Ziam: Comatose part 1

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Hey guys here's another part please send me requests I'll happily do them. Enjoy! This part is dedicated to @viaziaf please enjoy this part please also I'm splitting this request into 2 parts.

Liam's P.O.V

I was sitting back on the couch watching some TV while Zayn made lunch. I stared at the ring on my left hand to think that we tied the knot not too many years ago.

4 years to be precise. I was the greatest day of my life to be married to the love of my life and 8 1/2 months ago we found out I was expecting our little girl much to our shock.

Ever since we found out I was pregnant Zayn hasn't let me do anything other than wash laundry and fold laundry because he doesn't want me to feel useless.

"Hey baby I finished lunch." Zayn said appearing in the living room doorway.

"Alright I'm coming babe." I said and slowly stood up and waddled to the dining room. I sat down across from Zayn.

"I can't wait to show you what I did to the baby's room later Li." He said eating his sandwich.

"I'm positive it's going to be amazing as the rest of the room is." I said with a smile on my face.

After we finished lunch I washed up the dishes and let Zayn lead me to the baby's room and told me to close my eyes and he let go of my hand.

"Go ahead and open your eyes Li." He said and I opened my eyes and gasped.

"This is absolutely amazing Z. Just far to beyond words." I said and hugged him.

"I'm glad you like it. What about the baby?" He asked and I placed his hand where she was kicking and smiled.

"She loves it baby." I said and smiled.

"I think I'm gonna try and take a nap alright Z." I said left to go upstairs after hearing him hum in acknowledgement.

I reached our bedroom and crawled into bed and laid on my side and drifted to sleep.

I woke up to something wet on my legs. I looked down and saw my shorts soaked.

I mentally screamed and looked at the clock and saw it was 6 in the evening.

I slowly got up out of bed and made my way to the door and stopped for a contraction and made my way downstairs.

"Hey Zayn?" I asked walking into the kitchen.

"Yeah baby?" He asked not looking up from the pot on the stove.

"My water broke." I said and he just hummed and I waited a minute before he realized it.

"Wait your water broke!?" He asked now realizing it and turned off the stuff on the stove and came over to me.

"Yeah and she's not waiting either." I said and gripped the island in the kitchen and let and contraction take over for and couple minutes.

"I'll get you to the room and get the stuff needed for birth." He said and helped me back to the bedroom slowly and then proceeded to take off my shorts and boxers and left to get stuff.

Shortly after about 10 or 15 minutes he came back with scissors, towels, string, and a couple things for the baby.

"How many have you had since I was gone?" He asked and I just held up my hand. He nodded and checked me down below.

"Your moving along quite fast your already 5 cm." He said and held my hand.

I squeezed it every now and then when a strong contraction came and hit me.

After about 3 or 4 hours he checked me again.

"You can start pushing baby your ready and I can almost see her head." He said a bit amazed and got down between my legs.

I nodded and pushed when a stong contraction hit me and I felt a pop as most would say for the baby's head coming out.

I was panting really hard and in a shit ton of pain. It was like shitting out a watermelon out of your grape sized asshole.

I bored down again and push really hard. I slowly felt the baby moving down and out of me.

"Babe slow down a bit you might've torn because your bleeding a bit." Zayn said cupping my knee. I nodded slightly and laid back really tired and panted heavily.

Zayn slowly tugged the baby just a little bit to try and help me out and it hurt worse than pushing.

"Stop don't do that..." I whimpered and bit my lip hard and pushed down again. I felt the shoulders come out more.

It was burning. I just wanted the pain to end. I got ready to push again and I guess I was losing too much blood because I was seeing black spots in my vision and I dropped and pasted out after hearing the cries of the baby.

Hey guys here's another part and I'm gonna try and get another part up later today or tomorrow. Bye!

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