CALM~ Painful Night

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Hey guys I'm back and I had this idea over the past weekend and I can say that I'm still taking requests so please comment on these and a whole chapter goes to you guys for the idea in the first place. I will also take some One Direction requests or put some unique ones together. I hope you enjoy! I'm dedicating this chapter to @cutie157 and @NiaHoran34


I was lying in bed with one of my boyfriends, Luke, and I was trying to get comfortable and the babies wouldn't stop moving around so I couldn't get comfortable. Luke was sleeping next to me and I laid down on the bed and finally got comfortable and went to sleep for the first time in 3 hours.

I was woken up by a sharp pain in my lower stomach. I sat up and gripped it lightly hoping it would stop. When it did I got up in a sitting position and took some deep breaths calming myself down. I closed my eyes hoping to find my happy place and when I did it didn't last long because I got another pain only stronger than the last one. I shook Luke lightly and he opened his eyes slightly.

"What is it Mikey?" He asked. I went to speak and yelped lightly and he got out of bed and went to wake Ashton and Calum to go get the car ready. Luke came back and helped me stand up and helped me slowly down the stairs and to the car and in the back seat.

I gripped Luke's hand as another contraction hit me and I groaned in pain. Luke whispered soothing things in my ear and tried to calm me down and it helped a little bit but not a whole lot.

When we got to the hospital Luke darted inside and came back out with a nurse and helped me out and Ash and Cal went to park the car. I was brought up to a room and changed into one of those horrible hospital gowns and laid down in the bed with an IV in my arm.

Ash and Cal came in the room about 10 minutes later and Ash smiled at me slightly and started to rub my shoulder a bit and Cal was satting next to Luke talking to him for a bit. I groaned as another contraction hit me and I squeezed my eyes shut and Ash let me hold his hand for comfort.

I slowed my breathing and closed my eyes and laid on my side so I was more comfortable. Ashton kissed my forehead and said I was doing well.

~12 hours later~

I was gripping Luke's hand since Ashton and Calum left to grab something to drink and eat a while ago. A doctor walked in my room and I moved to be positioned on my back. She used the sheet and covered my lower half and checked to see how dialated I was and it was a tad bit uncomfortable and when she was done she stood up and threw away her glove.

"Well your currently at 6 cm. I would give it possibly another 6 to 7 hours before you fully dialate." She said walking out of the room and Ashton and Calum came back and handed some things to Luke. He nodded and sat back and Ashton took my hand again.

"How many?" Cal asked and I huffed.

"6. Only took 12 hours." I said getting comfortable on my side again. I laid there and let sleep take over me and I let Ashton lay with me in the bed while Calum and Luke were talking quietly.

~A 6 hours later~

I woke up to a much stronger pain and I felt something wet underneath me and I bit my lip to keep from groaning in pain and I shook Ash lightly and he got up and went to get the doctor. He came back with her and she did the same procedure.

"Well let's have some babies." She said and left to fill the tub I was gonna give birth in. She left the room and Ashton helped me up while Luke and Cal left to the bathroom. I was settled in the tub and I asked Ashton to get in with me and he took off his shirt and shoes and got in with me.

Ash wrapped his arms around me and rubbed my stomach a bit and it helped. I leaned back into him and he whispered sweet nothings in my ear to keep me calm and it was working. Luke and Cal came back shortly after I got in and Luke smiled and sat on his knees next to me holding my hand.

The doctor came in and had some supplies with her and she set them on the floor next to her and she pulled her sleeves up and put on some gloves.

"When you feel your next contraction hit I want you to give me a big push." She said and Calum was sitting next to her so he could see our children being born. I felt my contraction and I bored down and pushed as hard as I could and I could feel one of the twins move down.

I repeated this multiple times and then the shoulders were the worst. I felt like I was being torn in two. I screamed a bit as the baby slowly made it's way out of me. The doctor slowly pulled on the baby and I felt all the pain wash away after one more push.

"Your first daughter is here." She said and I nodded and felt our little girl move her way down and the pressure was something I wasn't gonna get used to. I pushed and she moved down more.

"Easy there Mikey, don't want to stress her." Ashton said in my ear and I nodded and pushed as my next contraction hit. I squeaked and Ashton held me and rubbed my sides a bit and I waited for my next contraction and I felt our little girl's head 'pop' as some say and I took some deep breaths and calmed myself a bit and push as my next contraction hit me.

"There you go Mikey. Take it easy." Luke said to me. I bored down again and I could feel like I was splitting in two again and she was pulled out much quicker than our son was. I felt all my pain wash away and I layed back on Ashton again and slowly drifted off to sleep. Our little girls were here and we were a happy family.

Alexa Ann Clifford-Hood-Hemmings-Irwin~ August 11th, 2015

Nia Marie Clifford-Hood-Hemmings-Irwin~ August 11th, 2015

Hey guys here's another chapter and I love all of you for making this book popular. I hope you all have a wonderful day and Bye!

Alexis Out!

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