Mashton~ School Labor

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Hey guys this one is for @Lovetomlinsonirwin she gave me this great request and she's awesome for it. Also I have changed this a bit but it's still amazing. I love you and and I hope you have requests for me to keep me busy! I also have an interview for college tomorrow and I haven't even finished high school yet. Anyway enjoy!

~Michael's P.O.V~
As I walked into school I headed to my locker and I saw my gorgeous boyfriend. I walked behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Hey babe." I said softly and smiled a bit.

"Hey babe." He said turning around and the way his stomach stuck out was completely adorable.

"Not much longer until we meet our little girl." I said and he placed his hand on his stomach a bit and chuckled a bit.

"As long as she stays still today I'll be fine. She's always moving around when I need her still." He says with a huff. I chuckled and rubbed his stomach a bit.

"Be good for papa today baby girl." I mumbled against his stomach and kissed it and give him a quick kiss goodbye and headed to my math class.

I fell asleep through most of my math class and eventually woke up when my buddy Calum said something to me.

It was like that in all of my classes and when it was time for lunch me and Ash headed outside where we usually sit and he winced a bit as he sat down.

"Babe you alright?" I questioned sitting next to him.

"No I've been having Braxton hicks all damn day and there making it hard for me to sit anywhere." He said leaning into my bicep. I held him close and rubbed his stomach a bit.

"We only have another hour and a 1/2 of school do you think you'll be okay for the rest of the day?" I asked him.

"No I just want to go to your house with you." He said with a sigh and then winced as he got another one.

"Babe do you think those are Braxton hicks?" I asked and he shrugged not knowing anymore.

"Come on I'll sign us both out and we can go back to my house. My mum left this morning on a business trip for 2 weeks." I said and held him close getting our bags and walked up to the front desk and signed us out and went to my car and I helped him in and put our bags in the back seat andnd got in the driver side.

I pulled into the driveway of my house and got out and helped Ashton inside and he yelped a bit and clutched my arms.

"Babe? You alright?" I asked worriedly and held him up by the waist so he wouldn't fall.

"N-no.. that was a real one for sure.." he said slowly still clearly in pain and I helped him inside and up to my room and laid him on the bed.

"I'll be back in a minute babe if this is real I'm getting some stuff together." I said and ran downstairs and got some scissors, string, some towels and I headed to the nursery and got a baby outfit and a diaper for her and went back to my room and sat it all on the floor and went next to Ashton and held his hand.

"You'll be alright." I said softly rubbing his knuckles and calmed him a bit.

"This hurts so much." He whimpered and buried his face into my pillow. I rubbed his hair and placed a kiss on his forehead.

"How about I get your pants off so you can move a little more?" I asked him and he nodded not moving and I slowly tugged down his pants and left his boxers so he wouldn't be completely exposed and he didn't want them off yet.

"There." I said placing them at the end of my bed and I laid next to him and rubbed his stomach as it tightened and loosened periodically.

"Thank you.." he mumbled into the pillow and whimpered when a contraction hit him. I rubbed his stomach more and placed a kiss on his forehead.

"Want me to take your boxers off babe?" I asked gently and he nodded a bit and I took them off and placed them by his jeans then placed a sheet over him like he wanted. I left to go get a bowl of cold water and a rag and left it in the room and rung out the rag placing it on his forehead and let him lay there.

After a little while Ash fell asleep so I decided to go downstairs and get something small to eat and headed back up after I finished and saw him waking up.

"Hey. You feel any better from your nap?" I asked gently as I didn't want to set him off.

"A little bit. I feel better but there just going to get stonger." He said quietly. And he was completely right. As the night came they only got stronger and more painful.

It was around 2:30 in the morning when Ash woke me up and told me his water broke so I check and he was just a little over 6 cm dilated.

"Not much more a little less than 4 more to go babe and we got our little girl." I said with a sleepy smile. He nodded and laid back on the bed and laid on his side again.

Over the next 2-3 hours he only got another 2 cm dilated. He's been in labor for over 16 hours now.

I was holding his hand seeing as I didn't have pain medications and it was unbearable for him.

"Babe I'm gonna check you alright?" I said softly letting go of his hand and went down and checked.

"Babe your at 9. Only a little more time and we can meet her." I said happily and continued holding his hand.

It only took a half hour before he reached 10 and felt the urge to push so I went down and told him he could start pushing.

As he did this I held one of his hands and had one hand to hold the baby as it came out.

It took about an hour and a half before I was cleaning off our litt k e girl and handing her to Ashton and going to call an ambulance.

"Our little girl, Jonte Isabella Irwin-Clifford." He said with tears in his eyes. I stood and smiled and a medical team came and checked them both and left after doing what was necessary.

"Our little family.." I said and took Jonte to put her in the nursery and went back to the room to help Ashton take take a bath and I help him and changed my bed sheets since my blanket was on the floor and put my blanket back on the bed I also grabbed Ashton a new pair of boxers and one of my shirts so he could be comfortable.

I helped him out of the tub and helped him dry off and change and then slowly guided him to the nursery where Jonte is sleeping with her thumb in her mouth.

"You did it babe. You brought her here." I said kissing his cheek.

"No we did it. If it wasn't for you helping me I don't think I would've been able to do this myself." He said leaning into my arms.

"How about we go lay down since I think we're both exhausted." I said with a sleepy smile.

Jonte Isabella Irwin-Clifford~ 9:08 am May 17th, 2015

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this because I've got a few that might be coming out today. Bye I love you all so so much!

Alexis Out

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