Lashton~ Blizzard Babies

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Hey guys here's another part I so sorry for the delay so here you go! This one shot it for @Sangster_Army. Enjoy!

~Ashton's P.O.V
I slowly waddled into the kitchen and say Luke making breakfast.

"Morning baby." He said to me and I kissed his cheek as my way of saying good morning.

Last night around 10, before bed I told Luke how I was starting to have contractions but since we've had a blizzard in town we can't leave so he's been very cautious since last night and I woke up due to a bit if a stronger contraction this morning around 8.

"Feeling better from last night baby?" He asked me.

"A bit this morning a bit of a stronger one woke me up and the little kicks of Kendall and Fletcher." I said and smiled a bit.

"It's alright it'll be worth it in the end." He said giving me a quick kiss and finished breakfast and we both started eating.

After breakfast we both showered and changed and cuddled on the couch and every now and then I would have a few contractions but nothing major happened until 4 in the afternoon.

My water had broken by then and the contractions we like knives stabbing my stomach. Luke had slowly helped me move from the couch to our bed in our room and it hurt to do anything. When we got upstairs Luke helped me out of my pants and boxers since they were now soaked and he checked me.

"Your about 5 cm Ash." He said and I nodded and laid back in the bed and groaned when I got another contraction.

It was such a long painful 7 hours before Luke told me I was at 7 cm. I smiled weakly and he placed the cloth back down on my forehead.

"C-can we try the tub Luke.." I said getting over the contraction that passed.

"Course baby. I'll go run the water I'll be back." He said leaving the room and going into our bathroom and running the water.

He came back a few minutes later and helped me off the bed and into the tub. I relaxed in the water since it was cooling down my body and making the contractions bearable enough for me to sit there.

I sat in the bath for over 2 hours and Luke came in and checked me again.

"Your at 8 cm." He said and gave me a kiss on the forehead. I smiled weakly and laid my head back against the wall and let the water take away some of my pain.

After another half hour in the tub I had Luke help me out and he dried me off as I held onto his shoulder.

"Did that help some baby?" He asked me gently setting me on the bed.

"Yeah it did. But the water won't help now they hurt too much." I said and laid back against the pillows of the bed.

"Your still at 8 cm. I'd tell you to try and sleep but I don't think that's gonna happen either how close your contractions are baby." Luke said checking me.

I groaned and laid on my side and it helped slightly and I took some deep breaths to try and ease the pain.

I felt the bed dip next to me and Luke started rubbing my back for me and I sighed lightly at the small relief of pain and slowly drifted off to sleep.

-6-7 hours later-

I woke up with a sharper pain to my stomach. I groaned loudly and I felt Luke stir next to me.

"Baby are you alright?" He asked me getting up and sitting at the end of the bed and checking me. I tensed up a little bit and panted lightly as and contraction came again.

"Your good baby. You can start pushing now." Luke said softly and helped me get my legs into position and I waited for my next contraction to come.

When it came I pushed down with all my might and laid back and panted after Luke counted to 10.

"Your doing well baby." He said grabbing my hand and rubbing my knuckles. I smiled weakly and pushed down again when my next contraction came.

"Alright the baby's head is just starting to crown. Another push or two should bring the head out." Luke said and I nodded weakly and pushed again and yelled out in pain.

"Alright easy baby. Just pant for the next couple of contractions. The shoulders should come out slowly." He said and grabbed a firm grip on the baby and I did as I was told and panted for 3 contractions.

"Almost there baby. Now push but gently." He said and I nodded and pushed gently and then laid back again.

"Alright one more push should bring this little guy or gal into this he world Ashy." He said with a wide smile on his face.

I pushed again and stopped when I heard the baby start crying. I smiled and laid back to try and get some energy back before the sibling decided to come as well.

"It's our little Kendall. A little girl." Luke said with tears pricking his eyes slightly. I smiled until I felt a contraction.

"Well now her brother is ready baby." I said and groaned and felt a contraction and shifter slightly.

"Alright. I'm ready when you are." Luke said holding Kendall with one arm and the other waiting for our son.

I grunted and pushed down really hard and I felt Fletcher move down quite a bit and panted lightly.

"I can almost see the top of his head baby." Luke said and I pushed again and panted harshly now.

"I need to changed positions."I said barely whispering and groaned at the contraction that hit me.

"Alright I'll help you. All fours okay baby?" He asked me and I nodded and he helped me steady on my knees and hands and I pushed again once a contraction hit me.

"Alright just pant for a bit his shoulders are almost out." He said and nodded and panted for a bit.

"One last push Ash." He said and I nodded and pushed again and felt instant relief and he helped me lay down again and handed me Fletcher and Kendall.

"I want them to have your last name." I said and looked at Luke tiredly. He smiled and kissed me gently.

"Why don't you get some rest I'll go wash them off and properly dress them." He's said and left while I fell asleep for the first time in over 24 hours.

Kendall Krista Hemmings.

Fletcher Rivalle Hemmings.


Hey guys another part please send me requests I'll happily do them. Bye!

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