a sympathetic smile and I hitched my breath when we heard our little baby girl cry. 

"Wait a second. There's another one." I heard the doctor say. I looked at Michael and he looked just as shocked as I was. I had no knowledge of any of carrying twins. 

"Your second one is a boy!" The doctor said excitedly and they they cleaned me up and started sewing me shut. I started to get feeling back in my body a little while after they were done and I was in my room again. 

"They're so tiny." Michael said cooing over them. I smiled and agreed with him. I was holding our daughter, Lyric Elizabeth Clifford and Michael was holding our son, Nathan Andrew Clifford.

"We did good didn't we." I said looking and admiring our daughter. She was so small but she was very healthy. She and her brother just had to grow and get bigger.

"I love you Michael." I said kissing him. He kissed me back and smiled.

"I love you too Luke and our kids." He said looking at me and kissing me.

I had my family and my wonderful soon to be husband. My life was perfect.

Lyric Elizabeth Clifford ~ August 16th, 2020

Nathan Andrew Clifford ~ August 16th, 2020

Hey guys here's the next one. Please vote, comment suggestions and don't forget to follow. Bye!

Alexis Out!

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